Enjoy Life Channel

Enjoy Life Channel A motorcycle rider who promotes safety riding tips to all riders in our country Philippines.

This page serves as a medium to share each member’s riding experiences also.

One of the best shot of Total Solar Eclipse from yesterday

One of the best shot of Total Solar Eclipse from yesterday


Day 23

Native Chicken Eggs.

Chicks will typically hatch at day 21. If the fertilized eggs were cooled prior to incubation, the process might take a little longer. If you are at day 21 with no hatch, give the eggs a few more days.

When the big day comes, let the chick hatch on its own. Do not attempt to help. Blood vessels that haven’t dried up yet may still attach the shell to the chick, and prematurely pulling of the shell can cause excessive, potentially fatal, bleeding. A chick can take up to 24 hours to completely hatch, although 5-7 hours is more common.

The peeping of the new baby chicks will encourage unhatched eggs to also start hatching. When the chicks have all hatched, the incubator temperature can be lowered to 95o Fahrenheit. Once the chicks have dried, they can be moved into the brooder, which should already be up and running with a temperature of 90-95o Fahrenheit. Food and water should be in place as well.

If there are still unhatched eggs at day 21, don’t despair. It is possible that timing or temperature went slightly awry, so give the eggs until Day 23. Candle any unhatched eggs to see if they are still alive before discarding them.

Note: Before Cracking the egg candle it first.


Inihaw na liempo at hotdogs.


Sana lahat tayong mga farmers ay magkaroon ng magandang ani.


Buhay Probinsya


Sa bawat likod ng tagumpay maraming tasa ng kape ang naging karamay.


DEFENSIVE DRIVING TIPS TO KEEP YOU SAFE.RESPOND SAFELY TO TAILGATERS.If someone is following too closely, add twice as m...


If someone is following too closely, add twice as much space between your car and the car in front of yours. This increases your ability to see and prepare for a collision. Then carefully and gradually decrease your speed to slightly below the speed of surrounding traffic, and try to move into a right-hand lane, to let the tailgater pass. [Move to left if you have a right-hand driving system]. Do not hit the brakes suddenly, unless you are forced to do so to avoid a collision.

😔 Warming up ATMs!!▪️ If the oil of the automatic transmission is in optimal conditions, if it has the correct level and...

😔 Warming up ATMs!!

▪️ If the oil of the automatic transmission is in optimal conditions, if it has the correct level and is clean, it should not overheat, and therefore its operation will be normal.
In certain operating conditions, the driver may face the fact that the transmission starts to have overheating symptoms.

▪️Symptoms of heating:
1. The smell of burning
2. Oil burns and takes a black tone real quick
3. Hot skate accelerate and not forward
4. Warning on transmission failure dashboard
5. Eventual or continuous bumps
6. Loss of strength
7. Not gearing up any speed
8. Delay in departure, you connect and don't forward
9. Late in retrospect
10. Vibration or vibration, car vibrates at a certain speed
11. Accelerates and raises excess RPMs (Revolutions per minute)
12. The car pulls up

▪️ Ignoring these symptoms shortens the lifespan of the automatic box. Overheating will cause faults which will be evidenced by the check light (not in all cases).

▪️Most of the causes of an automatic box heating are:
1. Low oil level
2. Dirty oil
3. Wrong oil
4. Low quality products
5. Extreme driving conditions
6. Very steep climbs
7. Assisting a car by serving as a tow truck (depends on the model of the car, sedan is definitely not for it)
8. We lay short roads with excess braking
9. slow speeds with little continuity
10. Excessive traffic
11. Accidental Topography
12. High ambient temperature, if the box is not properly conditioned

▪️ These conditions raise the internal temperature of the automatic transmission, in some occasions it reaches up to 120 ° C, and at that moment some cars stop gear, as a method of protection, but something burned internally.

