Bomb The Bill
Over 100 Submissions Tonight 🪓 🌊
Bomb The Bill
Taitamariki Submission Event
Wednesday 4th December | 5pm - 7pm at the Whangārei Aquatic Centre
Let’s bomb the bill as we come together to do some bombs and submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill at the Whangārei Aquatic Centre.
There will be submission writing stations and the outdoor diving boards will be open with prizes for the best manus.
This is a free event including the entry to the pools.
There is no age restriction on who can write a submission. Let’s make a splash and make our voices heard.
Ka tangi a Tūkaiāia ki te moana, kia tupato ko Ngātiwai kei te moana e haere ana. Ka tangi a Tūkaiāia ki te tuawhenua, kia tupato ko Ngātiwai kei te tuawhenua e haere ana!
As we continue our efforts to protect our Tino Rangatiratanga and Mana Tukuiho, Te iwi o Ngātiwai proudly share a haka inspired by Te Pepeha mō Tūkaiāia.
We share it now and encourage our whānau to learn it.
This is a declaration to the world that our reo, synonymous with the cry of Tūkaiāia, the kaitiaki Manu Moana of Ngātiwai, will always echo across the rohe.
Tūkaiāia, also known as Tutemahurangi, is synonymous with Ngātiwai, and when its cry is heard, people are on high alert, as Ngātiwai will be advancing.
We reiterate the sentiments expressed to the ministers of the Crown by our Chairman Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards: "Unuhia mai o mātimati e Te Karauna i ngā whenua, te Takutai Moana me te Mana Rangatiratanga o Ngātiwai."
The haka is an expression of Te Kotahitanga o Ngātiwai.
We make special mention to Maru Heemi Henare for composing this haka and creating this video alongside Hēmi Baker
Te Rangitukiwaho Edwards, Pohatu Randell, Kanoa Morunga, Te Kapua Leuluai-Walker & Kapotai Ngawaka-Tamihana
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Pou Whakahaere
We join our Deputy Chairperson Rōpata Diamond and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell for the final episode of our Annual Report Series. Rōpata explains who are trustees are, our current meeting schedule, Ngā Tikitiki o Tū Te Mahurangi (our strategic intent). He also outlines his vision for the remainder of the trustees’ three-year term.
Our current meeting schedule looks like this each quarter:
1st Month - Quarterly Operation Hui at the Ngātiwai Trust Board
2nd Month - Hui ā Marama on our Marae
3rd Month - Strategic Hui at the Ngātiwai Trust Board
“It has been a collective effort to achieve the things of the last financial year. Ngā Tikitiki o Tū Te Mahurangi our strategic intent helps to define what that pathway looks like for us.”
We’re excited to connect with you this weekend!
Pre-AGM: Friday, 5 PM at Hihiaua Cultural Centre
AGM: Saturday, 10 AM at Hihiaua Cultural Centre
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Alternative Education
Kea Randell from Pou Mātauranga and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell discuss the importance of Alternative Education and the opportunities it creates for taitamariki.
“What we quickly leaned was that there weren’t enough options for our tamariki. So after reviewing what was going on in alternative education, we decided to put out expressions of interest to potential organisations who wanted to deliver the contract.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Pou Mātauranga
Jackie Sadler from Pou Mātauranga and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell discuss the advantages of operating as an iwi Private Training Establishment (PTE). They highlight the wide range of courses available and share some of the inspiring success stories from those who have taken part in these programs.
“Through our PTE we are able to run certain courses to fulfill the needs of our uri and to build up our prosperity for Ngātiwai and for all those that enrol with us as well.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Pou Taiao
Pou Taiao Manager Clive Stone and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell reflect on the priorities, risks, and challenges faced by Pou Taiao. For Te Iwi o Ngātiwai, the protection and care of the Taiao has always been a central focus as we navigate ongoing challenges like climate change and biosecurity threats. In response, Pou Taiao remains dedicated to investing in our kaimahi to meet these issues head-on.
“Our goal is to continue to upskill the workers that we’ve got, to provide all of the necessary tools that they need to do their job well.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Pou Tahua
Pou Tahua Commercial Board Chair Brandon Edwards and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell discuss the past financial year for the Commercial Arm of the Ngātiwai Trust Board. Our Commercial Board alongside Koau Capital Partners have been invaluable to the ongoing prudent stewardship of the Ngātiwai commercial assets in what has been a challenging year and tough economic environment.
“I actually love working with Ngātiwai my iwi and the people that are part of the commercial board and hopefully we’re delivering positive outcomes for our people.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Pou Rangatiratanga
Pou Rangatiratanga Manager Tania McPherson and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell discuss the key focus areas for Pou Rangatiratanga this past year including the Marine and Coastal Area Takitai Moana Act (MACA), Overlapping Claims and our Ngātiwai Tribal Landscape Report.
“It’s really important that when we went into the MACA process the board made a decision that it would not be the body that would hold any rights available to be achieved under the legislation. And that it would support our hapū and our whānau to progress those applications and to be able to hold them.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Pre AGM Evening
This Friday 5pm at Hihiaua Culture Centre we have our whānau focussed Pre AGM evening before our AGM on the Saturday from 10am.
There will be be whānau photos, giveaways, games, kai, Mr Whippy, bouncy castles, haka learning and our kaimahi running stalls showcasing their mahi this past year.
Nau mai haere mai.
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Attendance Services
Kea Randell from Pou Mātauranga and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell talk about the mahi of our Attendance Services team that has worked with 51 kura from Whangaruru to Waipū supporting 1,173 ākonga (382 irregular attendance and 791 not enrolled) this past financial year.
“We are working with our people, we are our own solution. And as a people we need to look inside for answers rather than outside for answers.”
“It’s only when we have a relationship with our whānau will they open up and trust us enough to maybe take advice or ask for help. But until those relationships are formed and solidified only then will we make a difference to education.”
“The future of our tamariki lies in our hands it’s not about choosing to be in this space. We have a responsibility to our future generations to do something now or they carry the burden we leave behind for them.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy:
Hui-ā-Tau 2024 Ngātiwai Annual Report Series
Drivers Licensing
Our Community Testing Officer Alana Laybourn and Raukura CEO Simon Mitchell discuss the activities of our 4 person driver licensing team this past financial year. Alana is the only Community Testing Officer in Whangārei that can issue class one licenses outside of VTNZ.
The team helped ākonga this year achieve:
- 95 Learner Licenses
- 82 Restricted License
- 64 Full Licenses
“I get invested in their success as well. I’m sitting there just as nervous as them.”
“If they see a pass sometimes that’s the first time they will have ever seen a pass on anything they have ever tested for. It just starts from there and I just hope it starts a lifelong chain of successes.”
To review our Annual Report head to our website or come into the office to grab a physical copy: