This group enjoyed a Double boat private charter evening sail. A visit to the Maori Rock Carving’s, swimming and a dance competition on the way home. #sailbarbary #lovetaupo #ecofriendly #privatecharter #fun #swimming #music #dancecompetition
Swimming in Sunshine ☀️ We stop for swimming (weather permitting) on all our trips just let the Skipper know your keen. #swimming #lovetauponz# #sailingtaupo #ecofriendly #laketaupocruise #maorirockcarvings
A taste of sailing on Lake Taupo. Peaceful and quiet except for natural sounds. #sailingtaupo #maorirockcarvings #ecofriendly #lovetauponz #newzealandvacation #sailbarbary #sustainabletourism #ecosailing #sunnyday #carbonneutral
Last night we had a big 5.6 earthquake out in Lake Taupo. It created a large wave, this is some footage of the high tide mark and our boats in the Taupo Boat Harbour. Photo credit Taupo Pedal Boats.
Lake Taupo experienced a 5.5 earthquake out in the lake which caused a wee tsunami here is some footage of the results!
#sailbarbary #ecosailing #lovetauponz
Photo credit #taupopedalboats
Sailing trip to visit the Maori Rock Carvings. Including the one of the first swim s of the season! #sailingtaupo #maorirockcarvings #ecofriendly #lovetauponz
Are you looking for something to do this weekend? Then Sail Barbary is a perfect choice eco friendly and relaxing. #lovetauponz #ecofriendly #maorirockcarvings
#ecosailing #carbonneutral #beautiful #sailbarbarytaupo #electricengines #purenewzealand
There goes the most eco friendly boat on the lake, off on another adventure to the Maori Rock Carvings. Sails go up when she leaves the Waikato River #sailingtaupo #lovetauponz #maorirockcarvings #ecofriendly #backyourbackyard #NZMustDo #IfYouSeekNZ #fathersday