Indigenous Kokoda Adventures

Indigenous Kokoda Adventures Indigenous owned and operated, we are a community focused experience provider on the Kokoda Track

Our elders have so much wisdom and knowledge about life, our communities  and our planet. Let's make sure we honour this...

Our elders have so much wisdom and knowledge about life, our communities and our planet. Let's make sure we honour this wisdom by creating opportunities for the generational sharing of this knowledge and ensure it stays alive and is passed down from generation to generation.

Let’s celebrate our elders and keepers of traditional know-how that allow us to live simply from local resources.

Pictured here is Pwencham binding sago fronds for roofing. Sadly Pwencham is no longer with us.

The versatile sago palm. Feeding us. Cooling us. Sheltering us.

When we retain our local skills we honour our elders. Thank you Pwencham.

🌊 Adventure Awaits! 🌊Are you ready to explore the stunning beauty of Papua New Guinea? Join us on our kayaking adventure...

🌊 Adventure Awaits! 🌊

Are you ready to explore the stunning beauty of Papua New Guinea? Join us on our kayaking adventure tour and discover the best of nature! 🚣‍♂️✨

Start your day with us at 6:30 am with a scenic two-hour drive to our kayaking destination. Our friendly guide will provide all the tips and tricks you need for a fun and safe day on the water.

Once we arrive, we'll paddle to Naunumu Escape Island in just 20 minutes. Here, we'll set up camp for an unforgettable overnight stay. Enjoy hiking, team bonding, bird watching (Birds of Paradise!), and the serenity of nature. Don't forget your camera for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

But our adventure is not just about fun; it's about making a positive impact! We are committed to sustainability, ensuring our tours minimize environmental impact and support local communities. We proudly collaborate with local businesses to bring you an authentic and eco-friendly experience.

Discover local villages, hike through lush forests, and visit breathtaking waterfalls. Enjoy panoramic views from scenic viewpoints and immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of our surroundings.

Choose your return adventure—kayak, canoe, or raft back to our campsite, and then take a dinghy to our pickup point. Every moment promises to be unforgettable!

Join us for an incredible adventure while supporting sustainable travel and local businesses. Limited space is available. Book your spot today and make a difference! 🌏💚

As most of the world knows, a devastating landslide in Enga province in Papua New Guinea almost completely wiped out a r...

As most of the world knows, a devastating landslide in Enga province in Papua New Guinea almost completely wiped out a remote hillside village when a chunk of Mount Mungalo collapsed in the early hours last week. According to the local disaster office, the landslide caused "major destruction to buildings, food gardens and caused major impact on the economic lifeline of the country". We believe that TOURISM can be used for POSITIVE PURPOSES, so this being said, we are offering a 5% discount on our treks that will be contributed to the relief efforts for the local community affected by the landslide. The discount is applicable for both treks (the 11-day classic trek and our 4-day immersion trek) that are booked with a paid deposit in the next 60 days (so booking in June or July) for travel through 2023 and 2024.

When natural disaster strikes, we all know it can strike anywhere. It takes all hands to help to put things back together so please support where you can. Local communities depend on the outside to provide what they are not capable of.

If a trek along the has been on your radar, now is the time for you to act. Contact us for more details and let’s discuss how your trek can create BIG IMPACTS for so many lives right NOW when it REALLY MATTERS.

So… a recap! The past few posts we’ve talked about what a trek along the   might look like, accommodations … FEAR ☹. One...

So… a recap! The past few posts we’ve talked about what a trek along the might look like, accommodations … FEAR ☹. One thing we have not talked about in so many words is .🌱
What exactly does sustainability look like along the Kokoda Track?
For those not familiar with the track, while it requires many footSTEPS to complete, the footPRINT of walking the track is minimal and with IKA, your trek packs a double impact punch. With no electricity the opportunity to disconnect from modern conveniences is not a choice. We stay in village huts with no electricity (headlamps only please), villages with no shops or restaurants (our porters carry in your food, and everything needed to prepare it for every meal) and no vehicles for transport. We move by 2-LEG power not HORSEpower 😊.
While we do understand the importance of having oversight on the sustainability certification process, we also know that around the world, the TRUE sustainable tour operators, mostly ALWAYS INDIGENOUS, have been operating sustainably since the beginning without certification. It is our way of life, and these Indigenous ways are what have been handed down throughout generations - we know our way works best when we work with nature. Your footprint on the Kokoda Track is minimal and packs a positive punch when you travel with us. The footprints you leave are POSITIVE because the IMPACT of your visit REMAINS in the villages long after you leave. Your tour fees better support your porters and their families and help end the poverty here. Working with nature, positive impact and greater educational opportunities – all worthy sustainable outcomes of your trek.
We invite you to come and share 11 days of your life with us to discover who you are and what you’re made of AND make a difference in this world.

