Viajes Speedy - Tour Operator

Viajes Speedy - Tour Operator Agencia de viajes y turismo en Cusco, especialista en excursion de grupos pequeños y personalizados

Palccoyo la nueva montaña de colores, es una alternativa menos conocida y menos concurrida que la famosa montaña 7 color...

Palccoyo la nueva montaña de colores, es una alternativa menos conocida y menos concurrida que la famosa montaña 7 colores ( vinicunca)
Este nuevo atractivo se encuentra a una altitud similar y ofrece un paisaje único con varias montañas de colores.
Este tour es para personas que buscan un destino con una experiencia más tranquila y accesible.
Porque elegir palccoyo sobre la montaña 7 colores ( vinicunca)?

1. Menor afluencia de turistas; este lugar es menos conocido y visitado, eso quiere decir que podrás disfruta la naturaleza y los colores en un entorno tranquilo

2. Ruta más fácil y accesible: la caminata en este lugar es mucho menos exigente y más corta en comparación ala ruta de vinicunca

3. Ideal.para personas que prefieren un esfuerzo físico moderado o para aquellos que no están acostumbrados a la altitud.

4. Diversidad de paisaje: aparte del paisaje único y las 3 montañas de colores también tendremos la oportunidad de visitar su famoso bosque de piedras qué se encuentra a unos minutos y desde halli apreciaremos en todo su esplendor a las 3 montaña de colores que se encuentra en palccoyo.

Si eso es lo que estabas buscando, contactanos
[email protected]

Porque llegar más antes que la multitud a la montaña 7 colores??● Disfruta del paisaje en tranquilidad ● Mejores momento...

Porque llegar más antes que la multitud a la montaña 7 colores??

● Disfruta del paisaje en tranquilidad
● Mejores momentos para fotografiar
● menor esfuerzo físico
● Evita las largas colas para tomarse una foto
● Mayor interacción con la gente local
● Podrás visitar el Valle Rojo después de visitar la montaña 7 colores

Si te gustaría tener todo estos beneficios contactamos al whatsap

Mountain of colors on ATVs, would you like to drive 2 hours through mountains, rivers, beautiful landscapes full of colo...

Mountain of colors on ATVs, would you like to drive 2 hours through mountains, rivers, beautiful landscapes full of colors?

TIps y Recomendaciones para visitar el Valle Rojo y la Montaña de Colores en cuatrimotos:1. Preparación FísicaNivel de D...

TIps y Recomendaciones para visitar el Valle Rojo y la Montaña de Colores en cuatrimotos:

1. Preparación Física
Nivel de Dificultad: Aunque el recorrido en cuatrimotos reduce el esfuerzo físico, estar en buena condición física es recomendable debido a la altitud. Considera aclimatarte en Cusco por al menos un par de días antes de la excursión.
Altitud: La Montaña de Colores se encuentra a una altitud elevada (5,200 metros sobre el nivel del mar), lo que puede afectar a quienes no estén acostumbrados a grandes altitudes. Toma precauciones contra el mal de altura, como consumir hojas de coca o tomar té de coca.

2. Ropa y Equipamiento Adecuado
Ropa: Lleva ropa en capas para adaptarte a los cambios de temperatura. Por la mañana y en las alturas, puede hacer mucho frío, mientras que a medida que avanza el día, la temperatura puede aumentar. Un cortavientos o chaqueta impermeable es esencial.
Calzado: Usa botas de trekking resistentes con buena tracción para caminar en terrenos irregulares.
Protección Solar: A esta altitud, la radiación solar es intensa. Usa bloqueador solar de alto factor, gafas de sol con protección UV y una gorra o sombrero.
Guantes y Bufanda: Considera llevar guantes y bufanda para protegerte del frío, especialmente al manejar las cuatrimotos.

