The PONY Collab

The PONY Collab follow the progress of our horses and ponies and the people that love them. we are committed to providing confidence and experience to people and horses.

Originally called Oakshott equestrian because we were on Oakshott road we have decided to rename the page The PONY Collab. this us because we are a collaboration of talents, ideas and inspirations. it's not one person it's many and we are always learning and developing our skills. We started off doing lessons but quickly found we had a unique service to offer people with ponies. There are no child

ren that ride and train like Giselle does . She has ridden close to 200 horses and ponies broken in, started, restarted or retrained dozens of ponies for people and the results speak for themselves. Check out some our latest projects. They are trained by children because ultimately they are going to be ridden by children and what better way to get them started than by the very size of rider that they will end up with. Ponies quickly work out who is on their backs and what's expected and there is nothing better than to get your new pony child proof. Giselle will start on them and then we have Quaid and Arya to help check their progress and see who they are suitable for. We also sell on behalf, we can get you pony fit Feel free to contact us any time either on 021474739 or send us an email

[email protected]


Delta has someone interested in her and who wouldn't be. This horse is the best. We rarely get horses to sell on behalf that don't require a little work... or a lot of work, to get them to where they need to be. But not Delta.

Aside from an abscess that took awhile to surface this girl is gold ✨️ 💛 👌 in every way.

Miss Autumn has found a new home with kids and other horses, it sounds perfect.  We will miss her a lot, she was the typ...

Miss Autumn has found a new home with kids and other horses, it sounds perfect. We will miss her a lot, she was the type of mini you could only hope for, for your kids, full of fun and adventure and totally kid proof.


* I'm not suggesting anyone rides like this. It's just how you should feel (if not straight away then eventually) on your horse.

I love learning, I love seeing what other people can do and if it's something I can adopt in my riding / Horsemanship.

I love discussing different ideas and thoughts because everyone is different and sometimes we get stuck in our ways or on a loop we can't get off.

Sometimes our ego gets in the way so we can't see another idea or opinion or we are afraid that maybe we aren't as good or know as much as we think we do.

Today my friend stopped in for a quick ride. Giselle took Delta. I was taking kitty but kitty is so hard to ride with others. Fine on her own. No one really enjoys me riding with them when I'm on her because she is jigging and jogging and if you think canter your doing it. I call it the fast and furious when I ride her.

My friend jumped on Misty which was a bit funny since he's 5ft10 Misty is 13hh but she is very wide and we were going for a quiet ride. Anyway we didn't get far before he told me to swap.

I was glad to. Don't get me wrong I have no fear riding Kitty, she has no brakes and can turn on a dime but I've never felt afraid.

I rode Misty ba****ck for about an hour over the farm. She had been quite upset when someone came to see her yesterday and had played up but for me, my friend and Giselle who rode her yesterday she was quiet. I found it interesting I could ride with relaxed contact and there was no trouble from her. She was awesome i would have felt safe to put anyone on her.

My friend did rollbacks on Kitty till she settled. It was a hard work out for her but eventually she understood.

I never thought to do rollbacks. I'd try to keep her mind occupied and her feet moving when she got hyper. I tried to time my release so she knew what I was asking but we had little to no improvement.

My friend rode her for less than an hour and she started to change.

2 things.

Misty likes a relaxed rider, doesn't have to be gutsy, could be a complete beginner as long as they aren't snatching at her face, that they get to know her and don't try to "get up her" be patient and this pony will do anything for you. She was so awesome today over the farm.

Kitty needed clearer information and boundaries. My patient approach didn't work and it took another person to show me.

If you're struggling with your horses I encourage you to stop, breathe, take a step back, get someone else to try, maybe not one type of riding suits. Maybe they need something else.

When people came to see Misty her behaviour shocked me a bit, I made excuses for her but in actual fact they rode differently.

When pressure was applied because she didn't understand what they were asking or didn't feel confident with them, she reacted. Not badly but not great if your nervous. She would prefer you knew nothing and learned how she likes to be rather than you know so much of one style and try to change the way she has been taught on your first ride.

It's a lot to expect a pony at her age who hasn't had many riders just adapt to every person who comes along. We need to slow it down. Shes a brilliant brilliant pony and whoever gets her has a friend for life and safe one at that.



Another question 🤔

Where are all the calm riders? The ones on a loose rein, the ones who aren't balanced on their hands?

That breathe down for a halt and relax or are able to steady their legs and seat independently?

I'm full of wonder at the moment watching people ride and then thinking maybe our relaxed approach to riding isn't normal?

Maybe the ponies we train are so use to loose reins and feeling the rider that when they get to have other people on them, they can't cope?