Who hasn’t felt fear? Fear seems to be front and center when we are presented with an opportunity to try something new. ...

Who hasn’t felt fear? Fear seems to be front and center when we are presented with an opportunity to try something new. It might be learning a new skill or a new language. Or learning how to drive or going back to school to learn something completely different from what you have ever done. The situations are endless.
Every new situation or challenge can be either paralysing or empowering and the is no different. You know that you’ve trained for months. You’ve become stronger and more agile on the trail and physically, you are ready to tackle this … this trail that might be keeping some of you up at night wondering if you are indeed ready. You are ready. Trust us.
A little apprehension is normal, but we make it our goal to ensure our trekkers safely get from the start to the finish (and have a life changing experience with a few really good laughs thrown in too!)
Think you can’t do it? We know you can, and deep down, you know it too.
Got questions about the trek? Is it dangerous? Is it hard? What’s it really like? How much do I have to train? Got questions about us? Send us a message with your questions or better yet, we are happy to have chat about everything Kokoda Track if you want something a little more ‘hands on’.
We understand your apprehension. It’s normal but it shouldn’t stop you. Try us on for size - we will be a good fit! And you might find that you have outgrown bits of your pre-Kokoda Track self when you return home and THAT is the best outcome for accepting and besting a new challenge. Sometimes it takes paralyzing fear and pushing through it for us to realize who we really are under the armour we all put on. It’s time to peel off that outer layer, let your inner rockstar out and come and show yourself what you are capable of here on the Kokoda Track!

Let’s talk accommodations!With so many options available to travelers - Swanky hotel? B&B? Homestay? it can be very diff...

Let’s talk accommodations!
With so many options available to travelers - Swanky hotel? B&B? Homestay? it can be very difficult to choose. Might we suggest a stay in a village hut on the Kokoda Track? We would be hard pressed to say that the village huts on the are luxurious because they are not BUT, to have the experience of staying in a village hut, is a unique opportunity.
We won’t sugarcoat – the accommodations are NOT fancy nor luxurious. No silk sheets or soft mattresses or even a hot shower at the end of each day (you sometimes might be washing up in the river to be completely candid). We are fully aware that for many people reading this, this would be the hard stop/end of story/not going there/I’m out. The truth is though, too many people never give themselves enough credit, they tell themselves: ‘I can’t do it … it’s too hard … I could never stay there’… I need Wi-Fi, I need a hot shower!’ We respectfully disagree with ALL those excuses, we mean reasons!
Staying in the villages, in accommodations so very different from what you are used to, can take a bit of getting used to, but we know that humans are very and , and, aside from the unique nature of … everything, a trek along the Kokoda Track is an absolutely life changing experience – physically, mentally, and emotionally. We encourage you to give your adventurous spirit some credit and loosen the chains on the great adventurer that lies within your soul.
We say it’s time to awaken your authentic self and give a trek along the Kokoda Track a try. We have said it before, and it absolutely bears repeating: ‘You really are stronger and more capable than you think’.
And let’s be honest, who doesn’t fancy a visit to a treehouse??!!!

Today we awake feeling stronger. Gone are the sore legs that have been with us since we started and as we set out, we ar...

Today we awake feeling stronger. Gone are the sore legs that have been with us since we started and as we set out, we are feeling a strong connection to our group and the communities that we are visiting. Steep ascents and slippery descents, crossing bridges, (some of which inspire a little anxiety, others relief!), all feed that feeling that we are a part of something more – part of nature, part of humanity and part of the land that we are walking on. We realize that we are capable of so much more than we think we are and our early apprehension about this trek has changed to a newfound quiet confidence. We walk softly on a trail that many people have walked on before us, listening to the stories about life on the from our porters and guides and we are thrilled to be so welcomed by the people who live here. We all now have a profoundly deep respect for the people that live here, the people that call the Kokoda Track home and this connection is what will sustain us along this journey. We, Indigenous Kokoda Adventures, know the magic that the Kokoda Track can weave and how this trail can make you re-evaluate AND reinvent your life. Come and see for yourself. Let us help you reinvent yourself, one step at a time.

Today we wake to the sounds of the jungle, and our camp, coming to life – birds awakening and calling to each other, low...