3. Hidratación y Alimentación
Agua: Lleva suficiente agua para mantenerte hidratado durante todo el recorrido. Asegúrate de beber agua regularmente para evitar la deshidratación en la altitud.
Snacks: Lleva algunos snacks energéticos como barras de granola, frutos secos o frutas, para mantener tu energía durante la excursión.

4. Seguridad en Cuatrimotos
Instrucciones: Presta mucha atención a las instrucciones del guía sobre el manejo de la cuatrimoto. Asegúrate de comprender cómo operarla antes de comenzar.
Equipo de Seguridad: Usa siempre el equipo de seguridad proporcionado, como casco y guantes. No intentes maniobras arriesgadas y sigue las indicaciones del guía en todo momento.
Velocidad: Mantén una velocidad moderada para disfrutar del paisaje y evitar accidentes.

Tips y Recomendaciones para visitar  1.Reserva tus boletos con anticipaciónEntradas a Machu Picchu: Compra tus boletos d...

Tips y Recomendaciones para visitar
1.Reserva tus boletos con anticipación
Entradas a Machu Picchu: Compra tus boletos de entrada con semanas o meses de anticipación, especialmente si planeas visitar durante la temporada alta (de mayo a septiembre). Los boletos están limitados para controlar el número de visitantes.
Boletos de tren: Si viajas en tren desde Cusco o Ollantaytambo a Aguas Calientes, asegúrate de reservar tus boletos con tiempo. Hay diferentes clases de trenes, desde los más básicos hasta los de lujo.
2. Llega temprano
Visita matutina: Para evitar las multitudes y disfrutar de una experiencia más tranquila, trata de llegar temprano por la mañana. El primer grupo de visitantes puede ingresar a partir de las 6:00 AM.
Amanecer en Machu Picchu: Si te gusta la fotografía o simplemente quieres disfrutar del amanecer en este lugar mágico, llegar temprano es imprescindible.
3. Planifica tu recorrido
Tour guiado: Contratar un guía es altamente recomendable para entender mejor la historia y la importancia de Machu Picchu. Los guías pueden contratarse en la entrada, pero también puedes reservar un tour guiado con anticipación.
Explora diferentes áreas: No te limites a las áreas principales. Explora los rincones menos visitados, como el Puente Inca o la Puerta del Sol (Inti Punku).
4. Qué llevar
Pasaporte: Es obligatorio presentar tu pasaporte en la entrada de Machu Picchu. También puedes sellar tu pasaporte con un sello especial de Machu Picchu como recuerdo.
Ropa adecuada: El clima en Machu Picchu puede variar. Lleva ropa ligera, pero también una chaqueta impermeable o poncho para la lluvia. Usa zapatos cómodos para caminar, ya que el terreno puede ser resbaladizo.
Protector solar y repelente: Aunque el clima puede ser nublado, los rayos UV son fuertes en las alturas. Además, el repelente de insectos es útil para prevenir picaduras.
Agua y snacks: Lleva suficiente agua para mantenerte hidratado, pero ten en cuenta que no se permite comer dentro de las ruinas. Hay áreas designadas para descansar y comer fuera del sitio.

Machupicchu + valle sagrado, Esta aventura de dos días ofrece una experiencia inmersiva en el corazón del Imperio Inca, ...

Machupicchu + valle sagrado, Esta aventura de dos días ofrece una experiencia inmersiva en el corazón del Imperio Inca, llevándote a través del impresionante Valle Sagrado y la icónica Machu Picchu. Explorarás antiguas ruinas, mercados locales vibrantes y paisajes impresionantes, mientras disfrutas de la rica historia y cultura de la región.
Informacion cpmpleta

Día 1: Tour por el Valle Sagrado

Recojo en tu hotel en Cusco: Temprano en la mañana, alrededor de las 7:00 AM.
Visita chinchero, moray, minas de sal y Ollantaytambo.

