Exclusive Travel Agency N.V

Exclusive Travel Agency N.V The Holiday People. Book your dream escape with us. www. exclusivetravelagency.com

Happy Holi to the Hindu community celebrating the "Festival of Colours."

Happy Holi to the Hindu community celebrating the "Festival of Colours."

Happy 53rd Republic Day Anniversary to all Guyanese at home and overseas as the nation moves forward with strength, dive...

Happy 53rd Republic Day Anniversary to all Guyanese at home and overseas as the nation moves forward with strength, diversity and unity!

Calovebora (Veraguas province) is the perfect destination for a stimulating eco-escapade from the world's noise. Here, t...

Calovebora (Veraguas province) is the perfect destination for a stimulating eco-escapade from the world's noise. Here, the sea, jungle, and river merge into the ultimate tropical paradise for nature lovers. What will you do first?
🚣‍♀ Take a canoe trip down the river.
🌳 Discover the trails.
🌊 Jog on the beach.

Calovébora (provincia de Veraguas) es el destino perfecto para una estimulante ecoaventura lejos del ruido del mundo. Aquí, el mar, la selva y el río son uno, convirtiéndose en el paraíso tropical soñado por los amantes de la naturaleza. ¿Qué harás primero?
🚣‍♂ Navegar en canoa por el río.
🌳 Recorrer los senderos.
🌊 Trotar en la playa.


In need of a dreamy Caribbean getaway? Go to Portobelo in Colon province and take a 10-minute water taxi to La Huerta Be...

In need of a dreamy Caribbean getaway? Go to Portobelo in Colon province and take a 10-minute water taxi to La Huerta Beach. This golden-sand heaven is usually only crowded with the countless trees surrounding it. And the trip includes an extra surprise right in front: Drake Island, a favorite among locals to admire the submarine world. Are you trying this itinerary?

¿Necesitas una escapada caribeña? Ve a Portobelo en la provincia de Colón y toma un taxi acuático de 10 minutos hasta Playa La Huerta. Este paraíso de arena dorada generalmente solo está concurrido por los innumerables árboles que lo rodean. Y la aventura incluye una sorpresa extra justo enfrente: Isla Drake, una de las favoritas entre los locales para admirar el mundo submarino. ¿Repetirás este itinerario cuando vengas?

📸: (1, 3); (2).

How would you spend your day on Boca Brava Island? Some might opt to start their trip touring the beach, finding seashel...

How would you spend your day on Boca Brava Island? Some might opt to start their trip touring the beach, finding seashells on the white sand, and breathing in the pure ocean air. Others would go hiking to discover the island's fauna and flora. And some are more into exploring the sights by paddling or sailing from Boca Brava to over 15 other paradises in the Gulf of Chiriqui. What would you do first?

¿Cómo disfrutarías tu día en Isla Boca Brava? Algunos optarían por comenzar el paseo recorriendo la playa a pie, encontrando conchas marinas en la arena blanca y respirando el aire puro del océano. Otros se aventurarían en la microselva de la isla para descubrir su fauna y flora. Y algunos prefieren explorar los alrededores remando o navegando desde Boca Brava a más de 15 otros paraísos en el Golfo de Chiriquí. ¿Tú qué harías primero?

📸: .hollman (1); .field.guide (2); (3); (4).

It's impossible to commemorate Panama's   without highlighting Congo dances and music 🎶, one of the cultural legacies of...

It's impossible to commemorate Panama's without highlighting Congo dances and music 🎶, one of the cultural legacies of Africans brought to Panama during colonial times and kept alive by their descendants. In these theatrical performances, the drums and whistles 🪘 mark the rhythm of skilled dancers who emulate different characters surrounded by a choir of women singing about life struggles with a pinch of humor. Come to experience the rich culture of a resilient community determined to preserve its memory 👏.

Es imposible conmemorar el en Panamá sin destacar las danzas y la música 🎶, uno de los legados culturales de los africanos traídos a Panamá durante la época colonial y mantenido vivo por sus descendientes. En estas representaciones artísticas, los tambores y silbatos 🪘 marcan el ritmo de hábiles bailarines que emulan a diferentes personajes rodeados de un coro de mujeres que cantan sobre las luchas de la vida con una pizca de humor. Ven a experimentar la rica cultura de una comunidad resiliente decidida a preservar su memoria 👏.

Happy 56th Independence Day to All our Guyanese Brother and Sisters who is Celebrating home and abroad.   .

Happy 56th Independence Day to All our Guyanese Brother and Sisters who is Celebrating home and abroad.



