The Marahau Pledge
Kahu Kayaks is super proud to be a founding member of the Marahau pledge. It's a commitment to working together in our small part of paradise to further enhance its magic
Started training for the 2031 staff intake
Kahu Kayaks making pack up look sexy since 2006
Everyone always asks what is it like working in tourism?? So we made a wee video of a normal working day here at Kahu Kayaks #kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #lotsoflaughs
Give a kayak and a camera to @luuce.cannon then sit back and enjoy the result
Nothing like an unveiling
#kahukayaks #ford #unvailing #abeltasmannationalpark #marahau #tractorsarecool
Whether your enjoying a day on the ocean or pulling a sick backflip back at base. A kahu lifejacket is all the protection you need
#kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #sendit #nzmustdo #ilovenelsontasman #lovemotueka #marahau
You like Coffee, We like Coffee. Why not stop by and enjoy a freshly brewed cup with us
#kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #beautifulnewzealand #coffeebreak #lovemotueka #ilovenelsontasman #sublimecoffeeroasters #southislandnz
Another day out on the water keeping you safe, it's the Abel Tasman Dolphin Patrol
#kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #nzmustdo #wildnewzealand #newzealand #actionstations
Everyone always asked what is it like working in tourism?? So we made a wee video of a normal working day here at Kahu Kayaks #kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #lotsoflaughs
Safety is sexy sun smart
#safetyissexy #kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #sunsmart #ilovenelsontasman #lovemotueka #instatravel #lunchtimeproductions #kahucrew
You would of thought a day out on the water would have these guys plumb tucked, appears not as they prepare for there evening circus work
#teamcrazy #fullofbeans #kahukayaks #abeltasmannationalpark #circustraining