Chitral Travel Bureau

Chitral Travel Bureau Chitral Travel Bureau is a destination, operation, and event management company for over 25 years

A very happy Christmas and new year 2024 to all brothers and sisters across the world.

A very happy Christmas and new year 2024 to all brothers and sisters across the world.

Join our campaigns for protection and conservation of the pride of the nation- Markhoor, specially during the rut/mating...

Join our campaigns for protection and conservation of the pride of the nation- Markhoor, specially during the rut/mating season, and they way the trophy hunting is carriedout.

🐏Animals cannot tell their stories of suffering.
🤝Together, we must be their voice.
🤺We can end this by loudly calling out cruelty, and influencing national and international organizations against the commercilization of trophy hunting, and to change the practices
✒️Together, we can give all animals a life worth living.

We take careful note of the widespread interest and shared enthusiasm among our network members regarding the Markhoor T...

We take careful note of the widespread interest and shared enthusiasm among our network members regarding the Markhoor Trophy hunting event, valuing at PKR.65 million or $232,000. This incident, orchestrated by an American hunter on 16-12-23 at Thushi Conservancy Chitral, KP Pakistan, prompts us to delve into a critical examination of the broader perspective of animal sentience. It is imperative to acknowledge the intricate tapestry of their thoughts and emotions, especially during the rut/mating season, a crucial period for their complete satisfaction and comfortable breeding of the new generation.

The decision to allow trophy hunting during such a sensitive and emotional phase raises questions about how, why, and who sanctioned this activity. It extends beyond the killing of one Markhoor, potentially inflicting psychological damage on the emerging generation of these magnificent creatures.

When we contemplate animals' emotions, we cannot turn a blind eye to the distress caused to wild animals through commercial exploitation, often benefiting specific families of hunters and their collaborators within the wildlife department. Animals, including Markhoor, deserve more than mere survival; they deserve lives enriched with well-being.

Emphasizing biodiversity conservation and protection not only serves as a moral imperative but also attracts tourism, generating better income for the local community and contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This juncture marks an unprecedented enthusiasm to explore and understand animals' thoughts and feelings. Engage with the concept of animal sentience through rigorous scientific research that unequivocally substantiates its existence. Witness the transformative evolution of societal attitudes towards animals, transitioning from viewing them as commodities for human use to placing contemporary emphasis on their welfare.

Breeding of markhors has now increased significantly


We take careful note of the widespread interest and shared enthusiasm among our network members regarding the Markhoor Trophy hunting event, valuing at PKR.65 million or $232,000. This incident, orchestrated by an American hunter on 16-12-23 at Thushi Conservancy Chitral, KP Pakistan, prompts us to delve into a critical examination of the broader perspective of animal sentience. It is imperative to acknowledge the intricate tapestry of their thoughts and emotions, especially during the rut/mating season, a crucial period for their complete satisfaction and comfortable breeding of the new generation.

The decision to allow trophy hunting during such a sensitive and emotional phase raises questions about how, why, and who sanctioned this activity. It extends beyond the killing of one Markhoor, potentially inflicting psychological damage on the emerging generation of these magnificent creatures.

When we contemplate animals' emotions, we cannot turn a blind eye to the distress caused to wild animals through commercial exploitation, often benefiting specific families of hunters and their collaborators within the wildlife department. Animals, including Markhoor, deserve more than mere survival; they deserve lives enriched with well-being.

Emphasizing biodiversity conservation and protection not only serves as a moral imperative but also attracts tourism, generating better income for the local community and contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This juncture marks an unprecedented enthusiasm to explore and understand animals' thoughts and feelings. Engage with the concept of animal sentience through rigorous scientific research that unequivocally substantiates its existence. Witness the transformative evolution of societal attitudes towards animals, transitioning from viewing them as commodities for human use to placing contemporary emphasis on their welfare.

COP 28 AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM.🌍 Embarking on a Journey of Sustainable Adventure: Unlocking the Potential of Hindukush a...


