Independent hotel reviews

Independent hotel reviews Independent hotel reviews. Niezależne opinie o hotelach.

A review of the 𝗥𝗶𝘅𝗼𝘀 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘁 hotel is coming soon – we can’t wait! #𝗥𝗶𝘅𝗼𝘀𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘁

A review of the 𝗥𝗶𝘅𝗼𝘀 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘁 hotel is coming soon – we can’t wait!

  Thank you for the holiday. The hotel was very good, and the staff were friendly. Unfortunately, the quality of the foo...

Thank you for the holiday. The hotel was very good, and the staff were friendly. Unfortunately, the quality of the food has declined compared to our previous visit four months ago. The Christmas Eve dinner was an additional €40 per person, but it was worth it. However, the unpleasant smell from the outdoor grill throughout the hotel should be addressed. The hotel is large, offering something for everyone. The beach animations were great. As for the Christmas decorations, they were underwhelming compared to other hotels. Overall, I recommend this hotel. Thank you for changing our room and upgrading the standard.

We have already been to this hotel and this time we are coming back in a larger group - 8 people - to spend our holidays...

We have already been to this hotel and this time we are coming back in a larger group - 8 people - to spend our holidays from December 19! Are you curious what it will be like? Our first stay in April 2024 was a success, although we did not leave any reviews at that time. This time, since it's a family vacation, we'll definitely rate our experience! If you are interested in our review, like this post!....

Are you looking for guests? To write. But beware!!! We are not responsible if you fail to cover all of them.Szukasz gośc...

Are you looking for guests? To write. But beware!!! We are not responsible if you fail to cover all of them.

Szukasz gości ? napisz. Ale Uwaga!!! Nie odpowiadamy za to że nie ogarniesz wszystkich.

Ask a question about the hotel?We will tell the truth

Ask a question about the hotel?
We will tell the truth


Opinion coming soon

Masz hotel? My go ocenimy bez ściemy! 🏨✨Chcesz poznać prawdziwą opinię o swoim obiekcie? Zgłoś się do nas! Gwarantujemy ...

Masz hotel? My go ocenimy bez ściemy! 🏨✨

Chcesz poznać prawdziwą opinię o swoim obiekcie? Zgłoś się do nas! Gwarantujemy realne opinie prawdziwych klientów, bez żadnych przekłamań. Naszym celem jest rzetelna ocena, która pomoże Ci lepiej zrozumieć, co działa, a co można jeszcze poprawić. Nie ma miejsca na fałszywe pochwały czy negatywne komentarze – tylko szczerość!

Zainteresowany? Napisz do nas i sprawdź, co Twoi goście naprawdę myślą!

Do you have a hotel? We will evaluate it without any bu****it! 🏨✨

Do you want to know the real opinion about your property? Contact us! We guarantee real opinions from real customers, without any distortions. Our goal is an honest assessment to help you better understand what's working and what can be improved. There is no place for false praise or negative comments - only honesty!

Interested? Write to us and see what your guests really think!


Location approx
No attractions for children
The bathroom shower was a disaster
Business hotel for 3 days
Poor access to the parking lot and roads.
The big news about the welcome drink is only available to VIPs, so why make it public?
We'll see breakfast before us.

Lokalizacja ok
Brak atrakcji dla dzieci
Łazienka pryśnic tragedia
Hotel biznesowy na 3 dni
Słaby wjazd na parking i drogi.
Wielkie informacje o drinku powitalnym okazuje się tylko dla vipów więc po co publicznie?
Przed nami śniadanie zobaczymy .


Jutro Hotel Grand Hotel Lubicz. Opinia

Nowoczesny Hotel 5* nad Bałtykiem z kompleksową ofertą usług noclegowych i gastronomicznych.


Review coming soon. But don't expect crazy stuff. If you want a specific hotel, write. Nothing more for the weekend.

Kolejny hotel
Recenzja już niebawem. Ale szału się nie spodziewajcie. Chcecie konkretny hotel piszcie. Na weekend nic więcej.


Gdynia Hotel Mercury stars 3.
Swimming Pool 1 - cold water no attractions for children
Breakfast 4 stars everyone will find something for themselves
Corner for. 1 children also mad
Location Hotel 5 close everywhere
This room is a better 4 stars
Price 2 stars for a 3 star price high
Parking Small 1 star
There are better places around for that money.

Gdynia Hotel Mercury gwiazdek 3.
Basen gwiazdek 1 - woda zimna brak atrakcji dla dzieci
Śniadanie 4 gwiazdki każdy coś dla siebie znajdzie
Kącik dla.dzieci 1 beż szału
umiejscowienie hotel 5 blisko wszędzie
Pokój ten lepszy 4 gwiazdki
Cena 2 gwiazdki jak na 3 gwiazdkowy cena wysoka
Parking Mały 1 gwiazdka
W okolicy są lepsze miejsca za te pieniądze.


pokój, room


This time we chose the Termy Uniejów hotel

Tym razem padło na hotel Termy Uniejów

Recenzja już niebawem.

whether we recommend these hotels, ask first. Opinions Egypt and Türkiye are our specialty

whether we recommend these hotels, ask first. Opinions Egypt and Türkiye are our specialty





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