Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis

Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis The Podcast where we talk all things sidemount and cave diving - equipment, skills, expeditions and interviews with the world's top sidemount and cave divers.

Episode 105 with Ben Reymenants is out with the support of our show sponsor XDEEP.Ben has a hell of a story from his ear...

Episode 105 with Ben Reymenants is out with the support of our show sponsor XDEEP.

Ben has a hell of a story from his early deep-air diving to becoming a Tech instructor, exploring the Blue Holes including recounting the many bodies he encountered to... a totally new view of the Thai Cave Rescue.

We get into all of that plus muse on the importance of sharing close calls, tech diving manuals, skills practice and the CCR Cave course.

Follow the links below to watch or listen.


Huge thanks to our sponsor XDEEP www.xdeep.eu

To Ben Reymenants - www.bluelabeldiving.com
Ben is supported by:
XDEEP, Fourth Element, Seacraft, and Divesoft

Thanks & Image Credit - Pekka Tuuri

And our patrons of the show who support our production via patreon - https://www.patreon.com/c/speakingsidemount

To watch and listen:
Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/sm8cVSyj9Tw?si=qx6mV7M2xBXMPvFX

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/1vgkZYvgNBN9QWhjCyDubj?si=22030c17bc994a3a

Apple Podcasts (Audio Only) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e105-ben-reymenants-a-life-in-diving/id1430566498?i=1000696261215

Or on the Sidemount Pros website (Video & Audio) https://www.sidemountpros.com/speakingsidemountpodcast

In this episode brought to you by XDEEP, Ben Reymenants shares his extensive diving journey, from his early experiences in the murky waters of Belgium to bec...

An epic episode coming tomorrow on early release exclusively for patron supporters of the podcast. Ben Reymenants has a ...

An epic episode coming tomorrow on early release exclusively for patron supporters of the podcast. Ben Reymenants has a hell of a story from his early deep-air diving to becoming a Tech instructor, exploring the Blue Holes including recounting the many bodies he encountered to... a totally new view of the Thai Cave Rescue. Follow the link below...

Massive thanks to our sponsor XDEEP and patron supporters :).

Get more from Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis on Patreon

Episode 104 of Speaking Sidemount is live and brought to you by our show sponsor, XDEEP, Insta360, and the show's patron...

Episode 104 of Speaking Sidemount is live and brought to you by our show sponsor, XDEEP, Insta360, and the show's patrons.

In this episode, I meet Naomi Allen of Koh Tao Divers in southern Thailand. Naomi is a leading light in the next generation of premiere technical divers and instructors. She has spent the past few years training, teaching, and diving in Thailand with guidance and mentorship from Mikko Paasi, who should need no introduction. In my discussion with Naomi, we get into her background and journey to where she is today. We cover how Naomi trained in sidemount diving, cave diving, and the KISS Sidewinder, and has progressed on to participating in mine exploration projects with Mikko in Thailand.

We talked a lot about the importance of mentors, how to train properly, and the differences between mine and cave diving. We also discuss the value of technical dive training for recreational instructors and how the skill sets transfer from tech diving to open water level courses. And of course, keeping it sidemount, we talk about the right way to train both as a sidemount diver and for those aspiring to be instructors. Enjoy... cheers Steve :)

Photo credits: Krista Paasi and Maxime Cheminade
Naomi's Instagram -

Enjoy 🙂
Huge thanks to XDEEP, Insta360, and our patrons of the show who support our production via patreon - https://www.patreon.com/c/speakingsidemount

To watch and listen:
Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/JWAlrLRy2Hk?si=QpJJVE-8qWGkZIX5

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/1gbcUKldqNfOkV9sG7R8Ky?si=650c77d7cb594046

Apple Podcasts (Audio Only) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e104-naomi-allen-sidemount-and-mine-diving-thailand/id1430566498?i=1000685513885

Or on the Sidemount Pros website (Video & Audio) https://www.sidemountpros.com/speakingsidemountpodcast

Hey, welcome to another episode of Speaking Sidemount, brought to you by our show sponsor, XDEEP, Insta360, and the show's patrons.In this episode, I meet Na...


Episode 104 with Naomi Allen coming soon...

Coming soon on early release for patrons... Episode 104 with Naomi Allen of Koh Tao Divers...

Coming soon on early release for patrons... Episode 104 with Naomi Allen of Koh Tao Divers...

Get more from Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis on Patreon


From the Speaking Sidemount podcast Episode 103, Hollie shares on the importance of protecting shipwrecks.

Hey compliments of the season to you all... thanks so much for your support in 2024!!!Episode 103 is live... brought to ...

Hey compliments of the season to you all... thanks so much for your support in 2024!!!

Episode 103 is live... brought to you by XDEEP, Insta360, and the patrons of Speaking Sidemount.

