Slight change to our prices, doing a 4 hour trip this is for kids or casual fishing just near Mana the bridge and surrounding reefs $800 group or $160 a head. Going near Hunters Vern’s or places like that will be the 6 hour trip $900 the boat or $180 a head then the full day which can be groper as well or just more spots and time for a free dive maybe is $1200 the boat we take 5 people 4 is better we can take 6 if it’s with kids or smaller people and there is a weight limit of approx 600 kg in total for safety reasons. All the tackle and bait is included.We was out yesterday we caught tarakihi trevally snapper kahawai and gurnard one of the better days lately fish have been a bit off or just not there. Tuna being caught now but always a gamble.