With support from the PNG Government and other stakeholders, Wafi-Golpu is making significant economic and social contributions to PNG. As we develop the project, we aim to invest more in PNG to create job opportunities, engage local contractors and suppliers, and set up training and business development programs.
Potential Benefits
With support from the PNG Government and other key stakeholders, Wafi-Golpu can make a significant economic and social contribution to PNG:
- Approx PGK9.1b initial capital investment by WGJV
- Approx PGK17.4b capital and operational investment over life of mine by WGJV
- Estimated 2,500 jobs during construction (employees and contractors)
- Estimated 850 operations jobs (employees and contractors)
- Engagement of local contractors and suppliers
- Local procurement of goods and services
- Investment in training, workforce readiness and business development
*See Newcrest and Harmony releases dated 19 March 2018 for further details, including conditions to progression. Estimated costs are based on December 2017 real estimates. The figures are subject to all necessary permits, regulatory requirements, Board approval and further studies and works.
Stimulating community owned businesses
The Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture wants to help grow the local business community by using local suppliers and businesses where we can.
Local suppliers are given preference under our supply policy, provided they meet our criteria of capability, capacity, quality and competitiveness.
All goods and services will be acquired through formal contracts with approved suppliers, and not informally at camp locations or work sites.
WGJV wants to work with businesses that are safe, reliable, provide great service and look after the environment and their communities.
The WGJV’s Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) community development program in partnership with AT Projects has delivered new water supply facilities to six villages since 2019, benefiting over 1,500 people by providing clean drinking water, washing facilities and improved sanitation through toilet installation.
Unlocking agribusiness potential
By leveraging the success of the WGJV’s existing cocoa program, it is possible to further develop a range of local agribusiness opportunities for landowners.
Should the Wafi Golpu mine be developed, agribusiness will remain a core focus for the WGJV.
Future WGJV initiatives could include supporting nearby communities to develop cash crops, food crops, fresh fruit and vegetables and livestock, both for sale to local and international markets.
Opening up routes to market for local farmers
If the Wafi Golpu mine is developed, the proposed new Northern Access and Watut Services roads could open up further produce sales at markets not now readily accessible to local farmers.
Locating this important infrastructure in a place that facilitates trade, is consistent with the WGJV’s aim to unlock agribusiness opportunities for local communities.
Stimulating non-mine related opportunities
Since 2010, the WGJV has supported cocoa initiatives in Morobe Province to create opportunities for families to earn a sustainable income from activities separate to mining.
We understand that stimulating non-mine related business is important to the ongoing socio-economic wellbeing of people in Morobe Province and that is why we intend to continue supporting local communities to cultivate sustainable agribusiness, should the Wafi-Golpu mine be developed.
Prioritising directly impacted communities
If the Wafi Golpu mine is developed, we will use supplier selection criteria that favour locals where their goods and services are competitive.
We will give preference to local suppliers, based on their proximity to the Wafi Golpu mine and their level of PNG ownership, where their price quality, capacity, experience and expertise meet the WGJV’s expectations.
Priority by proximity
Tier 1 - Mine Impact Area (MIA) communities and companies
Tier 2 - Other Project Impact Area (PIA) communities and companies
Tier 3 - Non Tier 1 and 2’s from Morobe Province
Tier 4 - PNG businesses and citizens from outside of Morobe Province
Tier 5 - Overseas (expatriates including PNG citizens)
Wafi-Golpu progression of opportunities
If developed the Wafi-Golpu mine will be a highly complex, long lead time project. Employment and procurement opportunities are dependent on permitting by the State and approval by the WGJV participants to proceed with construction.
Let’s Talk Benefits
If the Wafi-Golpu mine is developed, the WGJV will implement a clear “buy local” policy and facilitate the procurement of local goods and services by assisting in the creation of well-constituted community-owned businesses.
Let’s Talk Benefits
If the Wafi-Golpu mine is developed, the WGJV will prioritise the employment of Papua New Guinea citizens at all management levels and will generate job opportunities for locals by developing and implementing a targeted training and employment program.
Let’s Talk Benefits
If developed, the Wafi-Golpu mine will generate job opportunities for the Morobe people throughout the construction period and over the life of the mine.
Let’s Talk Benefits
If developed, the Wafi-Golpu mine will generate royalty revenue that will be allocated between the stakeholders of the mine including landowners, LLGs, and the Morobe Provincial Government.
Let’s Talk Benefits
If developed, the Wafi-Golpu mine will have a significant multiplier effect on the national and local economy, impacting taxes and royalties, direct and indirect employment, infrastructure development, and the emergence of SMEs and other businesses and services.
How the proposed DSTP System will work
Watch the video for an in-depth explanation on the proposed Wafi-Golpu DSTP system.
WGJV is confident that Deep Sea Tailings Placement is the safest and most environmentally and socially responsible solution for the Project.
Why doesn’t Wafi-Golpu build a Tailings Dam?
Why doesn’t Wafi-Golpu build a Tailings Dam? Watch the video below to find out why.
WGJV is confident that Deep Sea Tailings Placement is the safest and most environmentally and socially responsible solution for the Project.
For an in-depth explanation, click the link to watch the entire DSTP video at www.wafigolpujv.com/publications
Will the fish be safe to eat?
Will the fish be safe to eat? Watch the video below to see an explanation about how the fish will remain safe to eat when the proposed DSTP pipe is constructed.
WGJV is confident that Deep Sea Tailings Placement is the safest and most environmentally and socially responsible solution for the Project.
For an in-depth explanation, click the link to watch the entire DSTP video at www.wafigolpujv.com/publications
The Hydrodynamics of the Huon Gulf
The Huon Gulf has unique features that allow for environmentally sound DSTP. The Hydrodynamics of the Huon Gulf are specially suited to DSTP. Watch the video below to find out why.
WGJV is confident that Deep Sea Tailings Placement is the safest and most environmentally and socially responsible solution for the Project.
For an in-depth explanation, click the link to watch the entire DSTP video at www.wafigolpujv.com/publications