Usos y Costumbres del señor de Qollurity
La unión de la Cultura Andina y la Europea desde ahí nace el Sincretismo la unión de la Cultura Andina y el Cotolicismo...
La historia del Taytacha de QOYLLURRITY comienza en el año 1780 aproximadamente, en la localidad de MAHUYANI del Distrito de Ocongate, donde vivía un hombre de apellido MAYTA junto a sus dos hijos, el mayor de 18 años de edad, y el menor de 12 años, este último llamado Mariano, ambos hermanos tenian como obligacion apacentar a sus ganados en la hoyada de Sinak´ara, al pie del nevado; conforme pasaba el tiempo, el hermano mayor abandonaba continuamente sus obligaciones dejando solo a Marianito, cansado de la explotación del hermano decide ir a comunicar tal situación a su padre en Mahuayani, estando en medio camino su hermano lo aborda y lo regaña, acusandolo de desobediente y ocioso. Esta historia se repetía varias veces, y cansado de ello un dia Mariano decide ir por el camino mas largo donde su padre, el camino largo implicaba cruzar el nevado y solo de esta forma evitar ser visto por su hermano, cuando se dirigía hacia el nevado, se encontró con un niño extraño muy diferente a él, era de tez blanca, definitivamente no era del lugar pero aparentemente era de su misma edad, quien le preguntó a donde iba, es ahí que Marianito le cuenta lo que sucedía y que estaba dispuesto a atravesar el nevado para informar a su padre el abandono de labores que cometía su hermano; entonces el niño le aconseja no hacerlo, mas por el contrario lo convence de quedarse con él comprometiéndose a ayudarlo en las tareas de pastoreo e hilado de lanas; Marianito acepta y nunca se imaginó que pasaría días maravillosos, el extraño niño jugaba con él, conversaba y cantaba con él; fueron días de mucho regocijo para Marianito, cumplia sus obligaciones mientras jugaba con su nuevo amigo quien dijo llamarse Manuel.
Pasaron muchos meses y un vecino de la comarca se da cuenta que el hijo mayor de la familia Mayta andaba en amoríos con una muchacha del lugar y había olvidado por completo sus obligaciones, el padre de Marianito finalmente se enteró de lo que sucedía, y a pesar de su edad y su enfermedad acudió a constatar el hecho, al llegar a la cabaña grande fue la sorpresa de encontrar a Marianito y no así al hijo mayor, lo curioso fue que el ganado habia aumentado en numero y le pregunto a su hijo como es que hizo las labores de pastoreo tan bien estando solo, es ahí que Marianito le cuenta sobre su gran amigo Manuel quien le ayudaba a pastear el ganado y le proporcionaba pan todos los días después de encontrarse al pie del peñón; resulta que Manuel había dicho ser de “Tayankani”; y un día apareció con la vestidura rota, y dijo no tener otra para cambiarse. Marianito se ofrece a conseguirle nueva ropa y le pide a Manuel un pedazo de tela para que su padre pueda comprarla, es así que Marianito encargando a sus animales, enrumba a Mahuayani, y le comenta todo a su padre, quien acepta comprarle ropa nueva a su amigo. Ya en Cusco la búsqueda de ropa con la misma tela que Manuel había entregado a Marianito era imposible de hallar, se trataba de una tela demasiado fina, tan fina que le recomendaron acudir al Obispo de ese entonces (Monseñor Moscoso). Grande es la sorpresa de los clérigos que se vieron en la obligación de averiguar la procedencia de esta vestimenta, aparentemente se trataba de un sacrilegio (alguien estaba robando las telas), pues efectivamente se trataba de una tela demasiado fina imposible de conseguir en un lugar tan alejado y solo se usaba para Vestir representaciones religiosas.
Es toda una comitiva de la Iglesia que llega cerca a la cabaña de Marianito donde logran ver al muchacho, pero acompañado de un niño desconocido que curiosamente despedía una luz refulgente de su cuerpo. Ambos niños se dieron cuenta que no estaban solos y fueron inundados por el miedo, Marianito le dice a Manuel que huyera, fue entonces que el niño corre hacia la roquería, los clérigos lo rodean y cuando se acercan creyendo haberlo atrapado lo único que encuentran es un árbol de Tayanka y al levantar la mirada entre las rocas ven el cuerpo del Señor Jesucristo en momentos de agonía con las llagas manando sangre, por lo cual toda la comitiva inclina la cabeza pidiendo perdón por lo sucedido; Marianito también corre al lugar y desesperado solo llega a ver la sangre y al no ver a su querido amigo lo cree mu**to por los perseguidores, no soportando esta situación Marianito fallece, al parecer por un paro cardiaco.
