Willkamayu Spirit

Willkamayu Spirit "Everyone has an internal landscape, you just have to discover it"
–Connecting with Willkamayu Spirit

Feel at home and feel yourself at our family home Willkamayu Spirit in Urubamba, Sacred Valley. Our focus is the connection to our inner and outer landscapes, to deeper the connection to ourselves, others and Nature, to rise counsiousness. We are sharing that through the Andean and Amazonian ancient traditions. We are offering Sacred Treks, Pachamama and Kokamama Ceremonies, retreats with the Teac

herplants Wachuma (San Pedro) and Ayahuasca. We are working with our hearts and our fullest passion for what we are doing and we love to share those activities with you. A personal and intimate community approach is a high value of us. Personalized and private ceremonies is one of our strengths, our groups with retreats will not be bigger than 5 persons. Our Teacherplants retreats are led by well experienced Maestros, who work in service of the Teacherplants. We are making sure that our retreats are well organized and based on respect, seriousness, safety and responsible and reliable service for you. It is important for us to provide all our services on a flexible basis, depending on our guests requests. We are looking forward to meet you!
� Love, Jhon and Janneke

Embracing our Inner Child: A Path to Healing and Integration in Plant Medicine RetreatsDuring Plant Medicine retreats, w...

Embracing our Inner Child: A Path to Healing and Integration in Plant Medicine Retreats

During Plant Medicine retreats, we touch the depths of our souls by journeying deeply into our subconsciousness. In ceremony, deeply rooted patterns, blockages, memories, and emotions that often trace back to our childhood can surface.

By connecting with our Inner Child, an archetype embedded in our subconscious, we create a bridge between the insights and healing received during our ceremonies and our everyday lives.
Our Inner Child represents the purest essence of who we are: our joy, creativity, and authentic self. Yet, it also carries the wounds of our past and the conditioning that shapes our current experiences.

At Willkamayu Spirit, we offer a nurturing environment where ancient traditions and integrative therapies complement and enhance one another.
During our retreats, we explore the energy of our Inner Child, allowing participants to feel and express their emotions, heal past wounds, and cultivate love and compassion towards themselves.

If you feel called to connect with the profound communion of Plant Medicine and Inner Child work, we invite you to join us on this transformational journey!

With love and gratitude,

Jhon, Janneke and the Willkamayuspirit team

As we close the door on our last retreat of 2024, our hearts are full with gratitude. Thank you, dear sisters, for your ...

As we close the door on our last retreat of 2024, our hearts are full with gratitude. Thank you, dear sisters, for your vulnerability and trust! It has been beautiful to connect and share these profound moments with you.

Reflecting on this past year, we are deeply thankful for the incredible souls we’ve met from all corners of the globe.
Each encounter has enriched our journey, allowing us to explore our inner and outer landscapes, and grow in consciousness together.

Walking this path alongside one another is both profound and transformative. We acknowledge that it can be challenging and confronting at times, but the depth of our shared experiences and the courage to be vulnerable makes it worthwhile. Together, we heal, we grow, and we rise.

We are deeply grateful for our expanding community. As we transition into 2025, we wish you all a beautiful journey filled with health, love and connection to yourselves and your loved ones.

We are going into the Mountains for some days!

With love and light,

Connecting with, and Integrating the teachings of Wachuma in connection with our Innerchild as an embodiment practise🌀🌵L...

Connecting with, and Integrating the teachings of Wachuma in connection with our Innerchild as an embodiment practise🌀🌵

Last month a beautiful “new retreat” came organically together with two ladies from Canada and Switzerland.
They both wanted an Innerchild workshop in combination with a wachuma ceremony, so Janneke started both with them the first out of three Innerchild sessions online and session two and three in person during their retreat! They were both available on the same dates, so it came beautifully together…

The Innerchild workshop in communion with the Grandfather medicine is profound. The Innerchild work prepares you, supports you during the ceremony in connection with the medicine and helps you to integrate the messages on a deeper level.

You are receiving a beautiful tool which you can easily integrate in your daily life, to embody the teachings which you have received in your retreat!

So we decided to make a new retreat in our offers;
3 day Wachuma Innerchild retreat

🌀1 preparation Innerchild session online
🌀Day 1 Innerchild session in person, lunch, dinner
🌀Day 2 wachuma ceremony
🌀Day 3 breakfast, integration Innerchild session in person

For more information about this beautiful retreat send us an dm!

With love

Growing in Community 🌿❤️We are filled with joy that we met our dear sister Astrid last week again, who has been a part o...

Growing in Community 🌿❤️

We are filled with joy that we met our dear sister Astrid last week again, who has been a part of the Willkamayuspirit family for the past few years. Each time she visits Peru with her group, she brings with her a deep connection to the land and the the sacred medicines.

Last year, the owners of Paraiso, where we host our retreats, honored Astrid by asking her to be the spiritual godmother for their daughter.
Witnessing the profound connection between people, the land, and the growth of community worldwide fills our hearts with gratitude.