🌍 Embarking on a Journey of Sustainable Adventure: Unlocking the Potential of Hindukush and Pamir Regions! 🏔️

As the echoes of COP 28 resonate, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the pursuit of a sustainable and regenerative future, especially in the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Hindukush and Pamir regions—truly the "Roof of the World." Let's transform our passion for travel into a force for positive change and preservation.

🌿 Preserving Pristine Landscapes:
The Hindukush and Pamir regions boast unparalleled natural beauty and biodiversity. Embracing sustainable tourism means treading lightly, minimizing our ecological footprint, and actively participating in conservation efforts. Imagine leaving these landscapes even more vibrant and resilient for future generations!

🤝 Community Empowerment:
Travel isn't just about the places; it's about the people. Sustainable and regenerative tourism prioritizes local communities, fostering economic empowerment and cultural preservation. Engage with local artisans, savor traditional cuisine, and contribute to initiatives that uplift the communities that call these majestic mountains home.

🌲 Regenerative Practices:
Let's go beyond sustainability—let's aim for regeneration. Participate in initiatives that restore and revitalize the environment. Tree-planting projects, sustainable agriculture support, and responsible waste management are pathways to leave a positive impact as we explore the breathtaking landscapes of the Hindukush and Pamir.

🌐 COP 28 Commitments:
The recent COP 28 discussions have underscored the urgency of global climate action. We, as conscious tour organizor, have greater role to play. By aligning the travel choices with the principles and commitments emerging from such international dialogues, we are the ambassadors for positive change.

🌍 Adventure with Purpose:
we will picture our traversing ancient trails, breathing in crisp mountain air, and immersing in the rich cultural tapestry of the Hindukush and Pamir regions. Let every step be a testament to responsible exploration—a journey where tourists presence enhances, rather than depletes, the magnificence of these landscapes.

🌈 Join the Movement:
Be a part of the sustainable travel movement! Share your experiences, inspire others, and encourage responsible tourism practices. Every traveler has the power to be a catalyst for change, contributing to the global effort to preserve the Roof of the World.

In the heart of the Hindukush and Pamir regions, let's weave a tapestry of sustainable adventures, leaving footprints of respect, conservation, and inspiration. Together, we can ensure that future generations inherit not just the beauty of these mountains but a legacy of responsible exploration. 🌏✨

Congratulations on the successful ex*****on of the Chitral National Tourism Symposium on December 12, 2023, in Peshawar!...

Congratulations on the successful ex*****on of the Chitral National Tourism Symposium on December 12, 2023, in Peshawar! Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the visionary leadership, the Honorable Chief Secretary KP, and the respected Core Commander North, whose foresight brought forth this unique and impactful idea.

Special recognition is due to the dynamic leaders on the ground—the Dy Commissioner Lower Chitral, Commandant Chitral Scout, and Major Maaz—who played pivotal roles in translating the vision into reality. Their unseen efforts have been instrumental in making this remarkable event a reality.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the Tourism Department and the KPCTA management for their tireless dedication and commitment. Their commitment and hard work have been crucial in turning this concept into a successful and memorable experience.

A heartfelt thank you is also extended to DC Upper Chitral, the Chairman and members of PATO, Chitral Hotel Association, Tour Operators, Tour Guides, Travel Agents, Arts and Crafts, Gam Jewelry, AKRSP, and all other stakeholders. Your unwavering support and diligent efforts have contributed significantly to the resounding success of the event. Together, we have showcased the immense potential of Chitral's tourism sector, and we look forward to continuing this journey of growth and collaboration.

Appreciation for Leading role of Commandant Chitral Scout, Dy C0mmissioner Lower Chitral and Municipal Administration Ch...