Almuerzo en Urubamba: Disfruta de un almuerzo buffet en un restaurante local que ofrece platos tradicionales peruanos.
Visita a Ollantaytambo: Descubre las impresionantes ruinas de Ollantaytambo, conocidas por sus terrazas masivas y el Templo del Sol. Este sitio fue tanto una fortaleza como un centro ceremonial durante el Imperio Inca.
Tren a Aguas Calientes: Después del recorrido, aborda el tren en la estación de Ollantaytambo y disfruta de un viaje escénico a lo largo del río Urubamba hasta el pueblo de Aguas Calientes, la puerta de entrada a Machu Picchu.

Llegada a Aguas Calientes: Regístrate en tu hotel y disfruta de una noche relajante. Puedes explorar el pueblo o visitar las aguas termales locales.

Incluido en el Día 1:

Recojo en el hotel en Cusco
Transporte por todo el Valle Sagrado
Visitas guiadas a Pisac y Ollantaytambo
Almuerzo buffet en Urubamba
Boleto de tren de Ollantaytambo a Aguas Calientes
Alojamiento en Aguas Calientes
Día 2: Tour por Machu Picchu

Desayuno temprano: Disfruta del desayuno en tu hotel en Aguas Calientes.
Bus a Machu Picchu: Salida en bus desde Aguas Calientes hacia la entrada de Machu Picchu.
Tour guiado por Machu Picchu: A partir de las 6:00 AM, #

1. "Explorando la mágica montaña de 7 colores en cuatrimoto 🌈🏔️        "!La Montaña de los Siete Colores, también conoci...

1. "Explorando la mágica montaña de 7 colores en cuatrimoto 🌈🏔️ "

!La Montaña de los Siete Colores, también conocida como Vinicunca o Rainbow Mountain, es un impresionante pico situado en los Andes peruanos. Su peculiaridad radica en las franjas de colores vibrantes que recorren su superficie, creadas por la diversidad de minerales presentes en la región. Este paisaje natural ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años como destino turístico, atrayendo a visitantes de todo el mundo en busca de la belleza y la singularidad de este fenómeno geológico.

"Machu Picchu, la legendaria ciudad inca enclavada en lo alto de los Andes peruanos, te transporta a un mundo de misteri...

"Machu Picchu, la legendaria ciudad inca enclavada en lo alto de los Andes peruanos, te transporta a un mundo de misterio y maravilla. Esta maravilla arquitectónica, rodeada de imponentes montañas verdes, es un testimonio del ingenio y la espiritualidad del antiguo imperio inca. Descubre la magia de sus terrazas, templos y observatorios astronómicos mientras te sumerges en su historia ancestral. "

Super Day Sacred Valley Tour or Sacred Valley VIP Package Tour Peru, begins with an early morning pick-up at 7 a.m. from your accommodation in Cusco to drive toward the high mountain village of Chinchero (Western side of the Sacred Valley). CHINCHERO — is a small village with beautiful views of th...


Contact Information:
Phone: 978 636 869
Our Web Site:

Departure: 08:30 AM Return: 13:00 PM City Tour, tour of the Imperial city visiting the main attractions of the historic center and surroundings. We will visit the Plaza de Armas, we will have a
beautiful panoramic view and explanation of this space, visit the Cathedral, as well as four archaeological sites located outside the historic center of the city. These are:
Sacsayhuaman: Inca fortress where huge stone walls will be appreciated in its construction, in addition to living its history told by our guides.
Qenqo: Guided tour of the most important ceremonial Huaca of the empire.
Pucapucara: Military construction made up of terraces, stairways, squares, canals and old roads;
Puca Pucara is a Quechua word that means “red fortress”.
Tambomachay: Important archaeological complex where the Cult of Water was carried out in the
time of the Incas, it has an extraordinary hydraulic system with underground aqueducts, canals
and waterfalls that work perfectly until today. Return to the city.
It includes:
 Pick up from the hotel
 professional guide
 Tourist transport Attendance.
Does not include: Entrances
 Tourist ticket S/. 70.00 national tourist
 S/.130 foreign tourist.
 Entrance to the Cathedral S/. 25.00 Entrance to Qoricancha S/. 15.00

