If you’re in the market to buy a new boat or have a boat that needs repair, why not contact us today. Just reach out to the number below or send us a direct message to discover how the Ocean Gecko team can help.
It’s not only our hulls that are infused - even our small moldings get the same treatment. Lightweight, super-strong, and highly complex parts that can’t be made using hand lamination. The part shown is the two-person leaning post for our Emocean 910.
Ready for mold making!!! Deck pattern detailing, conditioning and sealing finished and looking really good - can’t wait to see the products from the mold!
Orders are now being taken for 2025 delivery. DM us to find out why the Emocean 910 is setting new standards of design, engineering and build quality in the Philippine market.
Our custom made sunshade using carbon fiber poles and fittings is finished. It looks great, works great, and is easy to put up and take down when the boat is not being used.
Work is almost complete on the deck and hull plug for our Emocean 910. The deck mold will be started next week and really is a work of art with details that our local competition just can’t match.
Our hydraulic rotating mold support for the Emocean 910 has started - the hydraulic turn feature will allow us to apply gelcoat into the mold without stepping on the prepped mold surface, ensuring the best quality finish on your boat. All part of why the Emocean 910 is the only Phillipine built boat in its class that can compete with the imported brands.
This boat is available now - contact us for more information!
Fairing and finishing works on the Emocean 910 - we'll soon be spraying with Scott Baders plug surface primers followed by their matched mold making system. Scott Bader, based in the UK, produce some of the best marine resins and gelcoat systems in the world. Its not only our boats that are engineered to perform, our molds are also!
The Beneteau hardtop was on hold for a while due to an extended cruise around Asia, but will shortly be back. Product is out of the mold and being prepped for fairing and painting.
We're loving our new 3D printer - since its arrival its been on the go non stop aiding our development department and improving the accuracy of critical parts. Rarely has a new bit of equipment caused such excitement from the factory floor as they think of new ways that it can speed up production!
A big thank you to Highland Trading for laying on a refresher course for our finish painters. Congrats to Roniel and Mark on completing the weeks course - looking forward to seeing what you've learned!