Tanager Tours

Tanager Tours Tanager Tours is a leading tour operator for birding trips, Cultural-Bird Tours and butterfly tours to Peru and other South American destinations.

Black-throated Mango - Mango de garganta NegraWakanki Lodge - Northern Peru.Female / hembra.

Black-throated Mango - Mango de garganta Negra
Wakanki Lodge - Northern Peru.
Female / hembra.

We have Pelagic trip organized for this Set 28th.If you would like to join us please contact us:Info@tanagertours.com or...

We have Pelagic trip organized for this Set 28th.
If you would like to join us please contact us:
[email protected] or
Whatsapp +51 974792711

Another great birding experience in Bosque Shollet.We encountered diverse mixed flocks and of course, the star of the sh...

Another great birding experience in Bosque Shollet.
We encountered diverse mixed flocks and of course, the star of the show, the Masked Fruiteater. The views were magnificent, and we thoroughly enjoyed the delicious food and breathtaking sceneries.

Junin lake Birding in the high andes with lots of high andes speciew including our key bird Junin Grebe, black-breasted ...

Junin lake
Birding in the high andes with lots of high andes speciew including our key bird Junin Grebe, black-breasted Hillstar and many more.

We are having a wonderful time on our birding tour in Central.Currently, we are at one of the most renowned birding loca...

We are having a wonderful time on our birding tour in Central.
Currently, we are at one of the most renowned birding locations, BOSQUE UNCHOQ.
We have already spotted most of the important bird species and are eagerly anticipating tomorrow's exploration.
We are delighted to have encountered the Golden-backed Mountain-tanager, Pardusco, Bay-vented Cotinga, Neblina, Tschudi's, Large-footed and White-winged Tapaculos, and the Chachapoyas Antpitta.
Overall, we are having an excellent birding experience.

Having lunch and observing the birds.Visiting Huascaran National Park.Savoring the delights of Peruvian cuisine.        ...

Having lunch and observing the birds.
Visiting Huascaran National Park.
Savoring the delights of Peruvian cuisine.


Una cena Ardiente
Huaraz Central Peru.

Huacaran National ParkPark is huge, but never enough, we visit to enjoy the amazing scenaries and unique species as Whit...

Huacaran National Park
Park is huge, but never enough, we visit to enjoy the amazing scenaries and unique species as White-cheeked Cotinga, Rufous-eared Brushfinch, ancash Tapaculo, Plain-tailed warbling-finch, Striated Earthceeeper, all of them endemic and many more, all ghe them with great views and photos,
Including the are Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant.

Huacaran National ParkPark is huge, but never enough, we visit to enjoy the amazon scenaries and unique species as White...

Huacaran National Park
Park is huge, but never enough, we visit to enjoy the amazon scenaries and unique species as White-cheeked Cotinga, Rufous-eared Brushfinch, ancash Tapaculo, Plain-tailed warbling-finch, Striated Earthceeeper, all of them endemic and many more, all ghe them with great views and photos,
Including the are Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant.

Birding is our priority, come with us and enjoy a true birding experience.Best food, amazing birds, unique locations, an...

Birding is our priority, come with us and enjoy a true birding experience.
Best food, amazing birds, unique locations,
and ofcourse the best Peruvian birding team.



Top woman Birder.Recently, I had the privilege of guiding two esteemed birders, Ronald Dale Hoff and Dollyann Myers, on ...

Top woman Birder.
Recently, I had the privilege of guiding two esteemed birders, Ronald Dale Hoff and Dollyann Myers, on an exceptional birding expedition. Their expertise and passion for birdwatching are truly remarkable, with Dollyann likely being the first woman to have observed over 9,000 species worldwide.
Our primary objective was to locate and observe several elusive species of antpittas, and we successfully encountered ten different species, significantly enhancing their life lists.
The journey was an extraordinary success, and we concluded it with a delightful farewell lunch in the field, following our sightings of the Urubamba antpitta and the Diademed Tapaculo.

Top woman Birder.Recently, I had the privilege of guiding two esteemed birders, Ronald Dale Hoff and Dollyann Myers, on ...

Top woman Birder.
Recently, I had the privilege of guiding two esteemed birders, Ronald Dale Hoff and Dollyann Myers, on an exceptional birding expedition. Their expertise and passion for birdwatching are truly remarkable, with Dollyann likely being the first woman to have observed over 9,000 species worldwide.
Our primary objective was to locate and observe several elusive species of antpittas, and we successfully encountered ten different species, significantly enhancing their life lists.
The journey was an extraordinary success, and we concluded it with a delightful farewell lunch in the field, following our sightings of the Urubamba antpitta and the Diademed Tapaculo.

Cordillera Azul Antbird / Hormiguero de la Cordillera AzulPeruvian endemic This species is a recent scientific discovery...