1 Super Day Sacred Valley Tour or Sacred Valley VIP Package Tour Peru, begins with an early morning pick-up at 7 a.m. from your accommodation in Cusco to drive toward the high mountain village of Chinchero (Western side of the Sacred Valley). CHINCHERO — is a small village with beautiful views of the Sacred Valley and famous for its weaving and spectacularly sited at high altitude (3,800 mt./12,500 ft.). In this charming village, you will see adobe homes, narrow cobbled streets, and people in traditional Peruvian dress. At Chinchero, we will also visit a town that has retained many traditions, resulting in exceptional handicrafts and woven goods (we will be witness to a live demonstration of handmade souvenirs and the use of simple instruments and natural dyes). Besides, we´ll visit the ruins of Chinchero and then, we continue driving to the lookout of Raqchi to take in the view of the Urubamba Valley. This part of the valley is filled with crops that dress the mountains like carpets.

We will then continue our trip to Incan agricultural lab known MORAY — is an archaeological site located to the northwest of Cuzco on a high plateau at about 3,500 mt. (11,500 ft) and just west of the village of Maras. This Inca site contains unusual Inca ruins, mostly consisting of several terraced circular depressions, the largest of which is approximately 30 m (98 ft) deep. As with many other Inca sites, it also has an irrigation system. Here, our guide will transmit you the history of this impressive Inca ruins on the mountain top. After learning how Quechua people cleverly designed a drainage system at the bottom of the terraces in order to avoid flooding during the rainy season. Afterwards, we drive down to SALT MINES OF MARAS — at this amazing site, you can see the pans fed by saline spring water that was built on steep terraces along one side of a narrow valley. The water is sent throughout the pans by a network of channels where the water slowly evaporates leaving the salt behind. Salt has been collected from Maras since Pre-Incan times and it is thought that a collective of salt ‘miners’ has maintained the terraces and channels for hundreds of years. We then follow the route to URUBAMBA — The charming town enveloped by tall Andean peaks in the heart of the Sacred Valley to reach OLLANTAYTAMBO — is a quaint town of Inca foundation with remarkable water channels, stone streets, colorfully dressed native people and the great Sun Temple on the hilltop.

To finish off, we will head to Pisac drive along the Urubamba River… Our final stop is THE RUINS OF PISAC and THE MARKET. Once there, you will explore the Pisac archaeological park and learn about the powerful Inca Empire. Then we back on road to down to the Pisac town´s traditional market for a brief exposure to all local artisans and their colorful merchandise. After our full day Sacred Valley tour service will end at your hotel in Cusco.

Important Note: Since our day will be very full, we will provide a box lunch instead of stopping at a restaurant for lunch, to cover all the Sacred Valley must-see sites in one single day.

Departure: 05:30 a.m. Return: 8:30 p.m. Approx. Very early in the morning we will pick you up from the hotel to take you to the train station and take the train that will take you to the town of
Aguas Calientes, a trip that will last 3 hours and 30 minutes. About. Already in the town of Aguas
Calientes we will take a bus that will transport us from the town of Aguas Calientes to the Inca Citadel of Machupicchu, entrance and guided tour of the Sanctuary lasts approximately 2 hours
and 3 minutes, in this tour we will know the main Temples and Sacred Precincts of the Sanctuary,
we will go through passages and stairways, we will appreciate the terraces and all the charming landscape that surrounds this wonderful place. Each of these spaces is unique and special, so our
guides are committed to explaining the uses they gave each one of them and making you live history, after the guided tour, free time for photographs. Bus down to the town of Aguas Calientes
and return train to the city of Cusco and transfer to the Hotel.