▪️ Consequences of heating:
1. Valves and solenoids caught on fire
2. Burned records
3. Sensors are blocked or short
4. TCM out of order
5. Loss of power
6. Check lights on, AT, OD, TRANSFER FAIR, SLOW DOWN ETC.
7. Damaged hoses and retainers
8. Leak Stamps
9. Zombies

😉When the box overheats, in some cases the ECU (electronic control unit) can lock the operation and enter emergency mode. Limit the operation of the box to avoid major damage.

🤔 What to do if the box goes into emergency mode and doesn't walk?
Not always the box will enter emergency mode and stop, this depends on the type and model, generally the DCT, CVT and some Tiptronic, if it has this function, of locking. If the car stops and the box does not connect, you should wait for the necessary time, from 20 to 40 minutes in order to advance, but you must immediately attend an inspection.

🤔How do you fix overheating?

1. Always perform electronic diagnostics, to determine the temperature of the fluid, if it exceeds 70 ° C, you must already estimate to perform the service
2. Perform the service in a preventive manner
3. In countries with our GUATEMALA, the cvt from 20,000 to 30,000km, Tiptronic from 45,000 to 60,000km, DCT 30,00KM.
4. Wash the system with products certified for it
5. Use quality oils, and suitable for operation in GUATEMALA, as well as in extreme conditions of operation
6. Use proper mercon or dexron certification
7. Not every box you can use "LV" oils
8. Use full synthetic oils, but there are two, one high viscosity and another "LV" (low viscosity = low viscosity), LV should not be used, in many applications
9. If you can, you must stabilize the oil with certified additives, available worldwide, to help the IV (viscosity index) remain stable.
10. If it already has a failure, there are "N" quantity of products worldwide, which eliminate failures or damage in automatic boxes
11. Having a hydraulic cleaning system (dialysis machine) and adequate cleaners, the change of the filter, with some exceptions, is not necessary, for that already exist the right products and accessories for a quick and timely cleaning.

😀 Remember that many boxes were not developed thinking about the poor operating conditions of Guatemala, adding the lack of maintenance and poor quality products, THE HEATING, in many cases becomes inevitable.

😀Always remember to drive letting the car develop alone, in traffic or short stretches do not overspeed, do not overload your car, and do not move the charging battery incorrectly and (first positive and then negative) avoid generating a short circuit, you can damage an electronic component.

ccto: Technifile

Here are some tips for driving in the rain:1. **Reduce Speed:** Slow down and maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ...

Here are some tips for driving in the rain:

1. **Reduce Speed:** Slow down and maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. Rain can make roads slippery, so driving at a slower speed gives you more time to react.

2. **Use Headlights:** Turn on your headlights, even during light rain. This improves your visibility to other drivers and helps you see the road better.

3. **Avoid Sudden Moves:** Steer, accelerate, and brake gently to prevent skidding or hydroplaning. Sudden movements can lead to loss of control.

4. **Keep a Safe Distance:** Maintain a longer following distance than usual to allow for extra braking distance. This helps prevent rear-end collisions.

5. **Use Defogger and Wipers:** Keep your windshield wipers in good condition and use your defogger to maintain clear visibility.

6. **Watch for Hydroplaning:** If you start to hydroplane (when your tires lose contact with the road due to water), ease off the gas pedal, and steer straight until your tires regain traction.

7. **Avoid Cruise Control:** Don't use cruise control on wet roads, as it can make maintaining control more difficult.

8. **Use Turn Signals:** Indicate your intentions earlier than usual to give other drivers more time to react to your movements.

9. **Stay in the Middle Lanes:** Water tends to pool in the outer lanes, so driving in the center lanes can reduce the risk of hydroplaning.

10. **Be Cautious at Intersections:** Approach intersections with caution. Wet roads can make it harder to stop quickly.

11. **Check Tire Tread:** Make sure your tires have good tread depth to prevent hydroplaning. Bald tires are more prone to losing traction.

12. **Be Mindful of Others:** Be extra cautious around pedestrians and cyclists, as they might be harder to see in rainy conditions.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when driving in adverse weather conditions like rain.


GO GET THAT BAG, SISTER! 💰Filipina expat Freilyn Angob is an instant millionaire after bagging the second grand prize in...