Dias despues Marianito es enterrado en ese mismo lugar al pie de la roca, donde ya vueltos en si los hombres solo encontraron una madera de Tayanka en forma de cruz. Este acontecimiento demuestra que nuestro señor Jesucristo siempre estuvo a lado de los mas pobres, en los lugares mas alejados, a lado de los justos. Tanta era la Fe de la gente que acudian a este lugar en donde aparecio el niño de nombre Manuel de quien se supo mas adelante fue el mismo señor Jesucristo quien murio ensangrentado en una cruz, razón por la cual nace la imagen que actualmente conocemos como nuestro Taytacha de Qoyllority.
The history of the Taytacha of QOYLLURRITY begins in approximately the year 1780, in the town of MAHUYANI in the Ocongate District, where a man named MAYTA lived with his two children, the eldest of whom
18 years old, and the youngest was 12 years old, the latter named Mariano, both brothers had the obligation to graze their cattle in the Sinakara hollow, at the foot of the snowy mountain; As time went by, the older brother abandoned
Continuously fulfilling his obligations, leaving Marianito alone, tired of his brother's exploitation, he decides to go and report this situation to his father in Mahuayani. While halfway there, his brother approaches him and scolds him, accusing him of being disobedient.
and idle. This story was repeated several times, and tired of it, one day Mariano decided to take the longest path to his father's, the long path involved crossing the snow and only in this way avoid being seen by his brother, when he
He was heading towards the snowy mountain, he met a strange boy very different from him, he was white, he was definitely not from the place but apparently he was the same age, who asked him where he was going, that's when Marianito told him what
happen and that he was willing to cross the snow to inform his father of his brother's abandonment of work; then his son advises him not to do it, but on the contrary he convinces him to stay with him by committing to
help him with herding and wool spinning tasks; Marianito accepts and never imagined that he would spend wonderful days, the strange child played with him, talked and sang with him; They were days of great joy for Marianito, he fulfilled his
obligations while playing with his new friend who said his name was Manuel.
Many months passed and a neighbor from the region realized that the eldest son of the Mayta family was in love with a local girl and had forgotten for
completed his obligations, Marianito's father finally found out what was happening, and despite his age and illness he went to verify the fact. When he arrived at the big cabin he was surprised to find Marianito and not the
eldest son, the curious thing was that the cattle had increased in number and he asked his son how he did the herding work so well being alone, that's when Marianito told him about his great friend Manuel who helped him graze.
the cattle and provided them with bread every day after finding themselves at the foot of the mountain; It turns out that Manuel had said he was from Tayankani; and one day he appeared with his garment torn, and he said he did not have another one to change into. Marianito offers to
get him new clothes and asks Manuel for a piece of cloth so that his father can buy it, so Marianito, ordering his animals, heads to Mahuayani, and tells everything to his father, who agrees to buy new clothes for his friend.
Already in Cusco, the search for clothes with the same fabric that Manuel had given to Marianito was impossible to find, it was too fine a fabric, so fine that they recommended that he go to the Bishop of that time (Monsignor Moscoso).
Great is the surprise of the clerics who were forced to find out the origin of this clothing, apparently it was a sacrilege (someone was stealing the fabrics), since it was indeed a fabric
Too fine, impossible to obtain in such a remote place and was only used to dress religious performances.
It is a whole delegation from the Church that arrives near Marianito's cabin where they manage to see the boy, but
accompanied by an unknown child who curiously gave off a glowing light from his body. Both children realized that they were not alone and were overcome with fear. Marianito told Manuel to run away. It was then that the boy
He runs towards the rockery, the clerics surround him and when they approach, believing they have caught him, the only thing they find is a Tayanka tree and when they look up between the rocks they see the body of the Lord Jesus Christ in moments of agony.
with the sores flowing blood, for which the entire entourage bows their heads asking for forgiveness for what happened; Marianito also runs to the place and in desperation he only sees the blood and when he does not see his dear friend he believes him dead because of the
pursuers, unable to bear this situation, Marianito dies, apparently due to cardiac arrest.
Days later, Marianito was buried in that same place at the foot of the rock, where, once they had come to, the men only found a piece of wood.
Tayanka in the form of a cross. This event shows that our Lord Jesus Christ was always at the side of the poorest, in the most remote places, at the side of the righteous. The faith of the people was so great that they came to this place where
The boy named Manuel appeared, of whom it was later learned that it was the same Lord Jesus Christ who died bloodied on a cross, which is why the image that we currently know as our Taytacha of Qoyllority was born.