The Concept Shown

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The Concept Shown A Personal page showcasing Concepcion Town: the development of the communities in respective Barangay


my father made a good point when he said:
when a flashlight grows dim or quits working, you don't throw it away, you change the batteries.
when a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place. do you cast them aside? of course not, you help them change their batteries!
some need AA batteries. attention and affection; some need AAA. attention, affection and acceptance;
some need C. compassion.
some need D. direction.
and if they still don't seem to shine. simply sit with them quietly and share your light.
🎨Pascal Campion

Basi sa directiba sang akon mapinalanggaon nga tagipusoon, gusto ko e share ini, para mabasahan mo man nga ang pagbulig ...

Basi sa directiba sang akon mapinalanggaon nga tagipusoon, gusto ko e share ini, para mabasahan mo man nga ang pagbulig sa katawhan di na dapat e waragwag pa ukon ano man. Kay sa bisan diin ka man magkadto kag kon makabalik ka man sa katawhan nga imo na buligan indi man ang picture sadtong una ang ila madumduman kundi ang bulig nga imo nahatag sa ila nga nag tatak sa ila tagipusoon. Bulig nga sa diin hamili kag indi para lang mapicturan kag may ma e share nga post kundi para maumpawan ang mapinalanggaon nga tagipusoon. Gani sugod subong, kon magbulig ang tuu nga kamot oindi na pagpabal a ang nawala nga kamut ukon di gani magbulig nga ikaw lang kag ang imo nabuligan nakabalo sang tanan para ang aton Amay sa langit sa imo Mahamut-an.

Ang Mga Hurubaton Ni Don Lakwatsero.....

What if you could help your leaders become the best version of themselves?A version that creates exceptional alignment, ...

What if you could help your leaders become the best version of themselves?

A version that creates exceptional alignment, commitment and engagement within your organization. We often think of this impact in terms of inspiring presentations, extraordinary teamwork, or innovative strategic decisions. We believe it starts one conversation at a time. Everyone can have a conversation and make an impact on someone else. Incorporating advance leadership concepts, receiving direct feedback and undergoing accountability-based leadership coaching. A highly experiential learning experiences are designed for better leadership coaching.

Leaders who inspire your organization today and work to create a better tomorrow.

LEADERSHIP: The Butterfly Story By: Bluepoint saying gives a man a fish, and you feed him fo...

LEADERSHIP: The Butterfly Story
By: Bluepoint

The saying gives a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
I truly believe relates to leadership. As a leader, do you ever find that an awful lot of your day is answering people's questions and solving people's problems even though actually you have a suspicion they probably could do that themselves,
and as leaders, we do have experience and we do have knowledge that is absolutely fine to share with others in the right situation. However, are we really helping people so. In fact, when we do give advice and share our experiences are we in fact feeding them just for the day so they will come back another day. What we want to do of course is to teach them to fish but by just feeding them we're also probably feeling something in ourselves I know that I have a real need for recognition and also to be needed and that helps me in an awful lot of aspects of my life. But in leadership and coaching it can be a real hindrance when somebody asked me for my advice, I absolutely love that I'm helping them aren't I but in essence I'm really just truly feeling a need in myself so when I came across really what coaching was all about which is giving somebody else the capacity to solve their own problems by getting them to explore their own situation that really did enlighten me as to what we can do for other people so rather than feeding me. It's all about that person I came across a story a number of years ago which really helps me relate and think about what I'm doing to help other
people and that's the story of a man who came across a butterfly cocoon. The man came across this cocoon and saw the small hole and the butterfly struggling to get through this small hole and he was absolutely fascinated with this butterfly's struggle and as he watched it, he was curious as to how the butterfly was going to manage to get through this manual hole he went away and a few hours later he came back, and the butterfly was still trying to struggle through the hole he watched thinking what could he do to
help he felt for the butterfly and wanted to do something but again he went away hoping that when he returned that the butterfly would have flown away so when he did return to his dismay the butterfly was still trying to struggle through the hole and looked like it was almost giving up and he could not hold himself back, so he wanted to help the butterfly so much he took a pair of scissors and he cut through the cocoon and out came the butterfly with ease but to his absolute horror instead of the butterfly that he expected the butterfly had an engorged body and withered wings because the man in his haste to help did not realize that the struggle for the butterfly to get through the hole in the cocoon actually serves to force the fluid from its body into its wings so it can be fully formed to fly as a butterfly should so that story stays with me and helps remind me of when I'm leading and coaching as to what I can do in service for other people so I challenge you as leaders before you dive in and give advice is to think about how much pleasure you get from solving problems and instead give the
greatest gift of giving that other person the pleasure of solving their own problem by asking great questions getting them to explore their situation and more importantly it's about patience
waiting whilst in fact the person probably struggles to their own solution because great leaders are surrounded by beautiful butterflies you

RULES OF LIVING WITH PEOPLE1. When you meet young people - INSPIRE THEM.2. When you meet children - EDUCATE THEM.3. When...