Today we wake to the sounds of the jungle, and our camp, coming to life – birds awakening and calling to each other, low voices from our fellow trekkers as they awake, and slowly, we get up and begin our day. Stiff backs initially keep us in low gear but as we stand and stretch and make our way to breakfast, we loosen up and give silent thanks to the resiliently of the human body. After breakfast, we quickly pack up and are ready to go, early, to beat the heat of the day. Talking and sharing stories with your porter and the guides as we walk provides an opportunity to see and comprehend beyond printed itineraries and helps forge a stronger relationship with this person you didn’t even know a week ago. Learning about life on the Kokoda Track from someone who lives there creates a clearer understanding of the people, the culture, and the land and how the relationship that exists between these 3 things maintains the lifestyle, culture, and traditions. How lucky are we to be here, experiencing this time together and sharing this space with people that we didn’t know a week before. When the clarity of what is happening hits you, when you realize how everything that has conspired to put you here, in this spot, a place thousands of kilometers away from home, in a place so very different from what you know, when the realization hits, that no matter where we call home or what we look like, you finally understand that deep down we are ALL human and all want similar things – a happy, prosperous family, the ability to provide for and educate our children and to have opportunity to grow as a person in a healthy community, THAT is when the magic of travel AND the spirit of the Kokoda Track have arrived in your heart. THIS you will carry home with you and the Kokoda Track will stay in your heart forever.

Our journey along the   continues. Lush trees and thick jungle surround us as we walk along the Track. We walk by childr...

Our journey along the continues. Lush trees and thick jungle surround us as we walk along the Track. We walk by children who watch us pass by from their village, curious about who we are and what we are doing. Huge palm trees tower above our heads and with the heat and stillness of the jungle enveloping us, we pause for a much-needed hydration break. It is so very important to make frequent stops to rehydrate and our porters know exactly where to get the best water to drink. Cooling our feet in the cold streams gives our toes a chance to breathe (and say thank you!). Once we are dried, we are off again, focusing on arriving at our home for the night where we can have a rest and share our with our fellow trekkers and our guides and porters.

Have you ever wondered what   is like? And more specifically, what a day along   might be like? Wonder no more  ! An ear...

Have you ever wondered what is like? And more specifically, what a day along might be like? Wonder no more ! An early morning flight will have you flying over the valleys and ridges of the jungle that seem to go on forever. Your pilot will have you, along with the other passengers, landing quickly on the outskirts of Kokoda Village. Once there, you will be guided off and away from the plane so the local people can get their parcels on and off the plane. Once organized, you head off to meet the porters and guides who will guide you on your trek. Our trek together along the has begun. Once the group is ready, we set off, passing by lush foliage, rubber plantations, butterflies, and memorials. Having a Blue Emperor butterfly (Papilio Ulysses) land on you can only be taken as a good sign! Our journey together begins…

“Women and girls can lead us to a fairer future...let us amplify girls’ voices and recommit to working together to build...

“Women and girls can lead us to a fairer future...let us amplify girls’ voices and recommit to working together to build a world where every girl can lead and thrive."
-UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

This coming week, we acknowledge 3 very important UN Days: ‘International Day of the GIRL CHILD’ on October 11, ‘International Day of RURAL WOMEN’ on October 15 and ‘International Day for the ERADICATION OF POVERTY’ on October 17. Indigenous Kokoda Adventures believes that there is a unifying thread that ties these 3 days together and it is EDUCATION.

When girls and rural women are educated and earning an income, they are more likely to spend their income investing in their families and their villages. We believe that EDUCATION is the NUMBER 1 WAY to ERADICATE POVERTY. We believe that when girls are educated, they become knowledgeable and empowered, capable of SUPPORTING their families, REINVESTING in their own futures and making informed, KNOWLEDGEABLE DECISIONS about themselves and the world they live in.

So, what does the ERADICATION OF POVERTY have to do with Indigenous Kokoda Adventures? Why do we think our GIRL CHILDREN and our WOMEN are to be CELEBRATED and EDUCATED? When IKA was first established, we COMMITTED to doing things differently, so our treks are dedicated to eradicating the poverty that still exists today and because our porters and guides are compensated equitably, they can better educate their children.

💥⭐️Girls/Women →Education →Eradication of Poverty ⭐️💥

By trekking with us, our guests can be confident our tours are making a bigger, positive impact where they are needed and they get a more IMMERSIVE EXPERIENTIAL TREK with trek dollars contributing to the eradication of poverty and changing lives for the better on the KOKODA TRACK.

On this  , we celebrate the power of tourism done right - tourism that supports the local communities, that strengthens ...

