When I tell people I’m a coach and I help people find their own inner compass by taking them on adventures in nature they ask what difference it makes.
The answer is… it lowers your blood pressure, lowers the heart rate, boosts your immune system - yup 👍🏻- plants actually release phytoncides that boost our killer cells.
End Result = being immerced in nature makes you stronger and clearer.
Why is that relevant? When you de-stress you make better decisions, you open to possibility.
You become more self reflective over the things you unconsciously accepted as real when they are not
You start to remember that you have free-will and choice
You start to notice intuitive signals that you were blind to in the noise of societies demands
You become aware of how you really feel and what you really want
But then what if what you really want is in conflict with the structure you exist in?
And what if you know that anyway and fear it’s collapse?
Well then you have to decide your importance in YOUR life and realise propping up your life is making you weaker and weaker. You are fighting a tide and you need a surf board not a ladder, but you are not going to see that or the many alternatives until you step out of it or it collapses and forces you out of it.
If you want to feel stronger,
if you want to open up to the full extent of your life’s possibility,
if you want to make decisions in your best interest
If you want to feel the support of your own truth
If you need to heal, drop some emotional burdens (shoulds and should-nots)
If you want deep connection to your soul and it’s calling
I’m taking 10 people to the Amazon basin in July 6-13th (extends to 20th)
August 17-24th (extends to 31st)
September 7-28th (3 week epic adventure)
the boats are filling up - come by yourself, or bring your bestie, couples are also welcome, but only 10 seats on the boat for each trip.
* If you want the full itinerary, it’s on my website (there are options to go further)
*If you want a free intuitive reading to decide if it’s right for you, send me a DM and I’ll book you in.
*If you have a friend who might be interested, please don’t let them miss out - share please 🙏🏼