1. When you meet young people - INSPIRE THEM.
2. When you meet children - EDUCATE THEM.
3. When you meet old people - HELP THEM.
4. When you meet wise people - STUDY THEM.
5. When you meet leaders - HONOUR THEM.
6. When you meet foolish people - AVOID THEM.
7. When you meet humble people - TREASURE THEM.
8. When you meet arrogant people - IGNORE THEM.
9. When you meet gracious people - EMULATE THEM.
10. When you meet aspirational people - ELEVATE THEM.
11. When you meet strong people - SUPPORT THEM.
12. When you meet godly people - BLESS THEM.
13. When you meet elderly people - RESPECT THEM.
14. When you meet weak people - STRENGTHEN THEM.
15. When you meet hardworking people - ENCOURAGE THEM.
16. When you meet kind people - ESTEEM THEM.
17. When you meet Honest people -
18. When you meet virtuous people - REWARD THEM.
19. When you meety evil people - EVADE THEM.
20. And in all situation “ Watch, Pray and wish everyone well.
1. Dr. Ben Carson said, "I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became the best neurosurgeon in the world in 1987."
Struggling is a sign that you are on a verge of success. Don't quit yet.
2. Bill Gates said, "I didn't even complete my university education but became the world's richest man."
School does not make you rich. School is only supposed to polish what will make you rich, not make you rich.
3. Christiano Ronaldo said, "I told my father that we would be very rich but he couldn't believe me. I made it a reality."
Your words rule your life. If you mean what you have said, each word will come to pass. You get what you say.
4. Hear Lionel Messi!
"I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became one of the world's best footballers."
Believe in your dream. Don't let your pain tell you how your future will look like.
5. Steve Jobs penned, "I used to sleep on the floor in my friends' rooms, returning coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple, I later on founded Apple Company."
That you are small today doesn't mean you will be small tomorrow. Keep trusting God.
6. Former British PM, Tony Blair said & I quote, "My teachers used to call me a failure, but I became a Prime Minister."
Don't let someone else's opinions of you become your reality.
7. Bishop David Oyedepo said, "I started Living Faith Church from a lawn tennis court with three members only & preached prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have the largest church auditorium in the world & two world-class universities."
*LESSON:* Believe in yourself even if no one does & never think of quitting.
8. *Nelson Mandela said,* "I was in prison for 27 years & still became president."
*LESSON:* You can be anything you want to be no matter where you have been or what you have been through.
*9.REECE* "I drove a taxi to finance my university education but today I'm a billionaire."
*LESSON:* Don't let your past decide the kind of future you need to have.
10. *Harland Sanders, Founder of KFC said,* "I was on the verge of su***de when an Idea of opening a restaurant hit me after I retired as a cook in the Navy."
*LESSON:* Nothing is ever too late. "Too late" is a language of failures. Your future can begin at any age. Don't ever let AGE limit you.
11. *Aliko Dangote said,* "I worked for my uncle since I was a small boy, people looked down on me. I later on took a loan from my uncle to open a tiny shop. I worked hard to make ends meet. Now I am the richest Man in Africa.
*LESSON:* Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.
12. *Barack Hussein Obama said,* I am a son of a black immigrant from Kenya, I graduated from Harvard and later on became a Senator in Chicago. I was also the President of the most powerful nation on Earth.
*LESSON:* Never design your life like a garden where anyone can walk in and out. Design it like the sky where everyone aspires to reach!
13. *Arnold Swarzzenegger said,* I traveled to America in search of financial independence when I was 15yrs old. I became the world's strongest man 7 times and Mr Universe. I then got my Economics degree, then I became one of Hollywood's best actors before I was voted twice as governor of California."
*LESSON:* Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams.
Beloved endeavour to be good to people you meet everyday,,fear God and live peacefully with all men knowing full well that if we don't meet to part, we will part to meet one day.
EYA Oliver Uchenna®️

I was inspired by the ABCD explained by SeungJun Kim What is ABCD?ABCD is not only the common 4 first letters in our Alp...

