A little garden update 🐝 ~ I haven’t had a whole lot going on in the garden this spring but things are taking off now. Amazing what a bit of warm weather can do!
The dahlias are coming along, all left in from last year with Totally tangerine and Copper boy first off the ranks.🍊 Poppies are few & far between and I’ve planted a bunch of cosmos & other summer annuals recently. My light pink Agrostemma is sooo pretty & whimsical, & my Achillea bed is getting taller by the day.
My larkspur lost the plot quite early on its very un-cutable but still cute, and I’m most excited about the new perennial bed courtesy of dearest Aila at ❤️. Just got some zinnias to plant and might call it a day, at least until early summer. Still contemplating pulling out more of my giant verbena, it’s slowly taking over. Who else is praying for not a dry summer? 🙏🏼💦