Last week, we celebrated a beautiful ceremony “Ununchakuy”, a spiritual baptism for their daughter and Astrid. It was a magical moment to come together in ceremony and love, creating beautiful memories together and strengthening community!

We are deeply grateful for all the beautiful souls who surround us, for the meaningful connections within our shared journey and for the learning and growing together. 🙏💚

Thank you Kathryn for your kind words. It was beautiful to share a retreat with you! 🙏🌈

Thank you Kathryn for your kind words. It was beautiful to share a retreat with you! 🙏🌈

Heb je behoefte aan; een diepere verbinding met jezelf, helderheid op bepaalde vlakken in je leven, inzichten waar bepaa...

Heb je behoefte aan; een diepere verbinding met jezelf, helderheid op bepaalde vlakken in je leven, inzichten waar bepaalde blokkades en belemmeringen vandaan kunnen komen, een opschoning, het versterken van je veerkracht?

En wil je dat samen met een ervaren Peruaans, Nederlands begeleiders-team doen op een mooie retraite plek in Nederland in verbinding met de natuur?

Dan zou een retreat met wachuma weleens voor jou kunnen zijn!

Bij Willkamayuspirit geloven we in het vormgeven van ceremonies met liefde en aandacht voor elk individu. Ons ervaren team combineert eeuwenoude tradities met integratieve therapieën voor een transformerende ervaring.

Dit retreat omvat:
*Een Intake, 1-op-1 video call
*Dag ceremonie met Wachuma
*Begeleiding en support van Peruaans/ Nederlands team; een Peruaanse maestro en twee ervaren ceremonie begeleiders / space holders met therapeutische achtergrond
*Overnachting in gedeelde kamers
*Biologische vegetarische maaltijden
*Muziek (Sikuri en drum)
*Uitgebreide Integratie cirkel met aandacht per individu
*Traditionele Peruaanse Despacho ceremonie
*Ademwerk, lichaamswerk en innerlijk kind werk
*Integratie call op aanvraag

Voel je je geroepen om de kracht van plant-medicijnen te ervaren in een veilige, intieme setting, ontdek meer op onze hipsy pagina: https://hipsy.nl/willkamayuspirit

Of stuur een berichtje naar Janneke via +51962686823.

Met liefde en dankbaarheid,


Organisatie: &

Willkamayu Spirit is hosting a 7-day Ayahuasca Integration Retreat at El Paraiso, 8-14 April.We look forward to welcomin...

Willkamayu Spirit is hosting a 7-day Ayahuasca Integration Retreat at El Paraiso, 8-14 April.

We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful retreat space at El Paraiso and supporting you in finding deep connection with yourselves, each other and nature, as our maestros guide you in your connection with Grandmother Ayahuasca and Grandfather Wachuma.

The retreat includes 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies, 1 Wachuma (San Pedro) ceremony, and an Inner Child Workshop guided by

Accommodation and all food included.

For more information, connect with us at [email protected]

Thank you Cédric for the beautiful words 💖 We had an amazing retreat with you and we would love to welcome you back in t...

Thank you Cédric for the beautiful words 💖 We had an amazing retreat with you and we would love to welcome you back in the future.

Hey brothers & sisters, We wish you all connected, continuing solstice energies and a beautiful start to the New Year. W...

Hey brothers & sisters,

We wish you all connected, continuing solstice energies and a beautiful start to the New Year.

We are looking back at 2023 with love, acceptance and gratitude. We have had our challenges, however we are grateful for each other and for the lessons we have learned 🌀🙏

For us, a big milestone was going and sharing Wachuma (San Pedro) ceremonies in the Netherlands, which was really magical and we are grateful for our growing community over there.

For 2024, some of our intentions that we would love to share are:

* To grow in our Willkamayu Spirit team, to grow in community, growing into sharing with people in new ways, collaborations!
* ⁠Growing in our own healing, expansion and development, as a family, and of course to rise in consciousness together.
⁠* Sharing Wachuma retreats and some new offerings in the Netherlands. (We are making beautiful connections and collaborations with amazing people over there so stay tuned.)
* Continuing the usual retreats in the Sacred Valley of Peru while Jhon and Janneke will be in Europe.
* To share retreats in the higher jungle of Peru, and some new retreat offerings in the Sacred Valley.

Wishing you all a year of expansion with profound connections, acceptance, healing, growth and Peace.

Photo credits: Rachel Schraven
Organisation: Tessa Leonie Meijer & Willkamayu Spirit

Soucin has been with Willkamayu Spirit since November 2022, and this is where she first learned about her beautiful, dee...

Soucin has been with Willkamayu Spirit since November 2022, and this is where she first learned about her beautiful, deep connection with the plant medicines Ayahuasca and Wachuma (San Pedro) 💖✨🌵 Her work with Willkamayu Spirit involves planning and organising the retreats, maintaining the website, getting involved with the social media, and encouraging the growth of the retreats 😊 She is currently travelling through South America, but when she is in the Sacred Valley, she also accompanies participants during their ceremonies, working alongside the maestros. It was during one of these ceremonies that she received the Códigos, which have become an important part of her life's work. The 4 Códigos (4 Codes) are a healing, a cleansing, with 4 steps to help women heal deeply from sexual trauma and violence (https://healfromsexualviolence.com/). As well, Soucin is setting up an NGO (https://pachamama-revive.org/) to help take care of this beautiful planet we call home.

