Travel and Tourism


Those who choose prayer and trust during times of anxiety will experience the "peace of God." This peace offers three im...

Those who choose prayer and trust during times of anxiety will experience the "peace of God." This peace offers three important positives.

First, God's peace is supernatural and unexplainable. It is truly amazing how God can and will respond during times of difficulty.

Second, God's peace "will guard your hearts." The heart was seen as something to protect at all costs, since it influenced all of life.

Third, God's peace will guard "your minds in Christ Jesus." This concept is connected with love for God and others, as well as unity.

Every time you find yourself anxious, take a moment to pause and pray. Be honest with God and tell Him exactly how you're feeling and thinking in that moment. Remember that God is always in control, and always present with you.

Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

The grace of God has appeared to us it has brought salvation to us, so praise God he’s saved us from our sins. He saved ...

The grace of God has appeared to us it has brought salvation to us, so praise God he’s saved us from our sins. He saved us from the effect of sin, the penalty of sin, the power of sin in our lives.

It’s the grace of God working in us that trains us to live godly lives. It’s the grace of God working in us that empowers us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, to be self-controlled, upright and godly in this present age.

So what that means is if we want to renounce ungodliness, worldly passions, live self-controlled, upright, godly lives, then we need grace. We need grace all day long to train us, to teach us, to mold us, to direct us, to empower us, to enable us, to live godly lives. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

When we help others, we should do so primarily for their benefit—not our own. This means there's no need to broadcast it...

When we help others, we should do so primarily for their benefit—not our own. This means there's no need to broadcast it. Instead, we should have humility when giving to the needy. We should seek to help others because of Jesus' love for them— not because our pride, ego, or sense of obligation compels us.

When we give humbly and cheerfully, it shows that our lives are being shaped by our generous God.

God's desire is for us to become people who give to others without expecting anything in return. That's why Jesus encourages us to give freely to others without expecting recognition or acclaim. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

In John 14:6. Jesus says that He is the only way to God. No one can come to the Father unless they come through Jesus.Je...

In John 14:6. Jesus says that He is the only way to God. No one can come to the Father unless they come through Jesus.

Jesus also says that He is the Truth,
which means that all other truths must be
measured against Him. He is objective
truth. In other words: Jesus is the
standard by which we can judge the rest of the world's truth claims.

Lastly, Jesus says He is the Life. This means that it's only through Jesus that we find true and eternal life. True life comes from following Jesus' words and His path for our life.

A true and meaningful life begins with knowing Jesus. He alone has access to the good life that God intended us to live, as well as everlasting life with Him in heaven. Continue to learn from Jesus through His Word, and share the hope of Jesus with others in your life. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

Like Israel, all Christians together—the church—have been changed. We have a before and an after. Before, we were not Hi...

Like Israel, all Christians together—the church—have been changed. We have a before and an after. Before, we were not His people. We belonged to ourselves and served only our own desires. But in Christ, we have become God's people. We have belonging. We have purpose. We have a shared destiny with Him in eternity.

Before, we had not received mercy. We would have received the full penalty for our sinful choices. But through faith in Christ, we have received mercy. Our status has been permanently changed. We are not seeking and hoping to become God's people and receive mercy. In Christ, we are God's people. We have received mercy. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

The writer to the Hebrews knew that God was not unjust and that those that are trusting Him will never be disappointed b...

The writer to the Hebrews knew that God was not unjust and that those that are trusting Him will never be disappointed by Him. There are occasions when we need correction and times when we need instruction... but God knows that there are also times when His people need encouragement.

What an assurance, therefore, to be told that the eyes of the Lord will never miss any good deed we do for His glory, nor will be unaware of any labour of love that is shown to Him through a tender ministry that is directed towards His people.

What a great encouragement it is to all the people of God - to know that the Lord is aware of the thoughts of our hearts, the words that we speak, and the actions that we carry out in love - for His praise and glory. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

The parable is a reassuring reality of Jesus' love and commitment to every single one of His own. Jesus, the Good Shephe...

The parable is a reassuring reality of Jesus' love and commitment to every single one of His own. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, never gives up on His sheep. Never. He diligently seeks out the one who wanders.

We all have moments when we feel like the wandering sheep. Sometimes, we feel like we're straying off the path. But remember this: you are not forgotten, and you matter to Jesus. He cares for the one who has strayed just as much as He does the ninety-nine who stayed close. So draw near to Him today.

Because no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, Jesus is seeking after you, calling you by name to not only follow Him but to be with Him. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

When God calls us to something — like a life free from worry — He always equips us with what we will need. Communicating...

When God calls us to something — like a life free from worry — He always equips us with what we will need. Communicating with our heavenly Father is a powerful way to practice living by God’s peace. Not only do we shift burdens and worry from our shoulders to His capable hands, but the act of spending time talking with Him is peace-giving in itself

His peace is greater than mere emotion. It is multi-faceted, reflecting God’s glory and affecting every area of our lives. As we hide His Word in our hearts and practice trading our worries for His presence, His peace will lend consistency to our souls. Our spirits will be calmed and composed.

Laying down our worries, coming to God with requests and thanksgiving, and practicing a life marked by His peace can be summed up in one word: abide. As we abide (to “continue,” “remain,” and “dwell.” ) in God and experience greater reaches of His peace, we are stripped of barriers that once held us back from God’s work. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

It is a privilege to be able to come to God and ask him anything. He wants to know what is on our minds and hearts. Just...

