que tal disfrutar de un ceviche con vista al mar y disfrutar de una linda marinera limeña? Pregúntales a los expertos: @limamentor #marineralimeña #limamentor #ceviche #vistaalmar #visitlima #musicacriolla #musicaperuana #bailesperuanos #marinera #travelgram
We have worked consciously in our protocolos to keep our guests and partners safe! Let’s keep traveling and exploring! #prontovolveremos #wearegettingreadyforyou #limaperu #visitlima #limamentor #cuandopiensesenvolver #travelpostcovid #covidprotocols
Lima Mentor will be back soon!!
We are happy to be working on our protocols and new routes!
Oh!! Nadie ! E inaugurando estas nuevas vías! #cuarentena #costaverde #sanmiguel #limamentor #quedateencasa #quarantinelife #stayhome
Walking alone exploring the nature is a sensation that I have always loved. I have never had so many opportunities as there was always a guide around. This one was so much appreciated. Times alone to think, to value, to thank... These times are exactly for that. #quarantine #stayhome #quedateencasa #dontcancelpostpone #viajamañana #travelphotography #traveltomorrow #limamentor #visitsouthamerica
#donarsangresalvavidas #inen este jueves 11 en sede miraflores 8am a 3pm y viernes 12 de 8am a 2pm sede Villa.
#cambiodeguardiaperú #changeofguards #plazamayorlima #culturalcitytourlima #limamentor #visitlima #visitperu #tourlima #explorelima #culturaltourism #visitalima #enjoylima #conocelima
#limaairport #merrychristmas #feliznavidad #tuquituquituqui #limamentor #visitlima #christmastravelling
#cambiodeguardia #bandapresidencial #palaciodegobierno #plazamayordelima #limamentor #visitlima #visitingcities #limaperu
#laflordelacanela #cajonyguitarra #barranco #bajadadebaños #chabucagranda #balsperuano #musicacriolladeperu #visitlima #limamentor
#peruarusia2018 #perualmundial2018 #15noviembre #miraflorescelebra #limamentor
#observingwhales #whale #whalesinperu #whaleinperu #whaletail #visitperu #tumbes #limamentor #mardetumbes #isawawhale