On this , we celebrate the power of tourism done right - tourism that supports the local communities, that strengthens local businesses and benefits the families and children that live in the destinations impacted by travel. Travelers today have so many opportunities to make a difference in the world so let’s work together to make tourism a positive for everyone on all sides of travel!

What does positive tourism look like on the ? It means children are educated properly and go on to have choices and opportunities. It means that the local porters and guides are better able to support and care for their families and have a decent life. And it means that travelers understand the unique responsibility they have when visiting our communities and walking through our lands to respect and acknowledge the land and people and culture they walk through. And they know, that with every step they take, they are making a difference when they walk the land with .
Join us and the people and communities along the Kokoda Track on this World Tourism Day 2023 in celebrating the positive changes that have been made so far and together, let’s continue this journey towards creating more responsible, sustainable, and regenerative tourism for everyone!

  Day 2/3/4 … and that is a wrap! What a wonderful experience in Hokkaido – such a beautiful part of the world! The Summ...

Day 2/3/4 … and that is a wrap! What a wonderful experience in Hokkaido – such a beautiful part of the world! The Summit was so INSPIRING and ENLIGHTENING and we met SO many knowledgeable people from all over the globe who are doing such important work. What an experience! The opening ceremonies at the Okura Olympic Ski Jump, amazing keynote speakers and insightful speaker sessions, and the 3 scholarship recipients on stage together: for for and for
Thank you and Jordan Tourism Board for this unforgettable experience and an amazing opportunity!

Day 1 of the   ! Day of Adventure in  ! We spent a full day learning about the Ainu and their culture.The Ainu are the I...

Day 1 of the ! Day of Adventure in ! We spent a full day learning about the Ainu and their culture.The Ainu are the Indigenous people of Hokkaido and were here long before the Japanese. We learned about their spiritual relationship with the land, forests, plants, and animals and what they are doing to preserve their language and culture. It was an extremely enlightening day, and we feel so grateful to have been a part of this experience!

Hello Sapporo! We are so glad to be here for the   Global Summit. We are spending today finding our footing, getting the...

Hello Sapporo! We are so glad to be here for the Global Summit. We are spending today finding our footing, getting the lay of the land and happily running into some familiar faces as we wander (and getting over the jetlag!) We are really looking forward to the Summit starting tomorrow where we can dive into really getting to learn about the Japanese culture. Thank you, and the Jordan Tourism Board, for this amazing opportunity!

Today is a special day: we celebrate  International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples🛖 Our people, our culture, our ...

Today is a special day: we celebrate International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

🛖 Our people, our culture, our tradition…

📖 In every movement, in every gesture… our people carry traditions and ancient STORIES.

👂🏼 Are we ready to LISTEN?

Get CLOSER, open your MIND, and CONNECTt, a word will disclose in front of your eyes and heart, LET IT UNFOLD FREELY, there is a lot to share and learn.

TOURISM has a delicate role to play:

🙌🏿 PROTECT and not exploit,
💚 VALUE and not ignore
🏆 ENHANCE and not diminish

Only remember >>> 9th of August is EVERY DAY!


[Photo taken in Menari village by Deborah Campagnaro]

We are so incredibly honoured to be ONE OF THE THREE successful applicants to win the 2023 ATWS Tour Operator Scholarshi...

We are so incredibly honoured to be ONE OF THE THREE successful applicants to win the 2023 ATWS Tour Operator Scholarship. It is extremely humbling and encouraging to be publicly recognized for our work and for the changes we have been bringing to the . Our work aims to fully include the local indigenous communities in the tourism picture so that they can also equally benefit
from tourism conducted in a responsible and sustainable way.

We are also glad to be in such good company with the other successful winners: Theo Vos Kara-Tunga Tours in Uganda 🇺🇬 and Ewan Cluckie Tripseed in Thailand 🇹🇭
We are looking forward to meeting some of our partners in person and spending some quality time in Hokkaido, JAPAN, for the Adventure Travel World Summit (ATWS), this September.

Thank you and the for
this incredible opportunity! We are so looking forward to starting this new great adventure!


So honoured to be included on this list of responsible tour operators who put local communities first. Sharing our stori...

So honoured to be included on this list of responsible tour operators who put local communities first. Sharing our stories with our guests and providing safe, sustainable, positive-impact treks on the Kokoda Track is why we are here! Thanks for sharing our story !

Are you on the hunt for a responsible tour operator in Papua New Guinea?

I got introduced to Indigenous Kokoda Adventures (IKA) via Instagram and I am amazed by their responsible tourism approach. IKA is a locally-owned tour operator in Papua New Guinea that provides walking tours along the Kokoda Track.

