The beautiful Kaiteriteri Kayak beach base is open today and every day through the school holidays! A great idea to keep the family entertained during the spring break!
Call 0800 252 925 to book a kayak or paddle board!
Ever womdeeed what our Split Apple Classic is like, take a look @merva_travel adventures with us.
Seakayak in amazing Abel Tasman. The best view on Split Apple rock!
thx buddy @georgia.thomas95 🛶
Remember to tag us in your photos and videos as well as #chasetherainbow #kaiteriterikayaksz we want to see your version of our adventures.
#newzealand #seakayaking #sea #kayak #travelling #czech #kaiteriteri #kaiteriterikayaks #abeltasman #gopro
Hi Team,
Like I said you’ll be seeing a lot of Markus this summer.
At Kaiteriteri Kayak we all have special abilities that make us a necessary part of the team. Here I would like to highlight one of Markus’ talents and something that helps set us aside here.
Translation: 'Kia ora! Hello! my name is Markus, and this is my name sign.
I work as a kayak guide - if you want a NZSL kayak trip, come along! Everyone here at Kaiteriteri Kayaks is fun. See you in the future ! "
#NZSL #seakayak #abeltasmannationalpark
Exploring The Abel Tasman the right way. Enjoy 🌈☀️🌊
What a way to explore the park. Thanks to @onwardtravel for bringing us an awesome bunch on Apple Lovers. Good to see so many chasing the 🌈
#seakayak #chasetherainbow
🌈Chasing the rainbow one day at a time.🌈
Join us on a kayak adventure like this, give us a call, drop us an email or even better pop by & we’ll book you on a trip like this.
#kkchasetherainbow #chasetherainbow #kayak #adventure #travelNZ #seakayak #abeltasman #gopro #tasmansea
Heart of the Park trip teaser. Enjoy 🌈
#kkchasetherainbow #seakayak #kaiteriterikayak #abeltasmannationalpark #travelNZ
Nothing beats having a lagoon to yourself, great company & an unreal beachside picnic.
📸: @ambachampion in the Bark Bay Lagoon,
#kkchasetherainbow #seakayak #exploreNZ #abeltasmannationalpark #bigtonga #ocean #kaiteriterikayaks #liveoutside #newzealandguide
Team member: Kim (@kempenkimvan
Position: Main lady- operations manager.
Favourite food: Japanese
Kim is a park legend, spent the last 10 years exploring every area of the park, she was even born in a kayak.
#chasetherainbow #meettheteam
Look what you will find on a winters day in the Abel Tasman.... A Southern Right Whale with its Calf onboard the Sea Shuttle off Shag Harbour yesterday. We shut the boat off sat there and some of the passengers started singing a waiata to them and they came towards us had a look and carried on their way.... Awesome
How about this for a close encounter...