Life lessons from the Woman of Steel, Alice Eduardo. 💡 One of the BILLIONAIRES.
1. Always be grateful.
- before she goes to work, she prays and after work, she prays. All that she have were Lords blessing.
2. No one is above you and no one is below you. Everyone is equal.
- all of her table are round, cause she believes everyone is equal.
3. Say yes to opportunities even if you don't know how to do it. Figure it out later.
- she makes things happen. "Everything is possible"
- she doesn't make excuses
- she's not selfish, if she sees that you're trying your best she'll present more opportunities for you.
4. Don't starve yourself 😆
- She saves money but she's not tight on finances
Balanced life is key ❤
5. Trust is the currency of business.
- if people don't trust you, why would they buy from you?
6. She always thinks how other people can benefit from what she does than what she can get from it. ❤
7. Always be humble.
"I am just an ordinary woman given with extra ordinary opportunities, why would I brag?" For her, everyone is equal. ❤
She is not wealthy, she is ABUNDANT!