Embark on a Magical Winter Journey through HARBIN, CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN and CHANGCHUN, showcasing the captivating wonders of ice and snow, breathtaking mountain scenery, and historical charm.
This well-curated itinerary ensures an unforgettable journey:
Harbin Highlights:
◇ 1St. Sophia's Church Square: Admire this iconic landmark.
◇ Zhongyang Pedestrian Street & Stalin Park: Stroll through vibrant streets.
◇ Anti-Flood Memorial Tower & Middle East Railway Glass Bridge: Marvel at architectural feats.
Changbai Mountain Adventures:
◇ Bullet train to Changbai Mountain for breathtaking scenery.
◇ Explore the North Scenic Area and Changbai Mountain Tianchi (alternative: Changbai Mountain Elk Park).
◇ Visit the Julong Hot Spring Cluster, Changbai Waterfall, and Hundred Flowers Valley Korean Ancient Village.
◇ Enjoy DIY activities like making rice and kimchi while experiencing traditional Korean culture.
Changchun Delights:
◇ Discover history at Cultural Square and enjoy free shopping at The Hill.
For Inquiries and Bookings, Please Contact :
Tel Nos.: +63917-323-PEAK(7325); +63275034875
E-mail: [email protected]