Filipina expat Freilyn Angob is an instant millionaire after bagging the second grand prize in the United Arab Emirates' FAST5 draw, which makes her entitled to a monthly payout of Dh25,000 (approximately P387,000) for the next 25 years.

“I will never forget that moment. I thought to myself again, maybe I won a small cash prize. But when I received the congratulatory email mentioning that I won the Grand Prize, me and my fiancé jumped from joy... This win will end all my worries and give me financial security for a long time,” Freilyn said.

According to a report by Khaleej Times, Angob, 32, has been residing and working in UAE for the past decade to provide for her family following financial difficulties caused by her father's cancer diagnosis in the Philippines.

Fast5 is a weekly contest that provides participants with an opportunity to win a substantial monthly prize of Dh25,000 (P387,000) for 25 years, along with three other recipients of Dh75,000 (P1.1 million), Dh50,000 (P770,000), and Dh25,000, respectively.



If you’re helping teach someone to drive, keep these tips in mind:
• Start training with a professional; it is often more effective than working with a friend or family member. Contact your local authorities for “driving” for courses. The professional can gauge the student’s progress, and you can help the student practice the material covered by the instructor.

• Encourage the new driver to anticipate trouble. If he or she is about to make a left turn at a two-way stop sign and an oncoming vehicle is traveling very fast, ask: “Are you sure this vehicle is really going to stop?” Advise your student to wait and see before turning.

• Have the new driver practice difficult moves. If he or she is having a hard time merging into traffic, find a quiet road and practice.

• Show your student how to drive a safe distance behind other vehicles by following the three-second
rule. Remind your student to check this distance frequently at different speeds.

• Teach your student to be wary of blind spots—both the student and those of other vehicles. Have
your student speeds up or slows down to get out of other vehicle’s blind spots.

• Buckle up. Let your student know that most of the brain injuries caused by highway crashes each year could have been prevented by wearing safety belts.

• Teach your student what to do in case of a collision, reviewing the steps suggested by his/her insurance company.

• Does your student know to carry a driver’s license, insurance card, and vehicle registration whenever driving? Does he or she know what to do if stopped by a police officer? Discuss these matters thoroughly.

• Stress the importance of attitude when behind the wheel. If your student recognizes the importance of protecting everyone’s safety when on the road, he or she will be more likely to exercise good judgment-
ment in road decisions.

• Of course, learning to drive doesn’t begin with a learner’s permit. Children learn attitude and
judgment from their parents throughout their lives. Set a good example for them with your own courteous driving.

Merry Christmas 🎄 🎁 Mga boss 😁

Merry Christmas 🎄 🎁 Mga boss 😁

Eight Secrets of Super DrivingFollowing these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:1.Think ...

Eight Secrets of Super Driving

Following these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:

1.Think safety first.

Avoiding aggressive and inattentive driving tendencies yourself will put you in a stronger position to deal with other people's bad driving.

Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front. Always lock your doors and wear your seatbelt to protect you from being thrown from the car in a crash.

2. Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention. Check your mirrors frequently and scan conditions 20 to 30 seconds ahead of you. Keep your eyes moving. If a vehicle is showing signs of aggressive driving, slow down or pull over to avoid it. If the driver is driving so dangerously that you're worried, try to get off the roadway by turning right or taking the next exit if it's safe to do so. Also, keep an eye on pedestrians, bicyclists, and pets along the road.

3. Do not depend on other drivers.

Be considerate of others but look out for yourself. Do not assume another driver is going to move out of the way or allow you to merge. Assume that drivers will run through red lights or stop signs and be prepared to react. Plan your movements anticipating the worst-case scenario.

4. Follow the 3- to 4-second rule.

Since the greatest chance of a collision is in front of you, using the 3- to 4-second rule will help you establish and maintain a safe following distance and provide adequate time for you to brake to a stop if necessary. But this rule only works in normal traffic under good weather conditions. In bad weather, increase your following distance an additional second for each condition such as rain, fog, nighttime driving, or following a large truckor motorcycle.

