
Pro-Project Pro-Project is a leader in supplying complex hardware and software solutions for quality control in diagnostic imaging. Pro-Project was established in 1991.

We are specializing in Quality Assurance and Quality Control of medical imaging and radiotherapy devices. Long years of experience in this field have made it possible for us to develop and Begin production of a wide range of quality assurance devices (phantoms) along with supporting applications. Our products comply with international standards and CE certification (among others ISO 9001:2008, ISO

13485:2003, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 management systems). We offer complex hardware and software solutions for quality control in dentistry, radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. Thanks to the Pro-Control program, the entire quality assurances is not only automated, but also integrated on one software platform - the whole QA in one place. If you have not found what you are looking for, please contact us. We can modify and customize our existing solutions or develop and manufacture tailored products to meet your needs and specifications. We do not impose our solutions on you, but listen to you and adapt to your specific needs. Thanks to this pro-active and user-driven approach, our products are getting more and more popular and recognized worldwide - our growing representative network is now covering over 74 countries all over the world.

Arab Health 2020Pro-Project a long with RTI at AH.

Arab Health 2020

Pro-Project a long with RTI at AH.

Polish Economic Exhibition (PWG) 2020We are proud and honoured to be able to participate in the enterprise exhibition at...

Polish Economic Exhibition (PWG) 2020
We are proud and honoured to be able to participate in the enterprise exhibition at the PWG initiative.

The more it is an honour for us, because only the best companies could present their products during the exhibition in Stalowa Wola.

The event was graced by the presence of President Andrzej Duda.

The following photos come from the official photo service of the Chancellery of the President of Poland.
The author: Krzysztof Sitkowski/KPRP

Polska Wystawa Gospodarcza Stalowa Wola 2020Jesteśmy dumni i wyróżnieni mogąc uczestniczyć w wystawie przedsiębiorstw w ...

Polska Wystawa Gospodarcza
Stalowa Wola 2020

Jesteśmy dumni i wyróżnieni mogąc uczestniczyć w wystawie przedsiębiorstw w inicjatywie PWG.

Tym bardziej jest to dla nas zaszczytem, gdyż tylko najlepsze firmy mogły zaprezentować swoje produkty podczas wystawy w Stalowej Woli.

Wydarzenie uświetnił swoją obecnością Pan Prezydent Andrzej Duda.

Poniższe zdjęcia pochodzą z oficjalnego serwisu fotograficznego Kancelarii Prezydenta RP.
Autorem zdjęć jest Krzysztof Sitkowski/KPRP

Happy new year 2020!On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead. May you reach your destination and may you...

Happy new year 2020!

On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead. May you reach your destination and may your journey be wonderful. Happy New Year.

Second International Distributor Meeting On 27-30 May 2019, Pro-Project organized the Second International Distributor M...

Second International Distributor Meeting

On 27-30 May 2019, Pro-Project organized the Second International Distributor Meeting in Warsaw. Our partners from all over the world couldn't miss this unique event. After first meeting guests liked form of it and polish hospitality.
Thanks to the relationship with our partners, we have shared our views on a common business strategy to present new products, new solutions and new valuable offers for our regular customers. Joint activities have allowed us to expand our offer with new assortments needed on the market.
The main points of the program included a business meeting, a training session with an expert from the Harvard Business School, Pro-Project management and IT teams and well-known polish specialists in quality control. There was also time used to expand knowledge about Poland and it's capital.
Please watch short video material that we prepared, to commemorate this second DM meeting.

On 27-30 May 2019, Pro-Project organized the Second International Distributor Meeting in Warsaw. Our partners from all over the world couldn't miss this unique event. After first meeting guests liked form of it and polish hospitality.

Drugie Międzynarodowe Spotkanie DystrybutorówW dniach 27 – 30 maja 2019 Pro-Project zorganizował w Warszawie już Drugie ...

