Our Kaupoi Adventures team are dedicated to bringing the Adventure to our Manuhiri or guests in an authentic, cultural and real kiwi way. We work with guests from all over the world and Aotearoa and give them a truly unique experience here in Te Tairawhiti.
We began 5 years ago and have been able to provide awesome experiences for manuiri time and time again.
We’re a Maori owned and operated company with a massive whanau influence to help us stay on top of our game here in Te Tairawhiti.
We offer a range of different options from Maori historic tours, kai gathering adventures both off the whenua and in the moana, farm stays, significant area hikoi, fishing charters, eco tours and much, much more.
We diversified 2 years ago and implemented the Maunga to Moana Adventure Race here in Ruatorea to bring some income to our small towns on the coast. This now has grown unbelievably and hopefully will be a main draw card for our industry here on the coast.
We are all about giving our Manuhiri the experiences and the Adventures that we are lucky enough to have here in the regions. Adventures like hunting, diving, gathering kai off the beach, camping, farming, Significant stories and area visits.
Overall, Kaupoi Adventures is a company started on the Coast based on Manaaki and Manuhiri. We stay true to our values as Maori and as coasties and try to get community involvement where ever we can. We believe that we have so much to offer here on the coast and we are keen to lead the way to get whanau back supporting our regions.