Hear the call of Panama's neotropical rainforests? 🍃 Jump from your couch to our diverse green universe while ziplining among thousands of ancient trees 🌳. Immerse into Panama's untamed landscapes by crossing hanging bridges and cable cars 600 meters above ground, escorted by imposing waterfalls 💦 and the mighty howl of monkeys 🐒. Or how about spotting over 1k bird species in our protected parks and reserves? 🦜 Pack your trekking shoes and prepare to explore Central America's most forested country. .

¿Escuchas el llamado de las selvas neotropicales de Panamá? 🌿 Salta de tu sofá a nuestro diverso universo verde mientras viajas en tirolesa entre miles de árboles 🌳. Sumérgete en los paisajes indómitos de Panamá cruzando puentes colgantes y teleféricos a 600 metros de altura, escoltado por imponentes cascadas 💦 y el poderoso aullido de los monos 🐵. ¿O qué tal ver más de mil especies de aves en nuestras reservas y parques protegidos? 🦜 Empaca tus zapatillas más cómodas y prepárate para explorar el país más boscoso de Centroamérica. .

Follow your free-spirit soul to Santa Catalina (Veraguas province), an extensive beach hidden in a tiny fishing town. Ma...

Follow your free-spirit soul to Santa Catalina (Veraguas province), an extensive beach hidden in a tiny fishing town. May the Pacific's constant swell inspire you to reconnect with yourself as you horseback ride along the beach at golden hour, cooling off by the ocean breeze and admiring the landscape's immensity. Did you know you can sail to Coiba National Park from here?

Sigue tu alma de espíritu libre hasta Santa Catalina (provincia de Veraguas), una extensa playa escondida en un pequeño pueblo pesquero. Que el constante oleaje del Pacífico te inspire a reconectarte contigo mismo mientras cabalgas por la playa a la hora dorada, refrescándote con la brisa del mar y admirando la inmensidad del paisaje. ¿Sabías que puedes navegar hacia el Parque Nacional Coiba desde aquí?


Perhaps you think these explorers traveled far to venture into this lush Eden. But in reality, they are in Panama City, ...

Perhaps you think these explorers traveled far to venture into this lush Eden. But in reality, they are in Panama City, the world's only capital with teeming neotropical rainforests within city limits. Explore Panama's untamed landscapes to fall in love with nature again as you discover pristine trails, tropical fragrances, and new plant species in protected reserves without even leaving the city. Are you ready to follow the call of Panama's green paradises and unveil the secrets of Central America's most forested country?

Tal vez pienses que estos exploradores viajaron muy lejos para aventurarse en este exuberante Edén. Pero en realidad, están en Ciudad de Panamá, la única capital en el mundo con frondosas selvas neotropicales dentro de sus límites citadinos. Ve tras los paisajes indómitos de Panamá para volver a enamorarte de la naturaleza al descubrir prístinos senderos, fragancias tropicales y nuevas especies de plantas en reservas protegidas sin siquiera salir de la ciudad. ¿Estás listo para seguir el llamado de los paraísos verdes panameños y descubrir los secretos del país más boscoso de Centroamérica?

The Management and staff of Exclusive Travel Agency would like to wish you and your family a HAPPY EASTER!

The Management and staff of Exclusive Travel Agency would like to wish you and your family a HAPPY EASTER!

Rebuild. Rebrand. Restart.Believe in you.

Rebuild. Rebrand. Restart.

Believe in you.

Downtown Barcelona Spain.

Downtown Barcelona Spain.

Happy International Woman's Day.

Happy International Woman's Day.

Have you ever been drenched in sweat after trekking through the jungle for hours and unexpectedly found yourself before ...

Have you ever been drenched in sweat after trekking through the jungle for hours and unexpectedly found yourself before a solitary Eden? That's when you finally sigh and say thanks! 🙏 In Cerro Hoya National Park's vast territory, heavenly surprises like this abound. After all, you have 32,557 wild hectares to explore there. Who would you like to share this moment with?

¿Alguna vez has estado empapado en sudor tras caminar jungla adentro durante horas y de repente encontrado un edén solitario? En ese momento es cuando finalmente suspiras y agradeces internamente 😌. En el vasto territorio del Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya abundan sorpresas celestiales como esta. Después de todo, ahí tienes 32,557 hectáreas salvajes para explorar. ¿Con quién te gustaría compartir este momento?


Happy New Month.

Happy New Month.

What do you do when the virgin beach you want to visit is on the other side of a lush tropical jungle? Well, you hike 35...

What do you do when the virgin beach you want to visit is on the other side of a lush tropical jungle? Well, you hike 35 minutes through it to reach paradise. Sometimes, finding uncrowded Caribbean havens like Wizard Beach on Bocas del Toro's Bastimentos Island requires a little extra effort. But hard work always pays off. Slide through the carousel to discover more of this exotic excursion and its paradisiac reward.