Cordillera Azul Antbird / Hormiguero de la Cordillera Azul
Peruvian endemic

This species is a recent scientific discovery. It inhabits the foothills of the Cordillera Azul National Park's
You can fin this species in the buffer zone - Plataforma sector in northern Peru.

Cordillera Azul Antbird
Especie endemica del Peru.
Esta especie es uno de los ultimos hallazgos para la Ciencia.
Se la encuentra en los pies de montaña. se la encontro en la remota zona de amortiguamiento del parque Nacional de Cordillera Azul, en el sector de Plataforma en el norte del Peru.

Machu Picchu is one of the seven new wonders of the world! 🌍 This unique place has an amazing scenery surrounded by natu...

Machu Picchu is one of the seven new wonders of the world! 🌍
This unique place has an amazing scenery surrounded by natural environment, inhabited by hundreds of birds and wildlife. 🏞️

Amazing sunrise in Peru! 🌄🇵🇪 The geography here is so complex and unique, which makes our biodiversity incredibly high. ...

Amazing sunrise in Peru! 🌄🇵🇪 The geography here is so complex and unique, which makes our biodiversity incredibly high. 🌿🌱 We're enjoying our breakfast after a morning of birdwatching. 🍳☕️ We spotted some amazing endemic species like the Chestnut-breasted Mountain-finch, White-tufted Sunbeam, Rusty-fronted Canastero, Apurimac Spinetail, Apurimac Brushfinch, Ampay Tapaculo, and Creamy-crested Spinetail. 🪶🐦 Plus, we saw lots of other Andean species too!

Amazonian Antpitta - Tororoi Amazonico.Mirador Pico de Oz - Pilcopata, Manu road - Cusco,  PeruThe AntpittasThese specie...

Amazonian Antpitta - Tororoi Amazonico.
Mirador Pico de Oz - Pilcopata, Manu road - Cusco, Peru

The Antpittas
These species are typically heard but challenging to observe due to their secretive nature and dense vegetation habitats.
In response to the demand for observation, local enterprises have emerged that provide feeding stations, making it easier to view these elusive birds.

Los Tororois ''Antpittas''
son especies por lo general que se escuchan sin embargo son dificiles de observar, poseen un comportamiento muy timido debido a que viven en lugares donde la vegetacion es muy densa complicando aun mas su observacion.
sin embargo el deseo de observarlas ha generado emprendimientos locales donde las alimentan, fascilitando su observacion.
For more information contact us:
[email protected]

Rufous-crested coquette - Coqueto de cresta rufa.Waqanki lodge - Moyobamba, Northern Peru.Hummingbirds consistently capt...

Rufous-crested coquette - Coqueto de cresta rufa.
Waqanki lodge - Moyobamba, Northern Peru.
Hummingbirds consistently captivate observers due to their distinctive behaviors, flight patterns, and vibrant colors, which can be challenging to perceive accurately.
Among this avian group, the flirts exhibit a unique characteristic: they perpetually move their tail while in flight, a behavior that aligns with their namesake.

Los colibries siempre seran una fascinacion, por su comportamiento sus habitos de vuelo, sus colores que muchas veces son un verdadero reto poder observarlos.
dentro de este grupo estan los coquetos que tienen un comportamiento peculiar siempre mueven la cola mientras vuelan haciendo referencia a su denominacion.
For more info contact us
[email protected]

Taiwan Photography tour.We have two sections, one in Northern Peru, them some coastal birding, we visited Machupicchu an...

Taiwan Photography tour.
We have two sections, one in Northern Peru, them some coastal birding, we visited Machupicchu and of course the Manu road, we had a great memories and here are some of the best and unforgettable experiences.

Long-whiskered Owlet - Lechucita Bigotona.Yambrasbamba - Northern Peru. This owlet is Peruvian endemic, limited to a sma...

Long-whiskered Owlet - Lechucita Bigotona.
Yambrasbamba - Northern Peru.

This owlet is Peruvian endemic, limited to a small area in Northern Peru known as Abra Patricia and surroundings.
It is one of the most iconic species in Peru, renowned for its aesthetic appeal and diminutive size, as well as its restricted distribution between the Amazonas and San Martin regions.
This species produces a distinctive vocalization resembling a frog's call, characterized by short, continuous, and repetitive purring sounds lasting up to 3-5 minutes, which can be easily overlooked.

Este buhito es endemico del Peru, restringido en una pequeña region en el Norte Peruano en la zona conocida como Abra Patricia.
es una de las especies mas emblematicas que tiene el Peru, no solo por su belleza y su tamaño diminuto, sino tambien por el rango de distribucion tan reducido en el que se encuentra entre las regiones de Amazonas y San Martin.
esta especie tiene un canto particular que se asemeja al de una rana que son como ronroneos cortos que son constantes y repetirivos hasta por 3 - 5 minutos que facilmente podrian pasar desapercibidos.
For more information Contact us:
[email protected]

Golden-tailed Sapphire - Colibri de cola Dorada.Wakanki Lodge - Moyobamba, Northern Peru.Light is a fundamental element ...