Arya is the poster child for no contact. She doesn't even use the reins to get on a 15.2hh horse. Quaid was only holding flash because there was thistle in her tail and Arya had to stop and take it out but she rides with barely a breath of contact.

Why do people clutch so tightly to the reins? Why aren't we teaching kids to breathe in and out of transitions? Why are so many people stiff from hand to elbow, elbow to shoulder.

Just relax, stop asking so much. If your tight at a walk Why trot? Go back a step, lower your expectations.

It's suppose to be enjoyable remember that.

As the school holidays end and we get back into the swing of things a curious question has been stuck in my mind. Why do...

As the school holidays end and we get back into the swing of things a curious question has been stuck in my mind.

Why do people growl at their horse, whip it, slap it or boot it at the jump/ obstacle or after it?

The jump is where you want the horse to be. They don't have a brain function to decide to "be naughty " at the jump. There is a reason they are not being compliant and 100% it's not because they are naughty.

Friends, food and comfort are all they think of so it's one of those 3 things.

Why are they not allowed to have feelings, why do they have to put up with our inability to communicate with them in a positive way and get called naughty and get punished because we don't understand them?

When someone treats you the way you treat your horse at an obstacle or a jump does it work?

If someone wants you to do something, is growling at you right at the second your going to do it going to encourage you? What about if they slapped you or whipped you?

If the answer is no, you don't find that approach helpful, why would your horse?

How about some words of encouragement? What about a pat not a slap.

Man I'd love to see people take more of that kind of approach.

After the jump why hit it or yell at it then? Again does that work for you? I don't think it does.

Most of times when I see a horse "misbehaving " after a jump it's rider error, yanking the reins, landing hard, unbalanced, wrong approach to the jump. Very rarely is it the horse. Maybe they get excited but maybe they aren't, can you tell if it's you or them?

I'd love it if people videoed themselves and started reading the horses body language so they can pin point the moment it goes wrong. Is it them? Is it?

Young, green, new horse, new rider, different situations I can understand but if it's the horse you ride regularly then maybe there's something else going on.

Or maybe get a different rider because some times a different rider with no previous expectations can show you a different outcome. Wouldn't it be nice to see your horse do what you want and understand what it needs to do it.

Other riders can help, find one that's not necessarily better but different in a positive way, everyone can learn from that.

At any rate. Jumping shouldn't be so stressful, go out have some fun with it and try to relax. Please stop growling and slapping your horses. Fear should not be the training process you use to get your horse to do something.

Try a pat, words of encouragement not only is it better for you, it's better for them. Whips are for training not punishment. It's amazing what you can get those beautiful animals to do for you when they trust you ❤️


We sold Tinks awhile ago now over a year and wow what a home she went to. Giselle and Swift have spent a lot of time over this summer with them and we could not be happier.

Tinks was pretty good when she was with us but in her new home she has excelled. They went to a Taco bell in Taupiri, they went to the gas station they have been to farms and schools and the beach a few times and now shopping at Raglan and they were even posted on the Raglan page and praised for their riding and picking up their 💩.

This is what we love to see when ponies leave us. Going to homes that give it all and take what we do and make it gold ✨️.

We can only give you the platform the performance is up to you 🥰

Misty is back with us so I thought I'd share a little clip I made of her when she was with us. A little rusty because sh...

Misty is back with us so I thought I'd share a little clip I made of her when she was with us.

A little rusty because she's been on lead rein mostly but getting there pretty quick.

If you are after a great pony for a beginner or even a quiet second pony then check out the clip and get in touch.

We are always willing to help any ponies that have been through us, find a new home because we stand by the ones that come through. We are especially willing to help those which were ours to begin with.

My children are not technical riders they won't go out and win show hunter or dressage competition for correct riding. Giselle is insanely shy when people come to try ponies out so she won't show you what she can actually do or what she can get them to do but the videos say it all.

They produce ponies for kids to be kids on.

Because kids need to be able to be kids on ponies. It's suppose to be fun, it's suppose to be safe, your suppose to learn a bit and gain some confidence, not get a pony too big, too experienced, too capable because you hope your child can grow into them or they can teach your child.

At this height and age it's about the love of a pony not winning ribbons. Success in riding should be measured by your enjoyment for it not your ability. Save that for those who want to compete, for the majority of kids it is fun. Check it out

Misty is our lovely Andalusian cross Welsh mare who we sold last year but sadly the new owners have had a change of circumstances and need to sell her and ob...


Autumn is officially available. Her registered name is Totara Creek Identities Best Deal. Shes 5 and just as cute as a button.

Great little kids pony to start on lead and move to off lead. We are starting to get the jump so anything and everything is possible with the right support.

Get in touch if you are looking for a lead rein pony for a pony crazy kid.


