**UPDATE 5-1-20
I've just stumbled across some comments in a group where this album has been shared which have actually quite upset me, where people have stated they have no idea where i get my timings from and another share where i've been slated and it states "this woman has no idea what she is talking about". I can assure you all that these timings are carefully recorded and accurate. To the point where all the stopwatches all over the kitchen are a nuisance, but i'm still doing these timing pics several years later to help others as many others find them useful. The time taken is reflected in the quality of my work and perfectionism. I have nothing to gain from making up these timings as they are done after the cake has been quoted, completed and paid for, so they are certainly not a means for me to charge more money. Now questioning whether to continue doing these or not as they're not the quickest to do either when you're as computer illiterate as me!!!!
**UPDATE 28-1-17
Since this album has been shared a lot over the last few days I have had a lot of messages and questions from people so I thought I would just clarify a few points:
- Baking time is not included (even though it does say so on the pics, this is something I need to amend on the main pic template as it isn't something I have picked up on previously).
- Some of the cakes/tiers are dummy cakes (therefore timings are shorter for measuring and mixing). Hence whilst it may appear on the surface that a single tier has taken longer than a three tier to measure, mix and bake, this is why!!!!
- All times are measured and not estimated - I have stop watches all over the place timing the various things I have on the go, but to keep the pics a little streamlined I have rounded up or down to the nearest half hour.
- In some instances, different versions have been made of flowers/models to give the customer a choice and the time taken to make the different versions is included in the final timing(s), but you only see the chosen version in the final pic.
- If something has gone wrong, and I needed to re-do something (for example, re-bake, re-cover) then this time has also been included.
- I have had a lot of people asking permission to share this album - there is no need to ask (as I fear I may miss a request in the hundreds of comments), PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE :-)
A brief insight into how long my cakes take to create.
Measuring, mixing and baking - this includes lining the tins, measuring ingredients and mixing for any cakes, buttercream, ganache, curds, jams etc. It doesn't include any oven time. Not all cakes are vanilla, grating carrots and chopping dates for example can substantially increase the time taken.
Level & fill, buttercream, cover - this includes levelling the cakes, filling with buttercream, crumb coating, applying a base of ganache to provide a smooth straight foundation then covering with fondant. Also covering the cake drum and colouring the icing. Basically getting the cake to a stage where it is ready to be decorated.
Modelling - this is any figures, flowers, models, anything 3D.
General decoration - any decoration which isn't 3D such as stripes, spots, decorations made with cutters, messages.
Assembly - putting it all together - dowelling, stacking, assembling all the components, ribbon on the board.
In addition to the above but not included in each individual cakes timesheet is the time taken to design the cake, research new techniques, dummy runs of new skills, paperwork (booking form, booking confirmation), shopping for supplies, oven/hob time, general health and hygiene in order to maintain our 5* rating........the list goes on!
Hopefully you will all enjoy seeing this little insight x