REMINDER TO ALL PASSENGERS PASSING THROUGH THE Mactan-Cebu International Airport, effective last April 16, 2014:
Arriving Passengers may now pass through the Customs Green Lane "Nothing to Declare" if you don't have dutiable/prohibited items to declare, and you NEED NOT fill up and submit the Customs Declaration Form.
This is pursuant to:
Customs Administrative Order (CAO) No. 02-2014, "Simplified Procedures for Clearance of Baggage of Passengers and Crew of International Airlines Arriving in International Airports of Entry," dated March 25, 2014, and
Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 08-2014, "Regulations for the Implementation Rules and Regulations of CAO 02-2014," dated April 16, 2014, effective immediately.
However, pursuant to Section 2212 of the TCCP, a customs officer may still directo any passenger to the "Red Lane" whenever warranted as determined under the BOC's Risk Management Framework.
May we request for your consideration and cooperation in the smooth transition to this new and improved facilitated procedure and report any misunderstanding to the MCIAA and/or BOC-MCIA.