Appreciation for Leading role of Commandant Chitral Scout, Dy C0mmissioner Lower Chitral and Municipal Administration Chitral: Awareness Walk and Sanitation Activities

Dear Camandant Chitral Scout,
Deputy Commissioner Lower Chitral,
Shahzada Aman UrRahman

On behalf of Chitral Tourism Association, i wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the exemplary efforts showcased by top officials of Chitral on recommendation of Chitral Tourism Association regarding green and Clean Chitral, Awareness Walk and Sanitation Activities held on 08/12/2023.
The collaboration between Commandant Chitral Scouts, District Administration, and line departments in Lower Chitral is indeed commendable.

The initiative not only demonstrated a collective commitment to the well-being of Chitral but also served as a powerful symbol of community engagement. This initiatve is a true commitment of the Govt and Establishment for promotion of tourism in Chitral, committed by worthy Commandand sahib with the tourism stakeholder on 14th November and follow up meetings. The Awareness Walk, organized with precision by Chitral Scouts under your leadership, showcased unity and a shared vision for a Clean & Green Chitral.

The dedication displayed by the Municipal Administration in orchestrating sanitation activities reflects a proactive approach towards clean and green Chitral.

Your role as Deputy Commissioner has been pivotal in orchestrating this successful event, and your commitment to promoting civic consciousness is truly inspirational. Through this collaborative effort, the event not only raised awareness but also inspired a sense of environmental stewardship among the participants and the wider community.

In conclusion, I express my gratitude to you, Commandant Chitral Scouts, and all involved entities for their relentless efforts in making this event a resounding success. Your leadership and dedication to community welfare are indeed motivational, setting a high standard for future endeavors

Appreciation for Leading role of Commandant Chitral Scout, Dy C0mmissioner Lower Chitral and Municipal Administration Ch...

Appreciation for Leading role of Commandant Chitral Scout, Dy C0mmissioner Lower Chitral and Municipal Administration Chitral: Awareness Walk and Sanitation Activities

Dear Camandant Chitral Scout,
Deputy Commissioner Lower Chitral,
Shahzada Aman UrRahman

On behalf of Chitral Tourism Association, i wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the exemplary efforts showcased by top officials of Chitral on recommendation of Chitral Tourism Association regarding green and Clean Chitral, Awareness Walk and Sanitation Activities held on 08/12/2023.
The collaboration between Commandant Chitral Scouts, District Administration, and line departments in Lower Chitral is indeed commendable.

The initiative not only demonstrated a collective commitment to the well-being of Chitral but also served as a powerful symbol of community engagement. This initiatve is a true commitment of the Govt and Establishment for promotion of tourism in Chitral, committed by worthy Commandand sahib with the tourism stakeholder on 14th November and follow up meetings. The Awareness Walk, organized with precision by Chitral Scouts under your leadership, showcased unity and a shared vision for a Clean & Green Chitral.

The dedication displayed by the Municipal Administration in orchestrating sanitation activities reflects a proactive approach towards enhancing the living standards in the region. Such endeavors contribute significantly to the overall health and hygiene of the community, tourists and fostering a sense of pride and responsibility among the residents and the tourists

Your role as Deputy Commissioner has been pivotal in orchestrating this successful event, and your commitment to promoting civic consciousness is truly inspirational. Through this collaborative effort, the event not only raised awareness but also inspired a sense of environmental stewardship among the participants and the wider community.

In conclusion, I express my gratitude to you, Commandant Chitral Scouts, and all involved entities for their relentless efforts in making this event a resounding success. Your leadership and dedication to community welfare are indeed motivational, setting a high standard for future endeavors aimed at the betterment of Chitral.

Best regards,

Syed Harir Shah
Chitral Tourism Association


Appreciation for Leading role of Commandant Chitral Scout, Dy C0mmissioner Lower Chitral and Municipal Administration Chitral: Awareness Walk and Sanitation Activities

Dear Camandant Chitral Scout,
Deputy Commissioner Lower Chitral,
Shahzada Aman UrRahman

On behalf of Chitral Tourism Association, i wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the exemplary efforts showcased by top officials of Chitral on recommendation of Chitral Tourism Association regarding green and Clean Chitral, Awareness Walk and Sanitation Activities held on 08/12/2023.
The collaboration between Commandant Chitral Scouts, District Administration, and line departments in Lower Chitral is indeed commendable.