Golden-tailed Sapphire - Colibri de cola Dorada.
Wakanki Lodge - Moyobamba, Northern Peru.

Light is a fundamental element in photography, playing a crucial role in capturing the essence of colors. Its presence or absence significantly impacts the visual experience, allowing us to perceive the mesmerizing iridescence of these magnificent hummingbirds.
Conversely, the absence of light creates a contrasting dark background, further enhancing the aesthetic appeal and highlighting the beauty of this extraordinary species.

La Luz es la esencia de los colores, vital en la fotografia, su presencia y su ausencia hacen que la vision sea un deleite atraves de ella podemos ver la iridiscencia de estos Maravillosos colibris.
al mismo tiempo su ausencia nos muestra un fondo oscuro generando un contraste elevando la belleza es esta especie.
For more information contact us:
[email protected]

Marvelous Spatuletail - Colibri Maravilloso / Colibri Cola de Espatula.Huembo Ecolodge - Pomacochas, Northern Peru.This ...

Marvelous Spatuletail - Colibri Maravilloso / Colibri Cola de Espatula.
Huembo Ecolodge - Pomacochas, Northern Peru.

This hummingbird possesses a distinctive physical appearance, characterized by its unique tail structure. It has four tail feathers, with two of them being pointed and the remaining two significantly longer. The latter two feathers exhibit a racket-like shape, giving the impression that the bird is being pursued by two other birds. In reality, these elongated feathers with racket-shaped tips are a natural part of the hummingbird's anatomy.

Ready to get some photos in Owlet lodge - Abra patricia

Ready to get some photos in Owlet lodge - Abra patricia

Siempre las bienvenidas son espectaculares en las Instalaciones del Owlet Lodge - en Abra Patricia. En el Norte PeruanoS...

Siempre las bienvenidas son espectaculares en las Instalaciones del Owlet Lodge - en Abra Patricia. En el Norte Peruano
Salu con el Pisco sour.

Golden-headed Quetzal - quetzal de cabeza dorada.Rocotal - Manu Road, Cusco - Peru.The etymology of the name "quetzal" i...

Golden-headed Quetzal - quetzal de cabeza dorada.
Rocotal - Manu Road, Cusco - Peru.

The etymology of the name "quetzal" is rooted in the cultural narratives of the ancient Mexica and Mayan civilizations. They regarded the quetzal as the "deity of the air" and a representation of virtue and illumination. Its verdant tail feathers were venerated as emblems of the vernal resurgence of flora.
Internet Source

Sobre el nombre quetzal existe una historia en la cultura de los antiguos mexicas y mayas vieron el quetzal como el “dios del aire” y como un símbolo de bondad y la luz, y sus plumas de cola verde fueron veneradas como símbolos para el crecimiento de las plantas en la primavera.
Fuente Internet.
For more information contact us
[email protected]

Con IPAL Inka Jungle ECOLODGE, Birding / Ecotourism & Adventure – ¡Me acaban de reconocer como uno de sus fans destacado...

Con IPAL Inka Jungle ECOLODGE, Birding / Ecotourism & Adventure – ¡Me acaban de reconocer como uno de sus fans destacados! 🎉
Aqui una belleza de su Jardin.
For more information contact us:
[email protected]

Rufous-headed Woodpecker - Carpintero de cabeza Roja.Chuncho Lodge - Tambopata Nationa Reserve, Madre de Dios - Peru.Thi...

Rufous-headed Woodpecker - Carpintero de cabeza Roja.
Chuncho Lodge - Tambopata Nationa Reserve, Madre de Dios - Peru.

This woodpecker is one of the most wanted and simultaneously challenging to observe. It typically inhabits dense patches dominated by bamboo. Additionally, its behavioral patterns are elusive and very shy, making observation even more intricate. Nevertheless, it is a delight to witness them in their natural habitat.

Este pajaro carpintero es uno de los mas buscados y a su vez dificil de observar, habita por lo general parches densos con predominancia de bambo, por otro lado sus habitos comporamiento son esquivos y muy timidos haciendo que su observacion sea aun mas complicada, sin embargo es un delite poder verlos en su habitat natural.
For more information contact us:

Tanager Tours is a leading birding tours operator to birdwatching trips to Peru and other South American destinations


Jr. Abel Landeo O-1 Rosaspata

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 17:00
Martes 09:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 17:00
Jueves 09:00 - 17:00
Viernes 09:00 - 17:00
Sábado 09:00 - 13:00




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