Painted Manakin is one of the highlights of #northernperubirdingroute
📸Eugenio Vallejos
New article: Top 10 birds of #northernperubirdingroute. Read this going to bio or histories.
1. Scarlet-banded Barbet
2. Marvelous Spatuletail
3. Long-whiskered Owlet
4. Pale-billed Antpitta
5. Rusty-tinged Antpitta
6. Ochre-fronted Antpitta
7. Johnson´s Tody-Flycatcher
8. Painted manakin
9. Yellow-scarfed Tanager
10. Black-bellied Tanager
11. Golden-backed Mountain Tanager
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Peru 🇵🇪 is present at @global_birdfair showing our birding tourism potential by PromPerú Oficial, specially the #northernperubirdingroute and the very important and endemic birds like Marvelous Spatuletail, Long-whiskered Owlet, Ochre-fronted Antpitta, Painted Manaking, between others.
@seguidores Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo - Sernanp Conservación Internacional Perú Tingana Reserva Arena Blanca Aconabikh
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📲 +51969995041
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A rare bird reported in this area close to #morrodecalzadaamazoncenter