Peru Cultural Journeys

Peru Cultural Journeys We are a unique tourism company that affords visitors a rare opportunity for authentic social intera

We are a tour operator committed to provide a unique experience in the destination with high level knowledge native guides, where you will enjoy a rich culture with authentic social interactions, personal comfort and cultural participation

Walking gently along ancient trails, we lead an exploration of the Andean world through a native perspectiveCelebrate th...

Walking gently along ancient trails, we lead an exploration of the Andean world through a native perspective

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Caminando suavemente por senderos antiguos, lideramos una exploración del mundo andino a través de una perspectiva nativa

Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys._____Celebra la esencia de la Cultura And...

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.___Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andin...

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.___Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andin...

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

The Sacred Valley awaits you with all its magic and from Peru Cultural Journeys we invite you to share an unforgettable ...

The Sacred Valley awaits you with all its magic and from Peru Cultural Journeys we invite you to share an unforgettable experience on your trip to Peru.
El Valle Sagrado te espera con toda su magia y desde Peru Cultural Journeys te invitamos a compartir una experiencia inolvidable en tu viaje a Peru.

Experience the authentic essence of 5,000 years of Andean culture, its meaning and its magic.__Experimenta la auténtica ...

Experience the authentic essence of 5,000 years of Andean culture, its meaning and its magic.
Experimenta la auténtica esencia de 5.000 años de cultura andina, su significado y su magia.


Each travel package celebrates the colorful layers and diverse elements of Andean culture with a traditional holistic ap...

Each travel package celebrates the colorful layers and diverse elements of Andean culture with a traditional holistic approach to the area.
Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.

Cada paquete de viaje celebra las capas coloridas y diversos elementos de la cultura andina con un enfoque holístico tradicional de la zona.
Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Walking gently along ancient trails, we lead an exploration of the Andean world through a native perspectiveCelebrate th...

Walking gently along ancient trails, we lead an exploration of the Andean world through a native perspective

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Caminando suavemente por senderos antiguos, lideramos una exploración del mundo andino a través de una perspectiva nativa.

Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Our guided tours will take you through the most emblematic places steeped in history in Pisac, revealing the secrets and...

Our guided tours will take you through the most emblematic places steeped in history in Pisac, revealing the secrets and wonders that have left their mark on this jewel of the Andes.
Nuestras visitas guiadas te llevarán por los lugares más emblemáticos y cargados de historia de Pisac, revelando los secretos y maravillas que han dejado huella en esta joya de los Andes.

Perú Cultural Journeys


Kawsaypaq means “for life!” in Quechua

Kawsaypaq is a tourism company located in the town of Pisac in the Sacred Valley of the Incas of Cusco that offers authentic cultural experiences celebrating the spirit of the Andean ancestral culture. Our services and products are provided with the highest quality of standards.

We protect, celebrate and promote the continuity of our natural and cultural ancestral Andean heritage.
Kawsaypaq significa “¡Por la vida!” en quechua

Kawsaypaq es una empresa de turismo ubicada en el pueblo de Pisac en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas del Cusco que ofrece auténticas experiencias culturales celebrando el espíritu de la cultura ancestral Andina. Nuestros servicios y productos se proporcionan con los más altos estándares de calidad.

Protegemos, celebramos y promovemos la continuidad de nuestro patrimonio natural y cultural ancestral andino.

Cultural Wealth: Pisac is a town that radiates history and culture. From its famous Inca archaeological complexes high i...

Cultural Wealth: Pisac is a town that radiates history and culture. From its famous Inca archaeological complexes high in the mountains to its vibrant artisan market, every corner of this place tells a fascinating story.

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Riqueza Cultural: Pisac es un pueblo que irradia historia y cultura. Desde sus famosas complejos arqueológicos incas en lo alto de las montañas hasta su vibrante mercado artesanal, cada rincón de este lugar cuenta una historia fascinante.

Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Peru is one of the world’s most exciting culinary travel destinations, with an exquisite food scene.Celebrate the essenc...

Peru is one of the world’s most exciting culinary travel destinations, with an exquisite food scene.

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Perú es uno de los destinos de viajes culinarios más emocionantes del mundo, con una escena gastronómica exquisita.

Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Experience the magic of the sounds and vibrations of Andean music: notes that caress the soul, flutes of infinite shapes...

Experience the magic of the sounds and vibrations of Andean music: notes that caress the soul, flutes of infinite shapes, skirts that dance in the wind and panpipes that awaken new worlds. Let the music take you beyond the known, to a dimension of unexplored emotions.

Celebrate the essence of Andean Culture, traveling with Peru Cultural Journeys.
Vivencia la magia de los sonidos y las vibraciones de la musica andina: notas que acarician el alma, flautas de infinitas formas, faldas que danzan al viento y zampoñas que despiertan nuevos mundos. Deja que la música te lleve más allá de lo conocido, a una dimensión de emociones inexploradas.

Celebra la esencia de la Cultura Andina, viajando con Perú Cultural Journeys.

Delve into the authenticity of the Amaru community, a magical place where ancestral traditions come to life through uniq...

