Motherhood is a challenging journey, especially for a businesswoman who started from scratch and soared like an eagle. The postpartum phase was never easy, and I can't express it in words. I had to miss tours and handle queries with a heavy heart while entrusting my HNI family to tour guides.
This past year has been filled with compromises and sacrifices, but also with emotions and challenges, all while caring for a tiny human and receiving support from my loved ones. As the founder of HNI, my attachment to the company mirrors the bond with my child. Both are like babies to me, and I've poured my heart into nurturing them.
Feeling overwhelmed with joy, I'm grateful to share that I've finally embarked on my own trip after nearly a year and wanted to give you a glimpse of it. ❤️
I'm immensely thankful for the support in my life, starting with my HNI family, who always provides powerful feelings and good vibes through our service quality. Thank you all for joining and trusting us. Sending much love and prayers your way. ❤️