The initiative not only demonstrated a collective commitment to the well-being of Chitral but also served as a powerful symbol of community engagement. This initiatve is a true commitment of the Govt and Establishment for promotion of tourism in Chitral, committed by worthy Commandand sahib with the tourism stakeholder on 14th November and follow up meetings. The Awareness Walk, organized with precision by Chitral Scouts under your leadership, showcased unity and a shared vision for a Clean & Green Chitral.

The dedication displayed by the Municipal Administration in orchestrating sanitation activities reflects a proactive approach towards clean and green Chitral.

Your role as Deputy Commissioner has been pivotal in orchestrating this successful event, and your commitment to promoting civic consciousness is truly inspirational. Through this collaborative effort, the event not only raised awareness but also inspired a sense of environmental stewardship among the participants and the wider community.

In conclusion, I express my gratitude to you, Commandant Chitral Scouts, and all involved entities for their relentless efforts in making this event a resounding success. Your leadership and dedication to community welfare are indeed motivational, setting a high standard for future endeavors

Restoration and prevention of Mountsin Eystem in HKH regions.

Restoration and prevention of Mountsin Eystem in HKH regions.

Mountain Ecosystem and COP 28.

Mountain Ecosystem and COP 28.

International Mountain Day, celebrated annually on December 11th, serves as a global platform to highlight the importanc...

International Mountain Day, celebrated annually on December 11th, serves as a global platform to highlight the importance of mountains in our lives. In 2023, the significance of this day is heightened as it aligns with both the ongoing efforts at COP 28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and the evolving landscape of mountain tourism. This convergence emphasizes the intricate interrelationship between sustainable mountain development, climate action, and the tourism industry.

Mountain Tourism and COP 28:
Mountain regions, with their unique ecosystems and diverse landscapes, have become popular destinations for tourists seeking adventure and tranquility. However, the surge in mountain tourism poses challenges to the delicate balance of these environments. COP 28 becomes a crucial arena for addressing these challenges, focusing on policies and agreements that promote sustainable practices in mountainous areas.

The impact of climate change is disproportionately felt in mountainous regions, evident through glacier melting, altered precipitation patterns, and increased natural disasters. COP 28 provides an opportunity for nations to collaborate on mitigating climate change effects in mountainous areas, ensuring the preservation of these vital ecosystems for future generations.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) play a pivotal role in this context, aligning with COP 28 objectives to address climate.
The designated theme for International Mountain Day 2023, "Harmony in Heights," encapsulates the essence of the intricate interplay between mountain tourism and COP 28. It underscores the imperative of achieving a harmonious equilibrium between human activities in mountain regions and the preservation of these delicate ecosystems. This thematic emphasis highlights the ongoing efforts to strike a balance that ensures the sustainable coexistence of thriving mountain tourism and the preservation of these invaluable natural landscapes.


