Vilaya Tours Chachapoyas

Vilaya Tours Chachapoyas Vilaya Tours operates treks, tours and day trips in the Chachapoyas area of Northern Peru. See:

Chachapoyas is a beautiful area of diverse landscapes and offers travelers a rich cultural experience without the crowds. Close to the city is Kuelap the largest ancient stone structure in South America; Gocta the third highest waterfall in the world; the Karajia Sarcophagi.

Countryside picnic in Levanto.

Countryside picnic in Levanto.

Looking down in the afternoon towards the Marañón from the road between San Vicente and Longotea.

Looking down in the afternoon towards the Marañón from the road between San Vicente and Longotea.

Driving along the most spectacular road in Peru, the Leymebamba-Cajamarca route, I simply had to stop after spotting the...

Driving along the most spectacular road in Peru, the Leymebamba-Cajamarca route, I simply had to stop after spotting these orchids, growing on a spike hanging down almost like a kite tail with 11 "ribbons" of three or four flowers .

Tambillo below Tajopampa, surrounded by the remains of Chachapoya citadels and cliff tomb sites.

Tambillo below Tajopampa, surrounded by the remains of Chachapoya citadels and cliff tomb sites.

This morning I make a Peruvian empanada - a meat pastry parcel or you could call it a Peruvian pasty. Empanadas are a popular snack sold in bakeries and cart...

Scattered showers at the Luya side of the Utcubamba Valley.

Scattered showers at the Luya side of the Utcubamba Valley.

A night out at Milpuj - La Heredad, a private conservation area, home of two wild cats, deer, skunk, porcupine.  I camp ...

A night out at Milpuj - La Heredad, a private conservation area, home of two wild cats, deer, skunk, porcupine. I camp out underneath the duende tree, make trout stew and have a yucca parcel for breakfast.

I am invited to camp on a friend's private conservation area called Milpuj - La Heredad. It is seasonal dry forest and he has recorded two different sorts of...

Cooking lunch in a clay pot from Huancas.

Cooking lunch in a clay pot from Huancas.

Today I cooked a classic Peruvian dish called Pachamanca. The traditional way to cook Pachamanca is in a hole in the ground using stones that have been heat...

Esta pandemia ha destapado las peores actitudes de egoísmo y avaricia de miles de personas que deciden no cuidarse o no ...

Esta pandemia ha destapado las peores actitudes de egoísmo y avaricia de miles de personas que deciden no cuidarse o no vacunarse pensando sólo en ellos mismos, de 'emprendedores' que aprovechando la desesperación de familiares enfermos especulan y encarecen productos necesarios para vivir, la manera más sórdida de hacer negocio con la muerte.

En Vilaya Tours como empresa secular y humanista no podemos contener nuestra indignación cuando sabemos de un emprendedor que exprime económicamente a familias desesperadas por mantener vivo a un familiar. Y en en medio de esto, hay quienes nos demuestran que no todo está perdido, que hay quienes pueden hacer negocio sin saquear vidas, emprendimientos con visión de humanidad.

Si alguien necesita implementos médicos para un familiar enfermo de covid, recomendamos contactar a RQ Tecnology, tienen precios razonables y una plataforma sencilla y rápida de utilizar para adquirir sus productos.

Pueden llamar al 994 312 442
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Estamos seguros que será de mucha ayuda.

Nuestra tienda online fue creada por un grupo de emprendedores profesionales dedicados a crear soluciones innovadoras inteligentes y fáciles. En RQ TECHNOLOGY, garantizamos que cada compra que realices sera un proceso sencillo de principio a fin. Navega por nuestra tienda web y contactanos en ca...

Misty afternoon in Huancas.

Misty afternoon in Huancas.

Beautiful temperature inversion in the Sonche Canyon first thing this morning. Shortly after it clouded over completely....

Beautiful temperature inversion in the Sonche Canyon first thing this morning. Shortly after it clouded over completely.


Jr. La Merced 1096




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