Delve into the authenticity of the Amaru community, a magical place where ancestral traditions come to life through unique natural fabrics. Discover a world where expert hands and a love of nature intertwine to create textile masterpieces that tell stories of past generations.

Native plants become vibrant dyes that dye the threads with the colors of the earth and the sky. Local weavers use techniques passed down from generation to generation, patiently weaving their cultural roots into each woven piece.
Adéntrate en la autenticidad de la comunidad Amaru, un rincón mágico donde las tradiciones ancestrales cobran vida a través de tejidos naturales únicos. Descubre un mundo donde las manos expertas y el amor por la naturaleza se entrelazan para crear obras maestras textiles que cuentan historias de generaciones pasadas.

Las plantas nativas se convierten en tintes vibrantes que tiñen los hilos con los colores de la tierra y el cielo. Los tejedores locales utilizan técnicas transmitidas de generación en generación, hilando pacientemente sus raíces culturales en cada pieza tejida.

Conexión profunda con la naturaleza, sabiduría ancestral y vibrantes tradiciones. La Cultura Andina es un tesoro lleno d...

Conexión profunda con la naturaleza, sabiduría ancestral y vibrantes tradiciones. La Cultura Andina es un tesoro lleno de magia y respeto por la tierra que nos acoge. Descubre la riqueza de sus costumbres, tejidos coloridos y una cosmovisión que nos enseña el valor de vivir en armonía con el universo.
Deep connection with nature, ancestral wisdom and vibrant traditions. The Andean Culture is a treasure full of magic and respect for the land that welcomes us. Discover the richness of their customs, colorful fabrics and a worldview that teaches us the value of living in harmony with the universe.

al del Medio Ambiente"La salud del medio ambiente es una cuestión importante, que afecta al bienestar de los pueblos y a...

al del Medio Ambiente

"La salud del medio ambiente es una cuestión importante, que afecta al bienestar de los pueblos y al desarrollo económico en todo el mundo. La celebración de este día nos brinda la oportunidad de ampliar los conocimientos para una opinión ilustrada y una conducta responsable de las personas, empresas y comunidades en la preservación y mejora del medioambiente".
"The health of the environment is an important issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day gives us the opportunity to broaden knowledge for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct of the people, companies and communities in the preservation and improvement of the environment".

Take advantage of our last minute offer all rooms from 06/01/2023 to 06/15/202  30% off for direct reservations with the...

Take advantage of our last minute offer all rooms from 06/01/2023 to 06/15/202 30% off for direct reservations with the following code LASTMINUTE30%.
Aprovecha nuestra oferta de último momento todas las habitaciones desde 01/06/2023 a 15/06/2023 oferta del 30% para reservas directas con el siguiente código LASTMINUTE30%
Para reservas directas enviar sus datos al Whatts App +51956292201

Día del Idioma Nativo en Perú. 🌞🥳⭐Viva nuestro quechua, Viva nuestro runasimi, Con todo el corazón nos pondremos content...

Día del Idioma Nativo en Perú. 🌞🥳⭐
Viva nuestro quechua, Viva nuestro runasimi, Con todo el corazón nos pondremos contentos en tu día.
Long live our Quechua language. Long live our Runasimi language. We shall wholeheartedly get happy in your day.

Fin de la época de la cosecha, 🌾🌽🌞quedamos agradecidos con nuestra Madre tierra por bendecirnos con sus frutos, que son ...

Fin de la época de la cosecha, 🌾🌽🌞quedamos agradecidos con nuestra Madre tierra por bendecirnos con sus frutos, que son fuente de vida para todos los seres vivos y le decimos en nuestra lengua Quechua. Urpillay Sonqollay!!!

End of the harvest season or Aymuray killa,🌾🌽🌞 We are grateful to our Mother Earth for blessing us with her fruits, which are a source of life for all living beings and we call it in our Quechua language. Urpillay Sonqollay!!!


Hoy ES ANIVERSARIO DE K**I KAWSAY !!! 🌞🥳🌟🥀El Colegio K**i Kawsay es un proyecto educativo que brinda una educación digna...


El Colegio K**i Kawsay es un proyecto educativo que brinda una educación digna y respetuosa de las tradiciones e identidad cultural indígena andina. A través de la escuela Kawsaypaq extiende su impacto en la conciencia local como los valores impartidos a las generaciones futuras para asegurar seres humanos que vivan en equilibrio con su entorno. Haylli K**i Kawsay!!!


The K**i Kawsay School is an educational project that provides a dignified and respectful education of Andean indigenous traditions and cultural identity. Through the Kawsaypaq school, it extends its impact on local consciousness as the values imparted to future generations to ensure human beings who live in balance with their environment. Haylli K**i Kawsay!!!

AYAHUASCA CEREMONY with Alberto Sinti ReateguiUNIQUE OPPORTUNITY, You are invited to take advantage of this rare opportu...