Thank you to , one of our recent participants, for the beautiful photos 😊🥰 It was an honour to share a retreat with you ...

Thank you to , one of our recent participants, for the beautiful photos 😊🥰 It was an honour to share a retreat with you 🙏

Thank you Apu Pumawanca, the land of Mantanay, Yanahuara and the Elements for supporting us in our healing and growing journey. And thank you Roxana and Richard for your beautiful place and loving and nurturing food!

The connection with nature, the four elements and Ancient rituals and ceremonies are super important for me and they pla...

The connection with nature, the four elements and Ancient rituals and ceremonies are super important for me and they play a big role in my personal journey.

Living in Peru for more than 8 years now, has helped me profoundly in (re)connecting with and remembering these ancient practices.

These sacred rituals and practices are interwoven in the ceremonies we will share in the Netherlands with plant medicine Wachuma 🌵

Do you feel the calling to (re)connect with these profound practices?
Send us a message!
With love and gratitude,

We are super excited to share retreats with Teacher plant Wachuma this summer in the Netherlands. And we are super grate...

We are super excited to share retreats with Teacher plant Wachuma this summer in the Netherlands.
And we are super grateful that the path is opening so beautifully…
We have found wonderful retreat spaces where we can share the retreats. We have an amazing team with skilled spaceholders and beautiful people signing up who feel the call to connect in their hearts.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Haylli, haylli!


5-6th of August sold out!!!🙏🙏🙏
12-13th of August 3 spots open
25-26th of August 4 spots open
9-10th of September 3 spots open
16-17th of September 3 spots open

For more information, send us a message!
With love,

Willkamayu Spirit is hosting a 5-day Ayahuasca Retreat at El Paraiso, 19-23 June.Perfect if you are seeking a journey of...

Willkamayu Spirit is hosting a 5-day Ayahuasca Retreat at El Paraiso, 19-23 June.

Perfect if you are seeking a journey of connection, surrounded by the beauty of nature, in an intimate setting with a small group of a maximum of 4 people, with attention given to deep healing.

The retreat will include 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies, 4 nights’ accommodation, accommodation and food included.

For more information, connect with us at [email protected]

“Wachuma”means in quechua (the local language): Wachu: row, Uma: head.  It means cultivating the mind, raising the consc...

“Wachuma”means in quechua (the local language): Wachu: row, Uma: head. It means cultivating the mind, raising the consciousness. Wachuma is a heart opening medicine and helps us to tune in, ground and integrate.
“It can connect us to the primal state of Being and generate profound spiritual experiences,” says Jhon.

The effects can last for several hours. While each individual's experience is unique, it is often experienced that the senses are sharpened, you feel connected to nature and you come to deep emotional and spiritual insights.
The medicine supports healing in profound patterns and beliefs, depression, fears and family systems. This beautiful medicine has the gift of opening and strengthening a deep connection with ourselves, our inner child and our ancestors.

Do you feel the “calling” or do you want to know more? Send us a message.
The early bird registrations run until the upcoming New Moon, May 19th!

Lots of love

Thank you, Bailee 💕

Thank you, Bailee 💕

We are super excited for our journey to the Netherlands and to share Wachuma ceremonies over there! Please contact us fo...

We are super excited for our journey to the Netherlands and to share Wachuma ceremonies over there! Please contact us for more info! ✨

Wachuma Ceremonies with a Peruvian Maestro:

Connect deeply with Grandfather Wachuma (San Pedro) and your inner nature.

Do you feel the calling or want to know more? Send us a message. We would be happy to schedule a call! Love, Jhon and Janneke,

Who are we? Willkamayu Spirit & Space Holders

Normally, Janneke, who is from the Netherlands, and her Peruvian husband Jhon live in the Andean Mountains, where they have a retreat centre. This summer, they are coming to the Netherlands together for the first time with one of their wise plant medicines: the cactus Wachuma (also known as San Pedro). You get the chance to be at one of their ceremonies. An opportunity to immerse yourself and connect deeply with yourself, others and nature. In addition to Janneke and Jhon, various space holders will also be present during the ceremonies to support the process.


5-6 August
12-13 August
19-20 August
25-26 August
9-10 September
16-17 September

For more info: hipsy.nl/willkamayuspirit
(The information is in Dutch, however, English speakers can contact us too 😊❤️)

This retreat is for you if you:

- have questions about who you are deep inside of yourself
- have questions about the profound patterns inside of yourself
- want to heal your family lineage
- want to connect with your inner nature and the nature around you
- your heart wants to open even more and you want to strengthen your resilience
- want to grow in consciousness and develop yourself
- need a cleansing, a ‘reset’
- want to connect with traditional rituals and wisdom

Authentic and intimate ceremony with a maximum of 8 participants, with attention given to preparation and integration.


Calle Paccaraqui Capillania El Bosque


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