Comprehensive Suggestions for COP28 - Addressing Climate Challenges in the Hindukush Region of Chitral, Pakistan
Dear COP28 Delegates,
I am writing to bring your attention to the critical climate challenges faced by the Hindukush region, specifically in Chitral, Pakistan. The Hindukush mountain range is not only a region of immense natural beauty but also one that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. As representatives gathered at COP28, it is imperative that we collectively address the unique challenges faced by this region and work towards sustainable solutions. Here are comprehensive suggestions for your consideration:
1. Vulnerability Assessment and Early Warning Systems: Conduct a thorough vulnerability assessment to understand the specific risks faced by the Hindukush region. Establish and strengthen early warning systems to provide timely alerts for extreme weather events such as floods, avalanches, and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Investing in advanced technology and communication infrastructure will be crucial for efficient dissemination of warnings.
2. Adaptation Strategies: Develop and implement region-specific adaptation strategies that take into account the unique geography and socio-economic conditions of Chitral. This may include promoting climate-resilient agriculture practices, introducing drought-resistant crop varieties, and implementing water management techniques to cope with changing precipitation patterns.
3. Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration: Prioritize the conservation and restoration of ecosystems in the Hindukush region, which is also the theme of the current year International Mountain Day 2023. The region is suffering with serious consequences of devastation over two decade and restoration of the damaged ecosystem of the mountains region is still hampered. Protecting forests, wetlands, and biodiversity not only contributes to carbon sequestration but also enhances the resilience of local communities. Encourage sustainable land-use practices that balance the needs of human populations with the preservation of natural habitats.
4. Water Resource Management: Address the challenges related to water scarcity and glacial melt in the region. Collaborate with local communities to implement sustainable water resource management practices. This may involve the construction of small-scale water reservoirs, rainwater harvesting systems, and the promotion of efficient irrigation methods.
5. Renewable Energy Transition: Support the transition to renewable energy sources in Chitral to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and decrease carbon emissions. Invest in the development of small-scale hydropower projects, solar energy systems, and other clean energy solutions that are suitable for the local context.
6. Community Engagement and Capacity Building: Empower local communities in Chitral through education and capacity-building initiatives. Foster community-based climate resilience projects and ensure that the knowledge and experiences of indigenous communities are incorporated into decision-making processes.
7. International Collaboration and Funding: Facilitate international collaboration to mobilize financial and technical support for climate action in the Hindukush region. Establish partnerships between governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to implement sustainable development projects.
8. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation system to assess the effectiveness of climate interventions in the region. Regularly review and update strategies based on emerging climate trends and evolving socio-economic conditions.
In conclusion, addressing the climate challenges in the Hindukush region of Chitral requires a holistic and collaborative approach. By incorporating these comprehensive suggestions into the COP28 agenda, we can contribute to the global effort to build a sustainable and resilient future for vulnerable regions around the world.
Thank you for your attention and commitment to addressing the urgent climate challenges faced by the Hindukush region.
Syed Harir Shah
Centre for Disaster Risk and Climate (PVT) Ltd
Shahi Masjid Road, Chitral Pakistan


"You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up."

"ہو سکتا ہے کہ آپ واحد شخص رہ جائیں جو آپ پر یقین رکھتا ہے، لیکن یہ کافی ہے۔ کیونکہ تاریکی کی کائنات کو چھیدنے کے لیے صرف ایک ستارہ کی ضرورت ہے۔ اس لیے ہمت کبھی نہ ہاریں۔

_Richelle E. Goodrich_

By Syed Didar Ali shah


World Tourism Day was celebrated at Chitral, where awareness walk from Chew Bride to Pologround and back to Chitral was arranged, where school children, community leaders, state officials, AKRSP officisls, Chitral Hotel Association, Paraglide Pilots Association Chitral, Tour Operators, Tourist Guides, Transport Association, tourism police, Arts and Craft exhibitions by 40 Entrepruiners and civil society organizations participated.