I was inspired by the ABCD explained by SeungJun Kim

What is ABCD?

ABCD is not only the common 4 first letters in our Alphabet. It stands for Asset-Based Community Development. It is a strength-based approach that focuses on the capacities of individuals & resources within our community to inspire positive change. This means that we aim to look at what's strong and not what's wrong. this is different from the more common practices of Identifying issues and gaps in the community. Yes, definitely. When we focus primarily on identifying the issues and gaps, we might lose sights of the asset in the community. In ABCD, we believe that everyone is an asset and has gifts! By recognizing this, we can enrich the community by seizing opportunities and develop the potential in people as citizen and co-creators. Once people feel a sense of belonging and ownership, they are more likely to develop intrinsic motivation to sustain the community efforts and continue developing people. What does this mean? Keep in mind the three principles of ABCD. Firstly, everyone is an asset and has gifts and can contribute to a common goal. People within the community can be mobilized to use their assets to drive the development process. Secondly, social relationships are at the core of ABCD. Everyone can inspire one another to join the effort towards develop development. And finally, ABCD focuses on the capacity building and empowerment of individuals. There are six points in practicing ABCD:
1. Appreciative Inquiry
2. Connections before contacts - organized group.
3. Brainstorm - Asset mapping.
4. Visualization and planning
5. Mobilizing Assets - learn by doing.
6. Building Leaders and Capacities.


Day 20 of 366

May God use our stories to teach and encourage other people that HE is good, HE is worth trusting, HE can be leaned on, and HE is enough - no matter what life is throwing at us.

-Elizabeth Mitchell


Day 6 of 365

By God’s guidance and grace we are still keep going with love and understanding. It is our 17th year anniversary already langgang Neth B C. Let’s keep the faith and keep it simple! I love you!

To Master Oxy Gene and Master Jesse Narrazo these are the photo session of different nationality students in uniform.......

To Master Oxy Gene and Master Jesse Narrazo these are the photo session of different nationality students in uniform.... though their brains were so tiny yet they could understand simple instructions during the shoot repeatedly many times.... remember this master jong?

First Course Graduated gwapo pa sa second course graduated wala na sang ikagwapo pa..... naukayan sa baul way back 2001....

First Course Graduated gwapo pa sa second course graduated wala na sang ikagwapo pa..... naukayan sa baul way back 2001.... 22 years past.....

blast of the past

OpinionsMany of us entitled to our distinct opinions. We may not agree with😏others but we should understand that opinion...


Many of us entitled to our distinct opinions. We may not agree with😏others but we should understand that opinions were merely opinions... it will never and it should be define us of who we are 😌and what we are going through... for in the end it was merely an opinion. 😊

The Milestone of how the lakwatsero experiences before he became a worker to the community..... I must say that my life ...

The Milestone of how the lakwatsero experiences before he became a worker to the community..... I must say that my life was lived in all types of work but God's gift for me is to serve the community.... Padayon lang sa pagpanglakaton....


In kindness you will never go wrong.. though others may not feel it but only few deserved your kindness… just keep it up

A courtesy call of the incoming Area Coordinator of DSWD KALAHI CIDSS Concepcion Sir Felix Guilaran Jr. to the offices o...

A courtesy call of the incoming Area Coordinator of DSWD KALAHI CIDSS Concepcion Sir Felix Guilaran Jr. to the offices of LGU Concepcion MPDC, MSWDO and ME.

We warmly welcome you Sir Felix Guilaran Jr. to the beautiful municipality of Concepcion.

I am now ready for signing off as your Area Coordinator... Extend your usual support and more power my beloved Concepcion!

bringing back the memories the first i set foot to the municipality of concepcion.... officially introduced to LGU conce...

bringing back the memories the first i set foot to the municipality of concepcion.... officially introduced to LGU concepcion during the monday Flag Ceremony


Let us tease your brain today....

Make one word from all of the following jumbled letters:


Go! write your answer at the comment section....

  The project started in Sitio Badio, Barangay Bacjawan Norte, Municipality of Concepcion, Province of Iloilo. Phase 1 s...

The project started in Sitio Badio, Barangay Bacjawan Norte, Municipality of Concepcion, Province of Iloilo. Phase 1 sub project implementation entitled construction of drainage canal. This project is under DSWD KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP Additional Financing by World Bank as the funding institution. Padayon Concepcion!




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