In this episode, I met Hollie Gallacher-Teggatt, a sidemount diving instructor based in Malta. We get an insight into Hollie's studies in Maritime Archaeology and how she melds this with wreck diving. We learn how she developed a love of sidemount diving and how this has supported her growth in diving towards training and diving CCR. Holly shares on the importance of preserving shipwrecks and how she is working to protect the X127 wreck in Malta. We of course talk heaps on Malta, sidemount diving and what it takes to improve..

Enjoy 🙂

Huge thanks to XDEEP, Insta360, and our patrons of the show who support our production via patreon - https://www.patreon.com/c/speakingsidemount

To watch and listen:
Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/cHOgWYrSbHg?si=vftk2lb5wJ7bjZGA

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/4s64HIEMipVUKGdANoOLnx?si=bWIhUw7ZTUWLc6iiZMT5bQ

Apple Podcasts (Audio Only) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e103-hollie-gallacher-teggart-maritime-archaeology/id1430566498?i=1000681774331

Or on the Sidemount Pros website (Video & Audio) https://www.sidemountpros.com/speakingsidemountpodcast

Episode 103 with Hollie Gallacher-Teggart or  is up on early release for patron supporters of the podcast.Hollie hails f...

Episode 103 with Hollie Gallacher-Teggart or is up on early release for patron supporters of the podcast.

Hollie hails from Ireland but is based between Malta and Southampton, where she is studying for a Master's Degree in maritime archaeology. We discuss Maltese wreck diving and its connection with Hollie's maritime archaeology studies. As Hollie is a Tech Sidemount Instructor (of course), I pick her brain on all things sidemount diving.

Click the link below to check it out and for early access.

Get more from Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis on Patreon

Episode 102 is live!!! This episode brought to you by XDEEP and the patrons of Speaking Sidemount explores the amazing s...

Episode 102 is live!!! This episode brought to you by XDEEP and the patrons of Speaking Sidemount explores the amazing story of Joseph Bicanic's decompression sickness (Bends) incident while cave diving at Boesmansgat or Bushman's Hole in South Africa.

Joseph joined Richard "Harry" Harris and Craig Challen's "Dark Side of the Moon" expedition. While working on mapping the cave and also achieving a personal depth record of 210m, Joseph was "bent" and subsequently had to medevac to Johannesburg for hyperbaric treatment.

You can listen or watch to learn about the expedition the amazing work they did, build-up dives, and the deep dives where Joseph and Harry were bent.

Enjoy :)

Huge thanks to XDEEP and our patrons of the show who support our production via patreon - https://www.patreon.com/c/speakingsidemount

To watch and listen:
You can watch the video episode via the Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/I13pZh_lqj4?si=DRaMB9dYWk-K2Qv4

You can also watch the video episode or listen to the audio version via Spotify https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/e/eltfs8qbSOb

Apple Podcasts (Audio Only) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e102-joseph-bicanic-bent-out-of-shape-at-boesmansgat/id1430566498?i=1000678291375

Or on the Sidemount Pros website (Video & Audio) https://www.sidemountpros.com/speakingsidemountpodcast

This is the amazing story of Joseph Bicanic's decompression sickness (Bends) incident while cave diving at Boesmansgat or Bushman's Hole in South Africa. Jos...

Episode 102 is out on early release for patron supporters of Speaking Sidemount. Joseph Bicanic recounts his amazing sto...

Episode 102 is out on early release for patron supporters of Speaking Sidemount. Joseph Bicanic recounts his amazing story of joining Craig and Harry's expedition to Boesmansgat or Bushmans Hole, the scene of epic record attempts by Sheck Exley and Nuno Gomes plus the tragic fatality of Dave Shaw. Joseph shares the mapping work they undertook, the lead-up dives, and his 210m dive from which he was subsequently bent. He recounts in detail the ascent and the stunning story of his medivac, hyperbaric treatment, and recovery. Check it out via the link below.

Get more from Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis on Patreon

Episode 102 Joseph Bicanic - Bent Out of Shape at Boesmansgat, is scheduled for a "Live Drop" on Patreon Nov 20th. It's ...

Episode 102 Joseph Bicanic - Bent Out of Shape at Boesmansgat, is scheduled for a "Live Drop" on Patreon Nov 20th.

It's an epic story of Joseph's amazing experience as part of the "Dark Side of the Moon" expedition with Richard "Harry" Harris, Craig Challen et al hosted by Don and Andre Shirley. Joseph with Dave Berry completed a first mapping of the lines to 100m in Boesmansgat, before his 210m dive to support Harry and Craig as they sought to dive the deeper sections to over 270m using a diluent containing hydrogen.

Unfortunately both Joseph and Harry had serious decompression sickness episodes during their ascents which required medi-vac and hyperbaric chamber treatment. Thankfully both are recovering well and in this episode Joseph shares his story of the expedition and the DCS incident... Enjoy.

Please share and comment :)

Get more from Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis on Patreon

It's up! Episode 101 with Gus Gonzalez of DIVE TALK is live on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.Huge thanks to Gus f...

It's up! Episode 101 with Gus Gonzalez of DIVE TALK is live on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.

Huge thanks to Gus for his time and to XDEEP, our show sponsor, and Seacraft, our episode sponsor, for their support of the show.