It includes:
 Round trip transfers to and from the train station.
 Round trip tourist train Bus tickets up and down to the Historic Sanctuary of Machupicchu
entrance ticket
 professional guide permanent assistance
Does not include:
 Entrance to Waynapicchu.
 Lunch tips Other expenses.

Departure: 05:00 a.m.
Return: 6:00 p.m.

This experience begins very early, we will pick you up from the hotel at the time indicated by our
staff, already on board our tourist transport we will not go to the south of Peru on the Cusco -
Puno route, we will have a journey of approximately 2 hours to reach the Cusipata district, where
a nutritious breakfast will be waiting for us. After breakfast we will continue with the trip for

approximately one more hour in the minivan until we reach the starting point of our trek to the
mountain of 7 colors.

Arriving at the starting point, the assigned guide will give all the instructions and
recommendations to take into account for the trip. We will start the walk ascending through
beautiful landscapes along the way, during the tour we will travel in the company of the
inhabitants of the area dressed in their typical costumes, who offer the horse rental service for
those passengers who cannot walk or wish to enjoy the trip more relaxed, after a walk of
approximately 1 hour 30 min. We will arrive at the famous mountain of seven colors also known as
Vinicunca or Rainbow Mountain, a natural wonder of incomparable beauty that due to its
capricious geography is unique in Peru, this geological formation is located at a height of 5,020
meters above sea level. You will have enough time to enjoy such a precious landscape and take
spectacular photographs.

After free time and 50 min. more of walking we will return to the starting point where the
transport will be waiting for us to return to the town of Cusipata, we will enjoy a delicious lunch
and a short rest to finally return to the city of Cusco arriving approximately 5:00 p.m., transfer to
their respective hotels.

 Pick up from the hotel.
 Tourist transport.
 Entrance to the mountain of colors.
 01 Breakfast.
 01 Lunch.
 Bilingual professional guide.

 We recommend bringing:
 Small backpack.
 Light clothing and a coat.
 Raincoats or rain ponchos.
 Sunglasses.
 Sun hat or cap.
 Sunscreen.
 Wear trekking shoes.
 Extra money for expenses not included.


Contact Information:
Phone: 978 636 869
Our Web Site:

Maras Moray Tour Itinerary:07:00: Pick up from lodging – Cruzpata – MorayThis exciting tour starts at 7:00 am, when a pr...

Maras Moray Tour Itinerary:
07:00: Pick up from lodging – Cruzpata – Moray
This exciting tour starts at 7:00 am, when a professional guide passes through the accommodation at the Cruzpata town, a journey of approximately 50 minutes enjoying the scenic and architectural beauty of the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
In this place our ATV CUSCO will give instructions for the ATV tour, especially taking into consideration the practice of some maneuvers and the proper use of safety equipment.
The time has come to live an extreme adventure on four wheels, for 2 hours towards Moray, until reaching the archaeological site that shows the visionary Inca agro-technology, in an ingenious system of circular platforms, where the Andean crops were diversified in terraces that they reflect the genetic evolution of their crops.
The route to Maras continues in private vehicles, to prevent road risks on the route. In the Salineras de Maras you know the artisanal exploitation of pink salt, in more than 3,000 pools dug on a mountain (3,380 masl / 11,080 ft) using the same artisanal method used by the Incas.
12:00 – 13:00: Return to Cusco
After knowing part of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, it is time to return to Cusco, arriving at approximately 1:00 p.m. specifically to your accommodation.
In short, the best gift you can give your life is to fill it with adventures discovering new destinations. Great that it’s on ATVs! With the company, guide and experience of a ATV CUSCO.Enjoy what the Maras Moray ATVs Adventure has in store for you:
Do you have little time and want to live an adventure out of the ordinary? We offer you the Maras and Moray Tour in ATVs, half a day in which you can discover the essence of the Sacred Valley, its archaeological centers, part of its Andean towns and visionary spaces for agriculture, astronomy and advances of the Inca empire.