5. Keep your speed down.

Posted speed limits apply to ideal conditions. It's your responsibility to ensure that your speed matches conditions. In addition, higher speeds make controlling your vehicle that much more difficult if things go wrong. To maintain control of your vehicle, you must control your speed.

6. Have an escape route.

In all driving situations, the best way to avoid potential dangers is to position your vehicle where you have the best chance of seeing and being seen. Having an alternate path of travel also is essential, so always leave yourself an out — a place to move your vehicle if your immediate path of travel is suddenly blocked.

7. Separate risks.

When faced with multiple risks, it's best to manage them one at a time. Your goal is to avoid having to deal with too many risks at the same time.

8. Cut out distractions.

A distraction is any activity that diverts your attention from the task of driving. Driving deserves your full attention — so stay focused on the driving task.

7 Clear Symptoms For A Bad Fuel PumpElectric fuel pumps are usually inside the tank. When you start the engine, the ECM ...

7 Clear Symptoms For A Bad Fuel Pump

Electric fuel pumps are usually inside the tank. When you start the engine, the ECM tells the fuel pump circuit to turn on the electric fuel pump. You might be able to tell by the sound of it whirring. The fuel is pushed through the pipes by the pump, which puts pressure on it. Many cars use a second electric or engine-driven mechanical pump under the hood to increase the pressure of the fuel. The fuel will be sprayed into the engine at high pressure through fuel ports called fuel injectors that open and close at just the right time.
Since the fuel pump is responsible for getting fuel to the engine, problems with it can cause the car to run poorly and cost a lot to fix. To avoid the complete replacement of the fuel pump, which is quite costly, you need to pay closer attention to any of the following symptoms mentioned below.

(A)Struggle Starting
There are many things that could make a car not start, but the first thing to inspect is whether or not it has gas. If the fuel pump in your car can’t move gas from the tank to the engine, it will be hard to start your car. Because the pump can’t push enough gas through, the car will be hard to start and run. When a pump gets old, the pressure goes down, and the engine doesn’t get enough gas.

It is possible that the failure to start your engine was caused by something other than a faulty fuel pump. There are several possible causes. Using a gasoline pressure gauge, you may determine if your pump has failed or not; if the gauge shows no pressure, the pump is most likely not working. You can also check the fuse box in your car. A blown fuel pump fuse is another sure sign that the pump is broken.

(B)Whining Noise
A loud whining noise could be a warning that something is wrong with the fuel pump. In a modern car with fuel injection, the fuel pump shouldn’t make any noise at all. Most fuel pumps, on the other hand, make a quiet hum when they work. The sound of the engine, the exhaust, and the road all help to hide the sound of the fuel pump. Still, when a fuel pump starts to fail, it gets louder because the electric motor present in the pump heats up and stops working as well.

A fuel pump that’s about to break won’t sound too bad, so think of it as a gentle reminder while you still have time to fix it. If your fuel pump is broken, you might hear a loud whine coming from your gas tank. This noise could also come from the pump if you’re running low on gas or if the gas in your tank is contaminated.

(C)Increased Fuel Consumption
It feels good to get more miles per gallon by easing up on the gas pedal or making sure your tires are fully pumped. But if you notice that your car needs more gas refills than usual, it could be a problem with the fuel pump. The sudden increase in fuel consumption could be because the fuel pump is broken and sending the wrong amount of fuel.

If your fuel pump puts too much fuel into the engine, you’ll use more gas than usual. It’s possible that a valve in the fuel pump isn’t opening, which lets more fuel into the engine than is needed. The engine doesn’t store or use any extra fuel. You’ll have to go to the gas station more often. If you keep track of how far you drive between fill-ups and see a drop, it could be your pump.

(D)Sudden Halting
Your engine will stop working for no apparent reason. Most of the time. This can be annoying if your car is just sitting in your driveway, or it can be very dangerous if it happens on the road. There are many problems that can cause a car to stall, but pay attention if it often happens when the thermometer shows that the car is hot. When the temperature goes up, and the car stops running, it’s often a sign that the fuel pump motor is broken. If the car keeps stalling and the temperature gauge keeps going up, it could mean that the fuel pump is getting old and needs to be replaced.

