Wielkie podziękowania dla nowych liderów wśród moich fanów! 💎 Michelle Cordray Erdner, Pamela Budda
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BOLESŁAWIEC's POLISH 🇵🇱 POTTERY MUSEUM has been officially open in the new, absolutely fantastic, meticulous renovated palace. 🏰
The ceremony lasted till late evening and it was worth waiting for it! ❤️❤️ all the exhibitions are AMAZING!
Even the Minister of Culture and Heritage came. Along with officials from Norway and Italy ( as representatives of fellowship pottery regions).
Ok, I could write a lot More about it, but I will let the pictures speak for themselves!
And I look forward to all the tours done there with you, you, and you as well , all the guests and tourists who will be visiting the capital of Polish Pottery😊
#polishpottery #newpolishpotterymuseum #boleslawiecmuseum #muzeumceramikiboleslawiec #polishpotteryhistory #boleslawiecceramics #boleslawiecpottery