The trekkers choosing Indigenous Kokoda Adventures for their trip can expect to live a truly local experience. They will sleep in indigenous village huts along the trail and get to taste the food provided by the local communities there. The guides and porters are paid a fair salary, which benefits the whole village. After all, responsible tourism is only real when the local community earns something from the money that travelers bring into the country.

Read more about this company in our latest blog

Last November we joined a community of like-minded tourism businesses and organisations that want to continue growing by...

Last November we joined a community of like-minded tourism businesses and organisations that want to continue growing by contributing to POSITIVE IMPACT TOURISM.

🙌 ‘INSPIRE GLOBAL’ wants to & and we are very keen on all these pillars, especially the last one.

In fact, at Indigenous Kokoda Adventure, we want to INSPIRE THE CHANGE that tourism needs to embrace.

🎒On the Kokoda Trail, where we were born and operate….
We want to see better employment conditions for the porters and the guides;

🛖in the villages along the Kokoda Trail…
We want to see better education for the children of our communities;

And overall, we want to see travellers visiting our communities, and
✨learning about our indigenous culture,
✨experiencing our daily life,
✨supporting us in protecting our natural environment and its biodiversity

🎉At the start of this new year we want to celebrate this (and the other) meaningful collaborations we have created 🎉


If you are a Tourism Business implementing sustainable tourism and you want to join our Inspire Global community, please find more information at

Indigenous Kokoda Adventures is on ! If you are not familiar with it, this platform is an incredible way to share inform...

Indigenous Kokoda Adventures is on ! If you are not familiar with it, this platform is an incredible way to share information about destinations and places and especially, people with a story to tell.
All travellers likely know that postcards, prior to phones, used to be the main way to share information about places and travel destinations. Now we can be on a postcard within a phone, sent anywhere in the world with a tap on a screen which is a truly effective way to share all our stories. Have a look inside, no stamps needed!

We've all been there ... that second when you realize your foot has landed where it wasn't supposed to or you were tryin...

We've all been there ... that second when you realize your foot has landed where it wasn't supposed to or you were trying to take a photo and you weren't watching where you were stepping ... down you go (or over!) and that is it for your adventure.
It's an awful way for a trip of a lifetime to end (or any trip for that matter) and even worse is when you know you don't have the travel medical and/or evacuation insurance that you need to get you to safety and where you can get proper medical assistance without it costing an arm and a leg (yes it's a pun!)
Global Rescue has been helping travellers for a very long time and is known globally for their attention to detail and ability to get injured or sick travellers to where they need to be. If a trip is in your future and you are planning on getting travel insurance then we suggest Global Rescue as an option for your insurance needs. For any insurance purchased from the Global Rescue link on our website, our foundation receives 10% of any insurance purchase bought for any trip (and you don't even need to come on a trek with us although we strongly urge you to consider it!).
In this new era of travel there are so many things that can go wrong ... lost luggage, flight delays or cancellations, falling off the side of a mountain ... anything can happen and it's usually when you think it won't that it likely will.
Give yourself peace of mind and assist with our children's education at the same time. It's a complete win for everyone!


Waigani Vision City
Port Moresby


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Indigenous Kokoda Adventures - Who We Are and Where We Began

Our story begins a very long time ago, decades ago, probably long before many of you were born. During the Second World War, Japan had the intention to attack Australia and thought that Papua New Guinea would be a strategic place to launch an attack from. They had heard of a trail that the locals used to move from village to village and thought they could take that over and use it to move their men back and forth from Kokoda to Owers’ Corner.

What began as a relationship forged because of war remains to this day because of the unbreakable bonds that grew between the Australian soldiers and the locals, named by the soldiers as their Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. We are the descendants of the original Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels.

Australia was not about to stand idly by and let this happen and positioned their men on PNG and specifically on Kokoda to ward off the potential attack on Australia. There began what was to become, months of horrific fighting. The local people, our forefathers, stepped in to help the Australians in their battle to defeat the Japanese by carrying their wounded, their dead, food, artillery and ammunition, guiding the soldiers safely through the jungle along the Track throughout the battle. Ultimately, because of the knowledge and unwavering help provided by the local villagers, the Australian soldiers were successful in defeating the Japanese and defending Kokoda.

Guiding people along Kokoda is in our genes and our blood. It is who we are. We are the first Indigenous group in Papua New Guinea to offer an authentic trekking experience while directly supporting our people, villages and communities along the Kokoda Track. We have safely guided trekkers along Kokoda for decades for other tour operators and we have now stepped forward to reclaim our heritage and legacy.