Drugie Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Dystrybutorów

W dniach 27 – 30 maja 2019 Pro-Project zorganizował w Warszawie już Drugie Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Dystrybutorów. Na wyjątkowym wydarzeniu nie zabrakło naszych partnerów z całego świata. Już po pierwszym spotkaniu spodobała się nie tylko forma spotkania, lecz także Polska gościnność.
Dzięki utrzymanej relacji z naszymi Partnerami, podzieliliśmy się swoimi poglądami na wspólną strategię biznesową, aby na nowo przedstawić nowe produkty, nowe rozwiązania, nowe wartościowe oferty dla naszych stałych klientów. Wspólne działania pozwoliły nam na poszerzenie naszej oferty o nowe asortymenty potrzebne na rynku.
Do głównych punktów programu należało spotkanie biznesowe sesja szkoleniowa z ekspertem Szkoły Biznesu w Harvardzie, zespołami Pro-Project ds. zarządzania i IT, jak również znanymi polskimi specjalistami ds. kontroli jakości. Dla całego zespołu był także czas wolny, wykorzystany na poszerzeniu wiedzy o Polsce i stolicy.
Proszę obejrzeć krótki materiał video, jaki przygotowaliśmy w celu upamiętnienia tego drugiego spotkania DM.

W dniach 27 – 30 maja 2019 Pro-Project zorganizował w Warszawie już Drugie Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Dystrybutorów.

Leader of Innovations 2019„Leader of Innovations” is a contest of the best and the most innovational companies from lube...

Leader of Innovations 2019

„Leader of Innovations” is a contest of the best and the most innovational companies from lubelskie voivodeship. Participants benefited from funding of Regional Operational Programme of Lubelskie Voivodeship 2014-2020. Contestants in a special way contributed to development of the whole region through their innovative activities and products.
We’re happy to announce that in the category MEDICINE AND HEALTH the winner is Pro-Project.

LIDER INNOWACJI 2019Konkurs „Lider Innowacji” to przegląd najlepszych i najbardziej innowacyjnych firm województwa lubel...


Konkurs „Lider Innowacji” to przegląd najlepszych i najbardziej innowacyjnych firm województwa lubelskiego, które korzystają z dofinansowania w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Lubelskiego 2014-2020 i które w sposób szczególny przyczyniły się do rozwoju regionu poprzez swoją innowacyjną działalność.
Spośród setek projektów, w tegorocznej edycji, w kategorii MEDYCYNA i ZDROWIE laureatem została Firma PRO-PROJECT.

  2019Dear friends,I would like to invite you for our both no A21 in hall 16.See you in Dusseldorf.


Dear friends,

I would like to invite you for our both no A21 in hall 16.

See you in Dusseldorf.

JFR 2019, ParisMedical Imaging International Congress We are pleased that we received invitation from Seemed for the big...

JFR 2019, Paris
Medical Imaging International Congress

We are pleased that we received invitation from Seemed for the biggest radiological Congress in France.

  Singapore & VietnamDear friends,We continue our business mission in Asia, you can find us at MediPharm Expo, both no A...

Singapore & Vietnam

Dear friends,

We continue our business mission in Asia, you can find us at MediPharm Expo, both no A187.

See you :)

  Singapore & VietnamDear friends,We are starting our tournee with the Conference in Suntec Conference Center, Singapore...

Singapore & Vietnam

Dear friends,

We are starting our tournee with the Conference in Suntec Conference Center, Singapore.
Next stop at MediPharm Expo in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

Ser you :)

Polish Week of Business and Innovation in NevadaThank you for Lublin voivodeship for inviting us and the opportunity to ...

Polish Week of Business and Innovation in Nevada

Thank you for Lublin voivodeship for inviting us and the opportunity to take part in the project. We were awarded as winners in the competition: NLab: Nevada-Lublin Acceleration Bridge.

Polski Tygdzień Biznesu i Innowacji w NevadzieDziękujemy serdecznie za zaproszenie Województwa Lubelskiego i możliwośc w...

Polski Tygdzień Biznesu i Innowacji w Nevadzie

Dziękujemy serdecznie za zaproszenie Województwa Lubelskiego i możliwośc wziecia udziału w przedsiewzieciu. Zostalismy wyróznieni jako zwyciezcy w konkursie: NLab: Nevada-Lubelskie Acceleration Bridge.

VII EUROASIAN RADIOLOGICAL FORUM, Nur-Sultan, KazachstanDear friends,We were honoured to take part in radiological congr...


Dear friends,

We were honoured to take part in radiological congres in Kazachstan and introduce our ultimate solutions in QA, especialy The software.

Arab Health 2019Dear friends,We are at the half way of AH.If you want to meet us, we are at World Trade Arena hall, boot...

Arab Health 2019

Dear friends,

We are at the half way of AH.
If you want to meet us, we are at World Trade Arena hall, booth C01.

See you!


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