- Departure from the lodging in the historic center of Cusco. The streets of the city are narrow, an aspect that limits vehicular access to certain places; in this case the guide will suggest a nearby point to pass looking for you and enjoy the tour.
- Return to Plaza “Regocijo” (One block away from the Plaza de Armas in Cusco) (Historic Center of the city).
- Professional guide in English, Spanish (other languages are available on private tours).
- First aid and oxygen.

Contact Information:
Phone: 978 636 869
Our Web Site:

Come to our city of Cusco to do the 2-day Inca Trail trek.CONTACT US: 978 636 869visit our web site: https://www.viajesp...

Come to our city of Cusco to do the 2-day Inca Trail trek.
CONTACT US: 978 636 869
visit our web site:
Additional information
Ollantaytambo – Km 104 train tickets
Train tickets Aguas Calientes – Ollantaytambo
Entrance tickets Inca Trail Machupicchu
Professional bilingual guide
Meals (1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner)
Bus tickets Machupicchu – Aguas Calientes (round trip)
1 night hotel accommodation

Lunch on the last day
Visit to the hot springs in Aguas Calientes
Entrance tickets to Huaynapicchu Mountain or Machupicchu


CONTACT US: 978 636 869
visit our web site:
Additional information

- Pick up from your hotel
- Transportation Cusco – Abra Malaga – Santa Maria – Santa Teresa.
- Bicycles with front suspension, helmets and gloves.
- 3 lunches, 3 dinners, 3 breakfasts.
- Canopy or zip line (second day)
- 1 night lodging with basic service
- 1 night hostel (with private bathroom and hot water) the last night.
- Tourist entrance ticket to Machu Picchu
- Professional bilingual guide (Spanish – English)
- Return train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo
- Tourist bus from Ollantaytambo to Cusco Vegetarian food option

- First breakfast in Ollntaytambo
- Last lunch in Aguas Calientes
- Bus ticket from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu (round trip 24.00 Soles)
- Ticket to the hot springs of Cocalmayo 5.00 Soles (second day)
- Transportation from the hot springs to Santa Teresa 5.00 Soles
- Beverages mineral water, soda, beers and chocolates

¡¡ VISITA 7 LAGUNAS!! EN NUESTRA CIUDAD DE CUSCO MISTICOCONTACT US: 978 636 869visite nuestra web: https://www.viajespee...

CONTACT US: 978 636 869
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WHATS APP: 978 636 869


WHATS APP: 978 636 869

Ready for an unforgettable adventure? Explore the majestic Machu Picchu with Viajes Speedy! Our guided tours offer you a...

Ready for an unforgettable adventure? Explore the majestic Machu Picchu with Viajes Speedy! Our guided tours offer you a deep dive into the history and beauty of this incredible Inca citadel. Book your journey today and make memories that will last a lifetime! 🌟✨

¿Planeando una escapada romántica? ❤️✨Viajes Speedy te invita a explorar la maravillosa Montaña de Colores con tu ser am...

¿Planeando una escapada romántica? ❤️✨

Viajes Speedy te invita a explorar la maravillosa Montaña de Colores con tu ser amado. 🏔️🌈

Descubre juntos los colores vibrantes de la naturaleza peruana y crea recuerdos inolvidables en este lugar mágico. 📸💑

¡No esperes más! Reserva tu aventura romántica y haz de esta experiencia algo único. 🌟


¿Listo para una aventura inolvidable en Perú? 🇵🇪✨Descubre la Montaña de Colores 🌈 con Viajes Speedy, un destino mágico d...

¿Listo para una aventura inolvidable en Perú? 🇵🇪✨

Descubre la Montaña de Colores 🌈 con Viajes Speedy, un destino mágico donde la naturaleza se viste de colores sorprendentes. Rodeado de paisajes impresionantes y la majestuosa montaña Ausangate 🏔️, te garantizamos una experiencia llena de maravillas y adrenalina.