Meeting of Chitral Tourism Association with Commandant Chitral Scout

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"The Pakistan Army, led by the dedicated Corps Commander of 11 Corps, is passionately driving the advancement of tourism in Chitral. In adherence to his visionary directives, Chitral Scouts has enthusiastically pledged its support and collaboration with the Chitral Tourism Association (CTA)”
This resolute commitment was eloquently conveyed by the recently appointed Commandant of Chitral Scouts during a meeting held today dated 14th November 2023 at his office in Chitral.
The Commandant not only affirmed his dedication to addressing the challenges faced by tourists and stakeholders in Chitral, but also pledged unwavering support for the promotion of sustainable and responsible tourism in the region.
Syed Harir Shah, President of the Chitral Tourism Association, extends a warm welcome to the newly appointed Commandant and expresses gratitude for his dedication, assurance, and commitment to fostering tourism in Chitral.
In an insightful briefing, the Commandant gained a comprehensive understanding of the emerging potentials and challenges associated with tourism activities in Chitral. Both tourists and the local tourism communities grapple with difficulties stemming from inadequate critical infrastructure, security measures, poor governance, and a lack of political will.
The meeting also saw the presentation of suggestions and recommendations for the advancement of sustainable and regenerative tourism, alongside initiatives for the conservation of nature and ecosystems.
In a generous and encouraging gesture, the Commandant assured the delegation of his unwavering support for all positive initiatives aimed at promoting tourism. He urged the CTA to formulate comprehensive suggestions and recommendations for prompt presentation to decision-makers and policymakers in Chitral. The Commandant emphasized that the collaborative efforts between Chitral Scouts and the Chitral Tourism Association underscore a shared commitment to the development and enhancement of tourism in the Chitral region, inspiring hope and optimism for a flourishing future.

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FALL IN GHIZAR DISTRICT GILGIT BALTISTAN.Fall in Ghizer District, Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), is a breathtaking experience th...


Fall in Ghizer District, Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), is a breathtaking experience that encapsulates the essence of nature's splendor. During this season, which typically extends from September to November, Ghizer District undergoes a remarkable transformation:

Vivid Color Palette: Ghizer comes alive with vibrant hues as the summer greenery gracefully transitions into a mesmerizing tapestry of red, orange, and gold. The landscape becomes a painter's dream, offering a vivid, natural spectacle.

Crisp, Cool Air: Fall in Ghizer brings with it a refreshing change in the weather. The crisp, clean air is invigorating, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities, sightseeing, and treks.

Majestic Landscapes: The district is renowned for its dramatic mountain vistas, and during fall, the scenery becomes even more spectacular. Towering peaks are complemented by the warm and inviting colors of the valley, creating a picturesque contrast.

Cultural Festivals: Fall often coincides with various cultural festivals and events in Ghizer District. These celebrations provide an opportunity to experience the local culture, traditional music, and warm hospitality of the residents.

Photographer's Paradise: For photography enthusiasts, fall in Ghizer is a dream come true. The striking colors, combined with the stunning landscapes, offer endless opportunities for capturing memorable shots.

Outdoor Activities: The cooler temperatures make it the perfect time for outdoor adventures, such as hiking, trekking, and camping. Ghizer's natural beauty comes alive in the autumn months, providing a unique and immersive experience for nature enthusiasts.

Fruit Harvest: Fall is also the season for fruit harvesting in Ghizer, and visitors can savor the flavors of locally grown apples, pears, and walnuts. It's a delightful way to connect with the region's agricultural traditions.

Peace and Serenity: The tranquility of Ghizer in the fall is palpable. It's a time to immerse yourself in nature, unwind, and find solace in the simplicity of life in the mountains.

Rejuvenation: Fall in Ghizer serves as a reminder that change can bring beauty and renewal. Just as the landscape transforms, it encourages personal reflection and the embrace of new beginnings.

Overall, experiencing fall in Ghizer District, GB, is a unique opportunity to witness nature's artistry at its finest. It's a season that inspires, rejuvenates, and captivates all who are fortunate enough to visit this remote and enchanting corner of the world.

In Chitral, the pursuit of Markhor Trophy Hunting reached a historic pinnacle as a remarkable bid of $212,000, equivalen...

In Chitral, the pursuit of Markhor Trophy Hunting reached a historic pinnacle as a remarkable bid of $212,000, equivalent to PKR 58,777,127, was extended for a single Markhor. This monumental moment transpired during a remarkable event conducted by M/S Mehran Safari in Sheri Sham, Chitral. It represents an unprecedented zenith in the annals of Markhor Trophy Hunting.

Further contributing to this extraordinary spectacle, M/S Zoon Safari placed the second-highest bid of $185,000, which translates to Rs. 51,291,361, for a single Markhor to be hunted in Toshi-II, Chitral. This remarkable bid stands as the second-highest rate ever recorded in the history of Markhor Trophy Hunting.