(E)Stuttering And Stumbling
A sputtering engine, especially at high speeds, is a sure sign of a broken fuel pump. If you’re driving at high speed and the engine sputters for a moment before going back to normal, Is your car trying to tell you something? At this point, it could be anything from a fouled spark plug to a load of bad gas. When strange problems like this happen, there are only three possible causes: not enough fuel, not enough air, or not enough spark.

Every good mechanic knows this, and you can, too, if you start by looking for easy fixes. Are all your spark plugs and wires good? Do you have gas in the tank? Is there something in the way of the air going into the engine? When nothing else seems to be wrong, the fuel system is often to blame. It could mean that there are problems with the fuel pump. In this case, the fuel pump can’t keep giving the engine the right amount of fuel at the right pressure.

(F)Stops On Hills
The world we live in is not flat. Going up a hill or pulling a load puts more stress on your engine and requires more fuel to get the same results. If you push your car to its limits by driving fast or hauling a lot of weight and the power goes out, it could be because the fuel pump can’t keep up with the driver’s needs. Hills are everywhere, and if your car can’t get up a hill or other slope, it’s another sign that the fuel system is giving up.

In these situations, the engine shuts off because parts of the fuel pump that are getting worn out can’t keep up with the car’s higher fuel needs. In these situations, the car will feel like it can’t go or keep up the power it should have. If the fuel pump is to blame, that means it can’t control the pressure of the fuel and give the engine the right amount of fuel.

(G)Poor Acceleration
Typically, your car will accelerate swiftly from a complete stop. When turning onto a busy street or merging into traffic on the highway from an onramp, this rapid response is critical. If your automobile frequently lacks power when you try to accelerate from a standstill, your fuel pump may be faulty. Acceleration necessitates more fuel, putting more strain on your fuel pump. If your pump fails, it may be unable to meet the additional demand, depriving your engine of fuel as it attempts to accelerate.

If your automobile appears to be going to a halt when you try to accelerate from a stop, your pump may need to be inspected. Failure to accelerate is a good sign that indicates that your vehicle’s fuel pump requires inspection. Due to a fuel overage, an automobile may accelerate without input if the amount of fuel is not correctly managed by the fuel pump.


Learn more about tiresTire Comfort:1. Tire Design:   - Robust construction and higher sidewalls contribute to a smoother...

Learn more about tires

Tire Comfort:

1. Tire Design:
- Robust construction and higher sidewalls contribute to a smoother ride and better absorption of road imperfections.

2. Tire Type:
- All-season and touring tires are designed for a comfortable ride.
- Performance-oriented tires prioritize grip and handling over comfort.

3. Tire Pressure:
- Maintaining the correct tire pressure is crucial for optimal comfort.
- Underinflated tires can increase road noise and reduce comfort.
- Overinflated tires can transmit more vibrations, resulting in a harsher ride.

4. Tire Quality:
- High-quality tires from reputable brands often incorporate advanced technologies to enhance comfort.

Noise Reduction:

1. Tread Pattern:
- Larger, widely spaced tread blocks may produce more noise.
- Smaller, closely packed tread blocks tend to generate less noise.

2. Tire Type:
- All-season and touring tires are designed to reduce noise levels.

3. Road Surface:
- Rough or poorly maintained roads can increase noise levels, regardless of tire quality.

4. Noise Insulation:
- Vehicle cabin design and noise insulation contribute to a quieter ride.

Remember to consider your driving preferences, and road conditions, and seek professional advice when selecting tires. Customer reviews and manufacturer recommendations can also provide valuable insights.


EXHAUST SMOKES1. Types of car exhaust smoke- White smoke: indicates coolant is burning due to a head gasket leak, cracke...


