Village Jab is situated in the mountainous area of 17 K.M. It is very beautiful valley surrounded with mountains. It s population is above 5 thousand. Most of them are Govt.servants. A few years ago the major part of population were farmers. The land of this area is very fertile for agriculture. There is a natural irrigation system. The source of water is natural fountains and it has a large water
reverser. The village Jab has a historic value in its area. There are many beautiful and fantastic sites. But, the sight of Tourism Department NWFP and tourists have not yet reached there. The first place situated in the north of the village is a forest with its natural beauty. When we go there, first we will see a difficult way to forest. It is made in stones with the help of chisels. After this there is Water Fall. I think its height is about 200 feet. During the rainy days it reflects very beautiful scenery. When we cross this place, there are natural water pools called Toba. We can see in this place the foot prints of animals and also the human beings on the stones. It might be belong to stone age. But, nobody wanted to research , whether these fossils are useful to understand the ancient history of human beings. In these days these natural things could not be saved himself from the hands of human beings. It might be destroyed in future. As well as this village have may things, it has about seven Water Mills called “Jandur”. I has been saving energy for Pakistan running by water and is valuable for village. On way to Jab, there are mines of Lime stone and Gypsum. This stone is using in cement and many other things. These mines are valuable for village, because it provides employment to the people. In this modern age, this village was deprived of modern facilities. But, fortunately it has electricity, school, hospital and public call office. Unfortunately there no one, who could do social work in society. The ratio of education has been very low during last three years. A large number of students passed their matriculation from Govt.High School, but nobody takes admission in colleges due to unknown reason. In this connection, major problem is the expenses, which society levied on student. The parents of the student can not bear these heavy expenses. In every society there must be 50%population of women an d they can play an important role in development of society. As well as in other cases, no one thought about this situation that women can be useful for this society by doing indoor jobs or independent jobs in which there should be only ladies dealing. Industrial home is the urgent need of this village. In future, I am sure that awkward believes will be remove in the minds of the people of village Jab and they will try to develop this village by hardworking day and night. Be Happy & God Bless You (People Of JAB).