GETZ, offers a wide array of transportation service options. Whether you travel on a budget or on luxury. GETZ handles all your transport and travel needs such as City Tours to favorite tourist spots, Educational Tour (Lakbay Aral), Pilgrimage Tours and other business and private functions. GETZ Car Rental Services is managed by professionals with over 25 years experience in transport industry c
atering demands for the booming tourism in the region. GETZ is guided by its commitment to service excellence and customer satisfaction. Quality and safety-trained personnel are one of our social assets invested to provide our client-tile the best services we can offer at the most affordable rates. GETZ also accommodates monthly rental services at customized transport rates to company or individuals on short and long term lease. We are located within your reach at the commercial center in Guadalupe at corner V. with office conveniently housed in Guadalupe Koop Bldg. a few steps from Cebu Capitol. GETZ may accept inquiry and booking reservation on 24/7 with contact nos. 032-254-6463, 513-7317, 513-7904, Mobile no. 0923-704-1711.