¿Qué haces cuando la playa virgen que deseas visitar se encuentra al otro lado de una exuberante selva tropical? Pues, caminas 35 minutos a través de ella hasta llegar al paraíso. A veces, encontrar edenes poco frecuentados como Wizard Beach en Isla Bastimentos, Bocas del Toro, requiere un poco de esfuerzo extra. Pero el trabajo arduo siempre trae recompensas. Desliza para descubrir más sobre esta exótica excursión y su paradisíaco secreto.


Happy 52nd Republic Anniversary Guyana.

Happy 52nd Republic Anniversary Guyana.

As the sun goes down in Panama City's Casco Antiguo (old quarter), the moon comes out, and the lights are on to guide yo...

As the sun goes down in Panama City's Casco Antiguo (old quarter), the moon comes out, and the lights are on to guide your steps between restored colonial buildings on charming cobblestone streets. Give in to the night's spontaneity and decide if you prefer dining under the stars on a terrace 🍝, seeing a play at the National Theater 🎭, having a drink facing the Pacific 🍹, or mingling with the local art scene in a gallery 👩‍🎨. Sounds like a plan? 📸: .droning

Cuando se pone el sol sobre el Casco Antiguo de Ciudad de Panamá, la luna sale y todas las luces se encienden para guiar tus pasos entre edificios coloniales restaurados sobre encantadoras calles adoquinadas. Déjate llevar por la espontaneidad de la noche y decide si prefieres cenar bajo las estrellas en una terraza 🍲, ver una obra en el Teatro Nacional 🎭, disfrutar un trago frente al Pacífico 🍸 o conocer la escena artística local en alguna galería 👨‍🎨. ¿Te unes al plan?

"Stabroek market at dusk. Have you ever visited this iconic landmark in Georgetown? Photo: FidalBassier        "

"Stabroek market at dusk. Have you ever visited this iconic landmark in Georgetown?

Photo: FidalBassier


This could be you right now: waking up over Bocas del Toro's unreal blue paradise and paddling calmly through the crysta...

This could be you right now: waking up over Bocas del Toro's unreal blue paradise and paddling calmly through the crystal clear waters of Panama's Caribbean. We challenge you to describe this scene using emojis! 📸:

Wake up by the sound of the wind shaking the palm trees enclosed by Portobelo National Park 🌴. Look out your window to c...

Wake up by the sound of the wind shaking the palm trees enclosed by Portobelo National Park 🌴. Look out your window to catch the vast green landscape dancing to the ocean's roar and reach the Caribbean just meters away from your bedroom. Just before going on a beach-hopping adventure, take a minute to chill in a hammock with cold coconut water at hand 🥥 while the coastal breeze whispers in your ear. How about that for a memorable day in Isla Grande, Colon? 📸:

Happy Thanksgiving to all our clients and ETA Family! Thanks for all your support and trust during this last year. May y...

Happy Thanksgiving to all our clients and ETA Family! Thanks for all your support and trust during this last year.

May your home be filled with happiness and love!

Happy 55th Independence Anniversary to All Guyanese! 🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾

Happy 55th Independence Anniversary to All Guyanese! 🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾

Happy International Museum Day to all culture enthusiasts! Many museums in Panama City have reopened their doors now. Co...

Happy International Museum Day to all culture enthusiasts! Many museums in Panama City have reopened their doors now. Come have fun, learn and get inspired 👐. 📸:
Take a look at the current list:
- Biomuseo / 📍Amador Causeway
- Panama Canal Museum / 📍Cathedral Square, Casco Antiguo
- Museum of Contemporary Art / 📍San Blas Street, Ancon
- The Mola Museum / 📍Jose de Obaldia Street, Casco Antiguo
- Panama Viejo Visitors Center / 📍Panama Viejo

¡Feliz día internacional de los museos a todos los entusiastas de la cultura! Muchos museos en la Ciudad de Panamá ya reabrieron sus puertas. Ven a divertirte, aprender y a inspirarte 👐.
Esta es la lista actual:
- Biomuseo / 📍Calzada de Amador
- Museo del Canal Interoceánico de Panamá / 📍Plaza Catedral, Casco Antiguo
- Museo de Arte Contemporáneo / 📍Calle San Blas, Ancón
- Museo de la Mola / 📍Calle José de Obaldía, Casco Antiguo
- Centro de visitantes de Panamá Viejo / 📍Panamá Viejo


Lot 35 William Street, Georgetown, Guyana
Panama City

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:00 - 21:00
Martes 08:00 - 21:00
Miércoles 08:00 - 21:00
Jueves 08:00 - 18:00
Viernes 08:00 - 21:00
Sábado 09:00 - 18:00




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