Here they are both Misty and Delta. Both will be officially up for sale this week.

I will pop up a video but here we go. Took Delta out on the farm today I was excited to have a ride on her but it lasted...

I will pop up a video but here we go. Took Delta out on the farm today I was excited to have a ride on her but it lasted all of 5min because Kevin was completely out of sorts.

So Arya swapped and she took Delta. She really is a very steady trust worthy horse.

We also got Misty back to sell on behalf. Her owners had a change of circumstances and they are very very sad to have to part with her 😢. She hasn't been ridden in 2 months but you wouldn't know it. Giselle hopped on ba****ck rode out on the farm did gates went into paddocks by herself and cantered around and Misty was foot perfect.

If you are looking for the ultimate 13hh pony then Misty is it. Get in touch as whoever gets her is going to have a lot of fun on this versatile girl.


Autumn is the best. Fantastic day at Port Waikato 😀


We have 3 horses coming up for sale.

You may remember Delta who we got in just before Christmas, now she ended up with an abscess so we have nursed her through that and we are out the other side.

Today she took one of our friends who is only 11 and been on a horse 3 times before this. 3 of the girls took off at one point and Delta didn't bat an eye.

She is a big solid unit of a horse but totally reliable. Over the weekend we hope to get her to do some flat work and then if that's looking good then she will be available

We also have Autumn and one other coming Sunday.

If you are looking for a beautiful safe big solid girl who can do it all then Delta is the one. She is absolutely fabulous 👌


And here is the finished product. We have done a beautiful job breaking Autumn in. She can do off lead as well, all the buttons are there except canter but you never know we might get that uploaded too.

She is really really calm and unflappable. Perfect kids pony.

We are busy busy at the moment with 2 to finish off with the breaking in. Autumn is almost done, Amaro is getting his tu...

We are busy busy at the moment with 2 to finish off with the breaking in. Autumn is almost done, Amaro is getting his turns and stop and go.

We have 3 young ones which are slowly going through all the things you need to do with young ponies so when it comes to starting them when they are old enough it's a breeze. Ruffy and Genie and learning to lead and Pekoe has had all the gear on and we will start leading him off the other horses soon.

Then we have the 2 mummas Nevada and Maemae who are going to start the break in process.

So much on but it's all going very well ☺️

We are finally at the stage where we have some time and the ponies are more settled to start the break in process.  Autu...

We are finally at the stage where we have some time and the ponies are more settled to start the break in process.

Autumn had her first canter under saddle-woohoo
Ruffy and Genie are beginning lead training- yay
Maemae and Nevada got the saddle blankets on.

Maemae was pretty good, she's a bit defensive but being a bit more tolerant of new things she quickly let me put the saddle blanket on and off multiple times.

Nevada wasn't so relaxed about it. I do believe once she gets use to the process she will be the easier one of the 2. She needs to trust you and what your doing so it's going to be slow but I'd say ultimately she will do more.

At any rate things are progressing with the little ones.


Autumn is just the best. We set up a mini obstacle course and as you can see she wasn't phased by a single thing.

This pony is awesome. She will be available soon so if you want a pony for your little kids she could be the one.

As you know we are huge fans of small ponies for kids. We have had dozens of minis through over the years all going to great homes where they could teach their riders the love of ponies.

So many people over look minis because of their size and yet those who have had minis for their kids to start off on understand the beauty of kids being able to do it all themselves safely.

Too many times people over horse their kids, too big, too young, too forward, too green etc...

But when the pony is small many of those things don't matter because its fun.

Autumn is a prime example of what we see in minis. Bold, confident, willing and cute as a button.

On the weekend we had someone come lead her through the course who had never led a pony ever in his life and she was fantastic. That's pretty impressive


It's been a busy day. We got Pekoe all geared up, as suspected he could careless.

We have been working on getting Amaro ready to start under saddle. He has been backed previously however he needed some ground work and just learning to relax before we attempted anything like getting on. He seemed to hold a lot of worry in him so putting him under pressure isn't what we want.

I think all our prep paid off because he was a super star. Still had no idea about any aids at all but getting on and leading wasn't a drama. Great start

Super proud of Autumn today 💙 she's got the beginning of trot. Definitely more woah than go. She's just about there. Goo...

Super proud of Autumn today 💙 she's got the beginning of trot. Definitely more woah than go. She's just about there. Good brakes, no silliness or worry just cruised along like a lead rein pony should.

Got to get the neighbours kids down for a test run because they are complete beginners. Very exciting to see Autumn come along so well. When She came she couldn't even be still at the tie up, she would kick about when picking her hooves and now she's a pro.

She's going to make a fabulous kids pony 😍





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