A mystery for you.
An encounter a couple of days ago has grabbed our attention and we're keen to hear your thoughts - and if you're in the area of Lake Hauroko and near Wairaurahiri Jet we would love you to look and listen extra carefully and help identify this bird.
"When hiking along the lake side on a small path on the edge of the forest, we heard a bird’s sound we had never heard before. It was so different from other known sounds that it made us stop in our tracks and look for the bird, although we‘re usually not the biggest bird enthusiasts. We then found the bird sitting in a tree approximately 6-8 m high in a tree at a distance of app. 10 meters. I took my binoculars out and tried to identify the dark bird, but we‘re absolutely no ornithologists) . The bird was facing our direction and what we found strange was that the dark grey feathers didn‘t look aligned. The bird looked quite puffy/fluffy and you could see single feathers standing out. As we looked against the light (that fell through the branches of the trees) the bird was more or less in the shade and we were not able to identify others colours than grey."
Our expert Rhys Buckingham responded:
"The area was one of the biggest kokako mysteries I encountered ever. I made several trips looking at the area near the road end on Lake Hauroko, probably mid-late 1980s. No parking lodge then, just a parking area. I dragged ecologist Kerry Brown to the area and we heard calls we both thought must be from kokako. Originally I was following up reports from a Gretta Bussell, who had sightings and heard calls she was sure were from kokako from the road head at Lake Hauroko. Our investigations confirmed the anomaly bird sounding like NI kokako was there. Just wasn't the type to shake its body at us.
Curious to get a report today from the same area! If it is kokako, it is even more elusive than we could think or dream! We need a quantum leap to resolve this."
Let us know your thoughts and your experiences there - thank you!
(Photo borrowed from Wild Things HQ, thank you)