Sun God Peru

Sun God Peru Come and Discover Latin America with Us, group departure tours every months,luxury tours,escorted tours



𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗜𝗗𝗢 𝗔 𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗔 𝗣𝗔𝗢𝗟𝗢 𝗚𝗨𝗘𝗥𝗥𝗘𝗥𝗢. Eso le dijo doña Peta al llegar de viaje.

Seguimos esperando la presentación de paolin 🤡



Mi mamá si hubiera participado en los juegos olímpicos.

Quito, Ecuador.Nobody shows you Ecuador, like we do…

Quito, Ecuador.
Nobody shows you Ecuador, like we do…

Happy 489 Aniversary Lima, the city if the Kings.

Happy 489 Aniversary Lima, the city if the Kings.

Feliz dia Lima. 489 Aniversario

Feliz dia Lima. 489 Aniversario

     Nobody shows you Peru, like we do…

Nobody shows you Peru, like we do…


One of the Seven Wonders of the World is waiting you…Contact

One of the Seven Wonders of the World is waiting you…
Contact [email protected]

Nobody shows you Peru…like we do.

Nobody shows you Peru…like we do.

Discover one of the Seven Wonders of the World…Machu Picchu.

Discover one of the Seven Wonders of the World…Machu Picchu.



Explore the great ruins of Machu Picchu and wander through village markets where ancient traditions live on in the hearts of the Andean people. One of our most popular Peru tours, the journey also includes the important Inca ruins of Sacsayhuamán, Pisac and Ollantaytambo and domestic flights.

Peru…pack and enjoy….

Peru…pack and enjoy….

Sun God Peru Nobody shows tou Peru, like we do…

Sun God Peru Nobody shows tou Peru, like we do…

Andean Baroque Route: Exploring the Andean Baroque route means visiting the peaceful villages of Huaro, Carnincunca and ...

Andean Baroque Route: Exploring the Andean Baroque route means visiting the peaceful villages of Huaro, Carnincunca and Andahuaylillas, going back in the time. Book now!!! [email protected]. ,

8 days   tours including Lima, Cusco and Machu Picchu, hike the Rainbow Mountain.

8 days tours including Lima, Cusco and Machu Picchu, hike the Rainbow Mountain.

Choquequirao. Do you want a real trek…? This is what you’re looking for.

Choquequirao. Do you want a real trek…? This is what you’re looking for.

▪︎ Cerro El Cono - Una extraña y mística montaña en las profundidades del Amazonas. Exactamente en el departamento de Uc...

▪︎ Cerro El Cono - Una extraña y mística montaña en las profundidades del Amazonas.

Exactamente en el departamento de Ucayali- Perú. Allí se encuentra una región conocida como la Sierra del Divisor - "Las montañas de la cuenca" Esta tierra única y biodiversa es el hogar de varias tribus indígenas aisladas, más de 1,000 especies de vertebrados y más de 3,000 especies distintas de plantas únicas del amazonas. La montaña piramidal es un símbolo del Parque Natural. Los nativos lo ven como un Apu andino. En la antigua religión y mitología de Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia, los Apus son los espíritus de las montañas y, a veces, rocas solitarias, que suelen mostrar características antropomórficas, que protegen a la población local. El término se remonta al Imperio Inca. Esta misteriosa formación natural se encuentra cerca de la ciudad de Pucallpa en el oriente de Perú. Está ubicado junto al río Ucayali, un importante afluente del río Amazonas. ¿Qué tan posible o factible es que esta extraña montaña sea en realidad una pirámide oculta? Es la pregunta más común entre los intrépidos investigadores y aventureros que sólo pueden observarla a través de los aires. Pero al ser un espacio protegido y sin acceso, toda teoría queda abierta y por descubrir. De ser una estructura prehispánica, sería la pirámide más grande del continente, con 490m/1,608ft de elevación.

Estados Unidos es uno de los mercados mas importantes para Perú,turistas fascinados por nuestro país ya empiezan a llega...

Estados Unidos es uno de los mercados mas importantes para Perú,turistas fascinados por nuestro país ya empiezan a llegar y recorrer nuestras ciudades, envolverse de la magia de cada lugar, saborear nuestra comida, comprar nuestra artesanía y darle vida a nuestras calles. Los pocos que ya empezaron a llegar ya se vacunaron y poco a poco la demanda crecerá, es una muestra de lo atractivo que es Peru. Es nuestra responsabilidad mantener los protocolos y garantizar que somos un destino seguro! DE NOSOTROS DEPENDE QUE EL TURISMO SE REACTIVE Y LA ECONOMÍA LOCAL TAMBIÉN

Chavín de Huántar is an archaeological site in Peru, containing ruins and artifacts constructed as early as 1200 BCE, an...

Chavín de Huántar is an archaeological site in Peru, containing ruins and artifacts constructed as early as 1200 BCE, and occupied until around 400–500 BCE by the Chavín, a major pre-Inca culture. The site is located in the Ancash Region, 250 kilometers (160 mi) north of Lima, at an elevation of 3,180 meters (10,430 ft), east of the Cordillera Blanca at the start of the Conchucos Valley.

Las "Escaleras de la muerte" son un tramo de las escalinatas de piedra construidas por los incas, las cuales conducen a ...

Las "Escaleras de la muerte" son un tramo de las escalinatas de piedra construidas por los incas, las cuales conducen a la cima del Huayna Picchu. Estas escaleras se caracterizan por ser empinadas y difíciles de subir. Además, las escalinatas están al borde de vistas de precipicios.
Machu Picchu - Perú.

According to legend, everything began in Puno when Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo emerged from Lake Titicaca to found the In...

According to legend, everything began in Puno when Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo emerged from Lake Titicaca to found the Inca dynasty.

In Puno, every breath of air you take will make you part of its history and the incredible natural landscapes that include majestic Lake Titicaca. Puno is famous for the hospitality of its people and the joyfulness of their festivities, dances and rituals. In Puno, traditions are expressed in celebrations that explode into fiestas every day of the year.

Puno, dominated by Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake, is the capital of Peru’s folkloric tradition. Come and celebrate!

Arequipa is dominated by its volcanoes. This is apparent in the walls of its streets, buildings and churches; in the won...

Arequipa is dominated by its volcanoes. This is apparent in the walls of its streets, buildings and churches; in the wonderful geography that has created a fertile valley and one of the world’s deepest canyons. Imagine yourself enjoying the warm waters of a thermal pool as you look out towards green mountains crowned with perpetual snows.

Arequipa is a place you won’t want to leave, thanks to its unique cuisine, its history, and its marvelous cordiality.

Arequipa, the legendary White City, where its noble history can be felt in the air, beneath the eternal watchful gaze of its volcanoes

Who could have created them? What was their purpose? Who were they made for? The Nasca Lines remain an unsolved mystery....

Who could have created them? What was their purpose? Who were they made for? The Nasca Lines remain an unsolved mystery. From the sky, the Hummingbird, Monkey, Frigate Bird, Giant Bird and Spider are clearly visible.

Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, these geoglyphs traced onto the surface of the desert measure up to 300 meters in length, and their messages remain undeciphered.


Villa Los Ayllus I-1

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 17:00
Martes 09:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 17:00
Jueves 09:00 - 17:00
Viernes 09:00 - 17:00
Sábado 09:00 - 17:00




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