AYAHUASCA CEREMONY with Alberto Sinti Reategui
UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY, You are invited to take advantage of this rare opportunity in Pisac, Peru.
More information send a message by whatts App: +51986598304
CEREMONIA DE AYAHUASCA con Alberto Sinti Reategui
Única oportunidad, Estás invitado a aprovechar esta rara oportunidad en Pisac, Perú.
Mayor informacion al whatts App: +51 986598304

En honor al Día Mundial de Agua 💦Hoy celebramos el agua, Unucha en Quechua. El agua es vida. Unimos fuerzas hoy para cre...

En honor al Día Mundial de Agua 💦
Hoy celebramos el agua, Unucha en Quechua. El agua es vida.
Unimos fuerzas hoy para crear conciencia sobre la crisis del agua y saneamiento, con la vision de agua y saneamiento sostenible para todos. Que tomemos acción todos los días por un mundo major y por nuestras futuras generaciones.

In honor of World Water Day 💦
Today we celebrate water. Unucha in Quechua. Water is Life.
We join forces today to raise awareness about the water crisis all over the world.
We are committed to uniting as part of the solution of the sustainable water and sanitation crisis, with the vision of sustainable water and sanitation for all. May we take action every day for a better world and for our future generations.


ASOCIACIÓN K**I KAWSAYColegio Andino K**i KawsayFusionando el conocimiento antiguo y las tradiciones de los Andes con la...

Colegio Andino K**i Kawsay

Fusionando el conocimiento antiguo y las tradiciones de los Andes con las prácticas de sostenibilidad
La Asociación K**i Kawsay busca empoderar a los niños, jóvenes y adultos de las comunidades indígenas en el Valle Sagrado cerca de Cusco, Perú a través de la creación y el apoyo de programas permanentes y multidisciplinarios a través de su escuela andina, videos producidos por la comunidad, centro cultural, talleres, grupo de música y danza tradicional, transmisiones de radio e intercambios culturales con otras comunidades indígenas.Visite el sitio web de K**i Kawsay para obtener más información y detalles sobre cómo participar y apoyar este valioso trabajo. / [email protected]

Merging ancient knowledge and traditions of the Andes with sustainability practices
The K**i Kawsay Association seeks to empower the children, youth and adults of Indigenous communities in the Sacred Valley near Cusco, Peru through the creation and support of permanent, multidisciplinary programs through its Andean school, community-produced videos, cultural center, workshops, traditional music and dance group, radio broadcasts, and cultural exchanges with other Indigenous communities. Please visit K**i Kawsay’s website for more information, and details on how to be involved and support this valuable work. / [email protected]


Feliz Dia Internacional de la MujerCada día deberíamos recordar y agradecer a las mujeres que doblemente fueron sometida...

Feliz Dia Internacional de la Mujer
Cada día deberíamos recordar y agradecer a las mujeres que doblemente fueron sometidas por la mentalidad patriarcal eurocéntrica … explotadas por centurias por un sistema que aún hoy las menosprecia, muestran su fortaleza y su resistencia y nos recuerdan que sin ellas madres, hermanas, compañeras, maestras y líderes , seguiremos dando saltos en un solo pie sin balance ….. ellas son el absoluto opuesto complementario para encontrar el equilibrio perdido. Kawsachun warmikuna !!!.

Happy International Women's Day
Every day we should remember and thank the women who were doubly subjugated by the Eurocentric patriarchal mentality... exploited for centuries by a system that even today belittles them, show their strength and resistance and remind us that without them mothers, sisters, companions, teachers and leaders, we will continue hopping on one foot without balance…..they are the absolute complementary opposite to finding lost balance. Kawsachun warmikuna !!!


Pisac Inn, Plaza Constitución


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The Story of Peru Cultural Journeys

Peru Cultural Journeys is a Peruvian travel company, based out of the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Pisac, Peru. We are a unique tourism company committed to providing visitors and our guests with a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in the magic and mystical wonders of the Andes through authentic social interaction, cultural participation and personal comfort.

We live our daily lives in the world shared with our visitors, and involved in many valuable cultural projects. Thanks to our long-established local roots and ties, Peru Cultural Journeys offers access to people, places and insights far beyond the reach of the average traveler, with insider opportunities unlike any you have experienced before. We believe that authentic cultural travel broadens horizons and enriches the spirit, affording a deeper understanding of the world in which we live.

Join us and experience the authentic essence of 5,000 years of Andean culture, its meaning and its magic. Gently walking on ancient pathways, we lead an exploration into the Andean world through a native perspective, allowing you to cultivate a personal and intimate relationship to this land, the people and their customs. This unique travel adventure through Peru's magical destinations affords visitors a rare opportunity for social interaction, personal comfort and cultural participation while visiting rural Peru.

We envision our tours as tapestries, artistically composed of excursions, cultural events, cuisine and worldview – interconnected to the fantastic landscape, ancient archeological sites and cultural continuum. All of our guides and specialists are local and indigenous. They are exceptional people who commonly share the vision and life ethic based on Andean respect and reciprocity, and honor their ancestral heritage. Most are fluent in English and Spanish and also speak the local language of Quechua. When not fluent in English, we provide necessary translation.

Agencias De Viajes cercanos

Otros Guías turísticos en Pisac

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