Behind the scenes.......the washing elf tackled this lot while I had an early night 😴😉.
Refreshed and ready to do it all again today!!
Bookings are going crazy here and at Blackwood.
If you're planning a winter getaway, better book your dates quickly
#laundrymountain #airbnblove #readyfortheguests #rotoruaholidays #washingagain #rotoruanz #laundryelf #leaningtower #washdryironfold #cottage135 #blackwoodfairysprings #washdaywednesday #rinseandrepeat
When I arrive at the cottage after each guest, the first thing I do is read the comments in our guest book. Today's guests surprised me by leaving me a lovely message on our chalkboard 😍😍
#airbnb #bestguests #rotoruanz #airbnbguests #rotoruaairbnb #chalkboardlove #cottage135 #1950scottage
Enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon at the Government Gardens
Live concert every Sunday during February and March 😎
#governmentgardensrotorua #liverotorua #cottage135 #touristliferotorua #airbnblove #rotorualocals #loverotoruanz #lovelazysundays #musicattherotunda
#cottage135 #rotorua