Inaguration and Opening of the City of Ilagan Library
The Inauguration and opening of the New City of Ilagan Library was held last September 9, 2020. This project, which is among the various project that the City of Ilagan has undertaken, thru the visionary leadership of our City Mayor, the Hon. Josemarie L. Diaz, is another manifestation of the city's relentless pursuit to progress and development. It is also a project that is congruent and in synch with the city's desire to be a Liveable City in the very near future. One of our partner agencies in this worthy undertaking is the Department of Information and Communications Technology(DICT), who donated computers for the use of our e-Library.
The signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Ilagan, by our City Mayor, the Hon. Josemarie L. Diaz and the Department of Information and Communications Technology, by Mr. Cirilo Gazzingan Jr. was also undertaken. This will signify that the collaboration and partnership between the City of Ilagan and the DICT for this worthy project was formally signed and sealed.
The set up and formulation of rules and policies in the new library was done by the Department of Tourism under the supervision of Ma. Cristina R. Simon, who was then the Assistant City Tourism Officer. The City of Ilagan now have their own Library to cater to the needs of the Ilagueños particularly our students who can use the computers for free in the library for their on line classes.