Additionally, M/S Hunting Safari offered a noteworthy bid of USD 125,000, amounting to Rs. 34,656,325, for a single Markhor to be hunted in Gahirait, Chitral, marking yet another exceptional feat.

Collectively, these endeavors have allowed Chitral to accumulate a staggering sum of $522,000 or 144.7248 million by authorizing the hunting of three Markhoor in two specific locations: Toshi, Shehrisham, and Ghahirat. It is noteworthy that a substantial portion of these funds, approximately 115.782 million, has been earmarked for a few influential individuals, while the remaining amount is allocated to nearby communities for purported development efforts, with an unfortunate absence of transparency and accountability.

Regrettably, this arrangement is facilitated by the elite class, who wield their influence to determine the locations for Markhor Trophy Hunting, neglecting other areas with Markhoor populations. Furthermore, the wildlife department is slated to receive Rs. 28.9428 million from the remaining fund for distribution among its officials, ostensibly in support of wildlife conservation activities.

In this scenario, it's essential to acknowledge that the Markhor, whose preferred food tree is the oak tree, has faced significant habitat destruction due to deforestation and the actions of the public. Unfortunately, there have been limited welfare or well-being initiatives directed towards the Markhor, with meager wages provided to a small number of watchers.

Moreover, communities in other conservation areas hold reservations regarding the collaborative partnerships between the wildlife department and influential families that determine the management of particular conservancies. This has sparked concerns over equitable conservation efforts and the preservation of the Markhor population in the region.

In this unfolding narrative, it is imperative to strike a balance between trophy hunting as a source of revenue and the long-term preservation of these magnificent creatures and their ecosystems. Finding a harmonious coexistence between economic interests and wildlife conservation remains an ongoing challenge that warrants careful consideration and thoughtful action.


Chitral Travel Bureau, Shahi Masjid Road

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 20:00




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M/S Chitral Travel Bureau is an inbound tour operator and travel consultant, established in 1997, to promote adventure and cultu The core principles of our corporate social responsibilities rest on multiple risk reduction, raising awareness of self-determination for Indigenous communities on participatory, rights-based approach. We are committed to strengthening sustainable development of the communities through community based socioeco tourism in the mountain regions of northern Pakistan. Our deeper understanding of the insight of the mountain community challenges, development dynamic and potentials, we at Chitral Travel Bureau through our CSR funds, building multi-resilience of the communities through reduced vulnerabilities and risks, and strengthening their existing capacities and capabilities towards achieving the SDGs-2030. The core principles of our corporate social responsibilities are rest on multiple risk reduction, raising awareness of self-determination for Indigenous communities on participatory, rights-based approach. We are committed to strengthening sustainable development of the communities through community based socioeco tourism in the mountain regions of northern Pakistan. Our deeper understanding of the insight of the mountain community challenges, development dynamic and potentials, we at Chitral Travel Bureau through our CSR funds, building multi-resilience of the communities through reduced vulnerabilities and risks, and strengthening their existing capacities and capabilities towards achieving the SDGs-2030.

M/S Chitral Travel Bureau is an inbound tour operator and travel consultant, established in 1997, to promote adventure and culture tourism in the most isolated and remote mountain parts of Hindukush and other regions of northern Pakistan. Since, its inception we are partnering with Indigenous communities to advance Indigenous Peoples' rights, resilience building and conservations in the mountain region.

The core principles of our corporate social responsibilities rest on multiple risk reduction, raising awareness of self-determination for Indigenous communities on a participatory, rights-based approach. We are committed to strengthening sustainable development of the communities through community-based socio-eco tourism in the mountain regions of northern Pakistan.

Our deeper understanding of the insight of the mountain community challenges, development dynamic and potentials, we at Chitral Travel Bureau through our CSR funds, building multi-resilience of the communities through reduced vulnerabilities and risks, and strengthening their existing capacities and capabilities towards achieving the SDGs-2030.

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