Not forgetting our patrons of the show who support our production via patreon - https://www.patreon.com/c/speakingsidemount

To watch and listen:
You can watch the video episode via the Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/gCU70yXts3U?si=ySLRPqz8pk3rgqYQ

You can also watch the video episode or listen to the audio version via Spotify https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/ExDO258xZNb

Apple Podcasts (Audio Only) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e101-gus-gonzalez-dive-talk/id1430566498?i=1000674552273

Or on the Sidemount Pros website (Video & Audio) https://www.sidemountpros.com/speakingsidemountpodcast

This was a fun episode to produce. Gus is a great guy with interesting perspectives on diving and dive media, through the success of DIVE TALK.

We cover how Gus got started in diving, how he and Woody met, the birth of Dive Talk, the secrets behind Dive Talk's success, and their new initiatives including the Dive Talk GO rebreather and Dive Talk Academy plus we get into the Dive Talk Meetups.

It's great to bring you Episode 101 with Gus Gonzalez, half of the dynamic duo behind the YouTube phenomenon, "Dive Talk". Massive thanks to our podcast spon...

This was a fun episode to produce. Gus is a great guy with interesting perspectives on diving and dive media, through th...

This was a fun episode to produce. Gus is a great guy with interesting perspectives on diving and dive media, through the success of DIVE TALK.

We cover how Gus got started in diving, how he and Woody met, the birth of Dive Talk, the secrets behind Dive Talk's success, and their new initiatives including the Dive Talk GO rebreather and Dive Talk Academy plus we get into the Dive Talk Meetups.

Episode 101 is up on early release for patron supporters of the podcast, follow the link below.

Big thanks also to our sponsors XDEEP and Seacraft.

Also to Gus for sharing with us :).

Get more from Speaking Sidemount with Steve Davis on Patreon

Wow, episode  #100!! It's hard to believe we have got this far... a lot of blood, sweat, and tears as the saying goes. T...

Wow, episode #100!! It's hard to believe we have got this far... a lot of blood, sweat, and tears as the saying goes. Thanks everyone for the support :)!

We would not have made it here without our amazing guests who shared their time with us... Thank you all. And, this could not have happened without the support of XDEEP. They've been with me since the beginning and I am so grateful for the support of such a great brand in diving. Not only do they produce brilliant equipment but their support of this podcast shows their commitment to diver education and improvement.

Other sponsors have supported me... our episode sponsor Seacraft, Shearwater Research, SEAL Drysuits, Fourth Element, and our newest sponsor Insta360.

You can watch the video episode #100 via the Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/8rraQEw0H88?si=_mN4jj0OukAl8d_d

You can also watch the video episode or listen to the audio version via Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sidemountpros/episodes/E100-Josh-Richards---Mt-Gambier-Cave-Discoveries-e2os99s

Apple Podcasts (Audio Only) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/speaking-sidemount/id1430566498

Or on the Sidemount Pros website (Video & Audio) https://www.sidemountpros.com/speakingsidemountpodcast

In this episode, sponsored by XDEEP and Seacraft, I catch up with one of the most interesting people I know... Josh Richards.

Josh and I have known each other for five years and have knocked out some terrific dives together in some of the premier caves of Mount Gambier, South Australia... an area known as the "Limestone Coast".

Josh and I delve into his fascinating journey from military service to stand-up comedy, to being in line for a one-way trip to Mars, and ultimately to becoming a prominent figure in Australian cave diving exploration. We discuss the intricacies of diving, the importance of teamwork, and the skills necessary for technical diving, particularly sidemount diving. Josh shares his experiences in discovering new cave systems in the Mount Gambier region and the dynamics of his team, the Soggy Wombats. Josh's stories emphasise the collaborative spirit of exploration and the joy of sharing discoveries with the diving community.

Enjoy :)

Become a patron and support the show - https://www.patreon.com/speakingsidemount

Thanks to:
Show Sponsor - XDEEP https://www.xdeep.eu/
Episode Sponsor - Seacraft https://seacraft.eu/
Image Credit - Will Passos

Our Guest - Joh Richards

Hey, it's great to bring you... Episode #100!!! Six years, a lot of blood sweat, and tears as the saying goes but a huge amount of learning, growth, and fun....


31 Coopers Drive


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Speaking Sidemount

Welcome to “Speaking Sidemount”. This podcast was born out of my desire to learn and share within the sidemount community. I’ve always been a rabid consumer of sidemount diving YouTube video and Facebook groups. I wanted to share my passion for sidemount diving and also provide a medium for the world’s top sidemount divers, instructors and explorers to share their experiences and thoughts on sidemount diving.

To access premium episodes and support the show check out our Patreon page at - https://www.patreon.com/speakingsidemount

The podcast is available via:

Apple Podcasts - https://goo.gl/RKN8uB Download or Stream - https://goo.gl/fW8ZA4 Stitcher - https://goo.gl/a1DNf4 Spotify - https://goo.gl/okUW2X