It is a privilege to be able to come to God and ask him anything. He wants to know what is on our minds and hearts. Just like any other relationship, openness and communication is integral. When it comes to our relationship with God, it’s no different. Just like this verse says, when we come and ask anything according to God’s will, he will hear us. God will always hear and answer our prayers. God’s answer won’t alway be what we want. Sometimes God may tell us no or wait. We might think we know what is best for us, but the truth is God knows even better! We must remind ourselves that God is in control of our lives.

No matter how big or small our requests are, God wants to hear them and He wants us to give Him all that is on our heart because He loves and cares for us. He knows what we are going to say before we say it, but that shouldn’t change the way we pray. We can pray about anything, anywhere to our God who is always waiting to listen. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST

Jesus says that the people who do not know Jesus are like a field of grain that is ready to be harvested. But, there are...

Jesus says that the people who do not know Jesus are like a field of grain that is ready to be harvested. But, there are not enough workers to go and harvest among the fields. Jesus says to pray that God would send more workers to gather the harvest.

Essentially, there are people that are ready and willing to hear and respond to the gospel message, the hope that Jesus brings for every person. But when Jesus says "the workers are few", what He really means is: there are not enough people sharing the good news with others.

As children of God, we are tasked with sharing that message with others. However, many of us keep their faith to themselves.

We must be bold in sharing the message of the cross with other people so they can experience a new life in Jesus too. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

Be patient while you wait for Him to keep His promise. Waiting is hard when you're suffering. James uses the analogy of ...

Be patient while you wait for Him to keep His promise.

Waiting is hard when you're suffering. James uses the analogy of a farmer for encouragement. He asks his readers to think of how hardworking farm hands have to wait for the payoff of their efforts. All of the struggle and strain, through all the stages of the growing season, eventually lead to the glorious harvest. Be patient like that, James says. The harvest will come.

You will encounter challenges and suffering in our Christian journey. And, you can choose patience-allowing the fruit of the Spirit to ripen within you, no
matter the season of life. And when you do, your character will mature, your faith will deepen, and your relationship with God will become sweeter than you
could imagine. Patience always bears
the fruit of perseverance and strength,
even today and even for you. Blessed Sunday everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

Sowing righteousness simply means doing the right thing in the sight of God. It’s obeying the Word no matter what the ci...

Sowing righteousness simply means doing the right thing in the sight of God. It’s obeying the Word no matter what the circumstances may look like. It means showing kindness even when it’s undeserved. It’s walking in love and keeping the peace when you really want to say something different. When you sow righteousness, you’ll reap a sure reward. That’s because God Himself is going to pay you back. He is the One who will multiply you when you honor Him.

Today, keep doing the right thing even if the wrong thing is happening. Sow righteousness. Stay in faith; keep believing because He who promised is faithful. There’s a sure blessing in store for you! Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

God shows His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with those who submit to His will and in forgiving the sins of those ...

God shows His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with those who submit to His will and in forgiving the sins of those who genuinely repent.

God's love is faithful; it is constant. It endures through the generations. In a world where love is often conditional and transactional, based on our actions, God's love stands apart. It's not based to the ups and downs of our circumstances. It doesn't waver with our feelings. And it certainly doesn't hinge on our performance. God's love is firmly rooted in His unchanging character.

So even if you're on the highest mountaintop of success or in the deepest valley of despair-His love remains constant, an ever-present source of strength for those who love Him. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

The book of Isaiah is filled with so many countless encouraging verses, which all reflect on the power and love and prov...

The book of Isaiah is filled with so many countless encouraging verses, which all reflect on the power and love and providence of our Lord God.

God is always with us. He is with you, day and night, no matter what you’re going through. What a promise! What an encouragement! We have no reason to fear, because God is with us.

God promises to provide us with strength, and with help. When you’re feeling like you can’t go on or you just don’t know how you’re going to get through the day, God will be right with you to provide you with the strength and help you need, to get through whatever you’re facing.

God promises to uphold us. He promises to uphold us with His righteous right hand. That means, when you lose your footing, He’s going to be there to hold you up, if you’ll trust in Him.

Whatever you’re facing this week, remember Isaiah 41:10 and claim it for yourself for it gives us HOPE. Good afternoon everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

Solomon points out the value of a true friend and a brother. He says a true friend is always loving, and a brother helps...

Solomon points out the value of a true friend and a brother. He says a true friend is always loving, and a brother helps in trying times. A true friend and genuine brother exhibit true love in unfavorable circumstances as well as in favorable ones.

Just think about friends in your life. Friends you might have now and in the past. And the value of friends who love you and people who love you, who walk with you through adversity. This is a gift from God. And it’s a gift we need from God. We need people around us who love us, who help us walk through adversity. Not one of us was intended to walk through this life alone.

Jesus is the greatest Friend. He gave His life for you; He lives to make intercession for you; He will never leave or forsake you. Good morning everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.

When you come to know Jesus, the light of the world, you are designed by God to be a light to others. This is why Jesus ...

When you come to know Jesus, the light of the world, you are designed by God to be a light to others. This is why Jesus says in Matthew 5, “Let your light shine before men, before people, before nations, that they may see the light of Christ in your life and give glory to God.” That’s exactly what Isaiah 60:1–3 is talking about.

The Lord is counting on us His children to Arise always and shine His light that has risen upon us. This way we can light up the whole world with God’s light. And the beauty of this joint effort between us and God is the unending blessings attached to carrying out the action to Arise! The Lord says that nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn – Isaiah 60:3. This would happen only if we Arise and shine!

Good afternoon everyone. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. GOD FIRST.


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