Why do I get bored easily?
Say Keng Lee
Say Keng Lee, Knowledge Adventurer & Technology Explorer in Strategy, Change & Future-Focus
Your problem is very simple, actually.
You lack compelling, inspiring and overarching long-range goals and objectives, broken down into short-term, medium-term, and long-term perspectives, and covering all the major life dimensions, followed by a systematic game plan, in your life, to drive you.
GOALS, PRIORITIES, and a PLAN, set your directions and direct your focus on the things that matter to you.
In a nut shell, GOALS, PRIORITIES and a PLAN, give your the reasons for getting out of bed quickly every morning, and for staying - and feeling - alive.
To use a military analogy, GOALS, PRIORITIES, and a PLAN, are like precise commands preset into the flight plan of a Tomahawk missile, homing onto a predefined, long-distance target.Here's how you can go about goal setting and goal achieving.
Grab a sheet of unrolled or blank paper. Draw 5 vertical columns,and mark them as follows:
- what I want to BE;
- what I want to DO;
- what I want to HAVE;
- what I want to IMPROVE;
- what I want to CHANGE;
Reflect and explore yourself with these questions, and while you are doing it, you may want to consider the following major life dimensions in your life:
- academic pursuit;
- mental development;
- career aspirations;
- physical health;
- financial wealth;
- family relationship;
- social networking;
- recreational ventures (including hobbies, interests, sports, vacations, etc.);
- spiritual development (including contributions to society, volunteering, etc.);
Take your time, as you are thinking about your future.
Upon completion of reflection, contemplation and introspection, the next step for you is to work out a systematic game plan, whereby you need to translate all your long-range goals and objectives into specific, prioritized and executable tasks which you must do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even annually.
All these strategic and tactical initiatives will embody the envisaged vivid image of your ultimate success achievement, which you are more than likely to hold in your head, thus serving as your personal driving force, while you are in hot pursuit of your desired outcomes or cherished dreams