5 Places to visit in Baguio
Places to visit in Baguio
Bungee jumping with a little bit of evil on the side! 😏
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Batlag Falls, Tanay Rizal
Further up from Daranak Falls is its sister upstream, Batlag Falls. Set in a dense forest, with nearby tables and cottages, this waterfall is set on a unique rock formation, with the water following its unpredictable contours. This departure from the conventional picture of a waterfall, coupled with its more serene setting, makes Batlag Falls a sight to behold.
To reach it: There is a sign that says “Batlag Falls” near the Daranak Falls pool. Take the cemented foothpath which will ascend into a makeshift gate, where another P20 will have to be paid. A forest will ensue, and two waterfalls, each with a catchbasin. The smaller one, on the left, has a veil-like cascade whereas the larger one, as mentioned, has an unusual configuration. You may swim in both pools although you have to be careful as the floor of the pool is likewise unusually shaped, with sharp rocks abruptly jutting out.
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