What do you do when there's heavy traffic and you have somewhere essential to be? You start walking. While the city is generally known for being a walkable city, sometimes situations that are out of our hands warrant us to walk. This is one of them. During the holidays, Baguio residents usually stay at home during the holiday season due to the influx of visitors, and if sometimes going out is inevitable, we make sure to use our walking shoes and put these baguio legs to work because, anya ngay ngarud?
Of course, it is easy to paint Baguio residents as hostile and irritable people during the holidays, but it is also a bit heartbreaking to see the city at its limit with no proper mitigation policies in place. Some might say, "yung mga taga-Baguio na lang din ang dumayo sa ibang lugar" is speaking from a place of privilege, because one, not everyone has the means for that, and two, most who are working outside of Baguio also only has the holidays as their chance to visit home. We're not hostile, we just want to be heard. Enjoy the city, but we also appeal to you to please put yourself in our walking shoes. For now, we walk.