1. Types of car exhaust smoke
- White smoke: indicates coolant is burning due to a head gasket leak, cracked engine block, or a damaged cylinder head.
- Blue smoke: suggests oil is being burnt due to worn valve seals, piston rings, or a damaged PCV valve.
- Black smoke: indicates an excessively rich fuel mixture or incomplete combustion due to clogged air filters, malfunctioning fuel injectors, or faulty sensors.

2. Causes and remedies of white smoke
- Causes: head gasket leak, cracked engine block, or a damaged cylinder head.
✅Solutions: repair or replace the head gasket, engine block, or cylinder head.

3. Causes and remedies of blue smoke
- Causes: worn valve seals, piston rings, or a damaged PCV valve.
✅Solutions: replace the worn seals, rings, or valve, or rebuild the engine.

4. Causes and remedies of black smoke
- Causes: clogged air filters, malfunctioning fuel injectors, or faulty sensors.
✅Solutions: replace the air filter, clean or replace the fuel injectors, or replace the faulty sensor.

5. Other possible causes of exhaust smoke
- Overfilled engine oil level
- Faulty turbocharger or intercooler
- Incorrect fuel octane rating
- Malfunctioning EGR valve
- Damaged catalytic converter

6. Precautions and maintenance tips
- Regular engine oil changes and filter replacements
- Check coolant levels and perform regular engine maintenance
- Use the correct fuel octane rating and avoid overloading the vehicle
- Check the EGR valve and catalytic converter for damage or clogging.


When your tyre bursts and you're on high speed sometimes, the first instinct is to panic and apply brake. But this can b...

When your tyre bursts and you're on high speed sometimes, the first instinct is to panic and apply brake. But this can be really dangerous.

So train your mind to stay calm in such situations and try to follow the below steps.

If your tyre bursts while driving fast:

1. Don't apply brake; you will tumble
2. Switch on your hazard light 🔆
3. Release the accelerator gradually
4. Keep car going straight; don't steer
5. Let car gradually stop; don't match brakes!

Safety is healthy!!

What is wheel alignment? Wheel alignment,part of standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles o...

What is wheel alignment?

Wheel alignment,part of standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of wheels to the car manufacturer specifications. The purpose of these adjustments is to reduce tire wear and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight. Three elements of wheel alignment CAMBER, CASTER & TOE.

What are the symptoms of your car being out of alignment?

- Uneven tire wear
- Steering wheel being crooked when you are driving straight.
- The car is pulling to one side
-Tires are making squeling noise

When to do wheel alignment?

Wheel alignment checked at least every 10,000km and automatically every time you change new tires or at least 2-3 yearsyears but depending on the road condition if there are many potholes at least once a year.


Best illustration I’ve seen so far…ctto

Best illustration I’ve seen so far…


Parang ang sarap maglinis ng motor ngayon. Sakto, maganda na ang panahon. ☺️

Parang ang sarap maglinis ng motor ngayon. Sakto, maganda na ang panahon. ☺️

Kaya naman pala. 😁

Kaya naman pala. 😁


Motorcycle Riders Safety Tips
1. Always wear a helmet.
Choose a helmet that displays the DOT label, which indicates that it meets the safety standards.

2. Know Your Limits.
your motorcycle has limits and so do you as an operator. Know them.

3. Watch Your Speed.
Follow posted speed limits at all times.

4. Keep Your Distance.
No one like a tailgater. Keep a safe distance between yours and other vehicles.

5. Use Both Brakes.
When Braking use both brakes at the same time by applying them slow and steady.

6. Be Seen.
Avoid blind spots and always use your headlights day or night.

7. Use Your Signals.


Motorcycle Safefy Tip

1. Wear motorcycle gear.

Motorcycle gear protects you from the elements, debris and road rash. Appropriate gear includes a DOT-approved helmet, goggles, leather jacket, leather pants or chaps, over the ankle boots and non-slip gloves. Dress in layers to adjust to any changing weather throughout the day.


Biking is not just a passion, it is a lifestyle. No other joy on the planet can compare the joy of hitting the long winding highways on the bike.


Dagupan City





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