Imagina recorrer caminos antiguos en ATV 🚜, sentir el viento en tu rostro mientras contemplas los paisajes andinos. Con nuestro tour, tendrás la oportunidad de explorar este fenómeno natural, aprender sobre la cultura local y capturar momentos increíbles 📸 que quedarán para siempre en tu memoria.

¡No esperes más! Reserva tu tour a la Montaña de Colores 🌈 con Viajes Speedy hoy mismo y vive una experiencia que cambiará tu perspectiva del mundo. 🌍✨ Reserva Aquí 🚀


Exploring Peru is like flipping through the pages of a vivid history book, with every turn offering a glimpse into a pas...

Exploring Peru is like flipping through the pages of a vivid history book, with every turn offering a glimpse into a past that's as colorful as its landscapes. 📚🏞 From the mystical Machu Picchu to the bustling streets of Lima, every moment here tells a story of empires, traditions, and natural wonders. Join me on this magical journey! 🌍✨

Known for their fluffy coats and friendly faces, these social animals are a must-see on any trip to Peru. Whether they'r...

Known for their fluffy coats and friendly faces, these social animals are a must-see on any trip to Peru. Whether they're grazing on the high plains or accompanying trekkers, llamas add a touch of magic to the breathtaking landscapes. Ready to make a fluffy friend? 🌄🐾

Ever cuddled up under a traditional Peruvian blanket? These aren't just any blankets—they're handwoven stories from the ...

Ever cuddled up under a traditional Peruvian blanket? These aren't just any blankets—they're handwoven stories from the heart of the Andes, made from the softest alpaca and sheep’s wool. Each pattern tells a tale, each color a secret of the landscape it comes from.

Ready to add some color to your adventures? 🌈

Ready to add some color to your adventures? 🌈

Vibrant Markets of Peru! 🛍️🌽Shop alongside locals for traditional textiles, handmade crafts, and exotic fruits you've li...

Vibrant Markets of Peru! 🛍️🌽
Shop alongside locals for traditional textiles, handmade crafts, and exotic fruits you've likely never tasted before. Each market visit offers a unique glimpse into the daily life of Peruvians, showcasing the diversity and richness of Peru's agricultural and artisanal heritage.

Don't just visit Peru—experience it like a local in the markets where the true flavor and spirit of this wonderful country come alive!

📞 Discover more with Viajes Speedy: +51 995938882

At Viajes Speedy, we're more than just a travel agency; we're your partner in adventure. From the mystical heights of Ma...

At Viajes Speedy, we're more than just a travel agency; we're your partner in adventure. From the mystical heights of Machu Picchu to the vibrant streets of Lima and the breathtaking landscapes of the Sacred Valley, we bring you the best of Peru with tours designed to inspire and amaze.

Why choose Viajes Speedy? Because we believe in creating experiences that are not only enjoyable but also enriching. Our expert guides, personalized itineraries, and commitment to quality ensure that your journey is seamless, safe, and filled with memories that will last a lifetime.

Ready to discover the wonders of Peru? Join us on a journey that goes beyond the ordinary. Every trip with Viajes Speedy is an opportunity to explore, learn, and connect with the incredible beauty and rich culture of Peru.

📞 Book your next adventure now: +51 995938882

Huaca de la Luna, a stunning archaeological site in the Moche Valley. This ancient temple, adorned with complex friezes ...

Huaca de la Luna, a stunning archaeological site in the Moche Valley. This ancient temple, adorned with complex friezes and vibrant murals, reveals the spiritual and ceremonial life of the Moche civilization, which thrived here from AD 100 to 800.

Witness the dramatic representations of their gods and rituals on the walls, and explore the layers of history unearthed in this sacred space. Each corner of Huaca de la Luna offers a story, providing insight into the sophisticated culture that once dominated northern Peru.

📞 Explore the depth of Moche mysteries with us: +51 995938882




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