Apartment Sunny South - flat, rent, hire, Gdansk Poland

Apartment Sunny South - flat, rent, hire, Gdansk Poland I would like to offer you a hire/rent of two-room flats, totally renovated in 2010, comfortable, equipped, warm, cosy and quiet in Gdańsk Przymorze. WELCOME

The offered flats are self-reliant, independent apartments, located in a great transport zone in Przymorze, between the districts: Wrzeszcz, Zaspa, Oliwa, Jelitkowo, Żabianka as well as Sopot and the beach of the Baltic Sea Gulf. In the neighborhood we can find SKM (fast passenger train), ZTM (bus stops, tram stops), Alfa Centre (Shopping Mall) and Przymorze Mall, numerous shops, restaurants and c

inemas etc. Locations of those flats are aimed at the people who want to stay for all-year-round holiday but also a stay connected with work or studying – short and great connections. Transport links include: AWFiS (University of Physical Education), UG (Gdansk University), MTG (The Gdańsk International Fair Co), Oliwa ZOO, Cathedral of Oliwa, Ergo Arena Stadium, PGE Arena Stadium, Gdańsk, Westerplatte, Sopot, Gdynia and other places worth seeing. Sample distances:
• Gdynia Centre - 16 km (25 min by car)
• Sopot Pier - 5.5 km (10 min by car, 40 minutes by foot)
• Sopot / Gdańsk sports entertainment hall Ergo Arena - 3 km (4 min by car / tram, 15 min walk)
• Gdańsk Old Town - 8 km (15 min by car / tram)
• Gdańsk beach and pier in Jelitkowo - 1.5 km (15 min walk)
• Gdańsk Oliwa Cathedral - 3 km (5 min by car, 20 minutes by foot)
• Gdańsk Zoo - 5 km (10 min by car)
• Gdańsk airport them. Lech Walesa - 11 km (17 min by car)
• Gdańsk PGE Arena football stadium - 5 km (10 minutes by car, 20 minutes by foot)
• Gdańsk train station / SKM Oliwa - 2 km (4 min by car, 8 minutes by bus, 15 min walk)

!!! Important for allergy sufferers: water-supply is equipped with water filters for both boiling and bathing.

!!! Important for parents: we have also a baby cot, baby bathing tub and a baby chair for feeding - FREE. Location of the apartments:
1.„Słoneczny Południe” Obrońców Wybrzeża 4A Str., district: Gdańsk Przymorze, a 2-rooms flat 30 m2, Elevator, 4 floor, North-South direction, max 7 persons (3 double beds and 1 single bed)
2. „Słoneczny Przymorze” Obrońców Wybrzeża 6C Str., Gdańsk Przymorze, a 2-rooms flat 30 m2, Elevator, 3 floor, North-South direction, max 6 persons (2 double beds, 2 single beds)

Parking - is located directly in front of the block, or parking at a distance of about 2-4 min walk from the apartments - st. Kołobrzeska 53 Gdańsk Tel.+48 (58)

1.Rooms: comfortable beds and bed linen, LCD 37” TV-set, Cable TV, CD/Radio, wireless free INTERNET connection, table, chairs, wardrobes, chests of drawers, lamps and other equipment.
2.Kitchen part: electric stove, microwave, electric kettle, refrigerator, table-service for 6 persons, table-set, knives, cutlery, glasses, dishes, pots and pans.
3.Bathroom: shower unit, toilet, washbasin, washing machine, towels, hair-dryer, etc.
4.Other equipment: ironing board, iron, vacuum cleaner, plants, flashlight, first-aid kit, board games, tissues, candles, guidebook, maps, tourist information and also cleaning equipment. Reservation
To make a booking, please confirm availability before the deadline by calling (+48) 501-148-202, (+48) 58 738-03-17 or write us at e-mail: [email protected]

The price depends on the number of people and length of stay, details are provided below or on our website www.gdansk-kwatera.pl/cennik-wynajmu-mieszkania-w-gdansku.html

Low season in PLN (Polish currency)
Price for person.............1 night. 2 nights. 3-7 nights. 8 and above.
1 person... 150...... 130.......... 110....... 100.
2 persons... 85........ 70............ 65......... 60.
3 persons... 70........ 55............ 50......... 47.
4 persons... 70........ 50............ 45......... 42.
5 persons... 70........ 45............ 42......... 39.
6 persons... 70........ 43............ 39......... 37.
7 persons... 70........ 40............ 37......... 35. High season 26.04-04.05, 14.06-14.09, 28.12-04.01 in PLN (Polish currency)
Price for person.............1 night. 2 nights. 3-7 nights. 8 and above.
1 person... 180....... 160.......... 140...... 130.
2 persons.. 105......... 90........... 85........ 75.
3 persons.... 80......... 65........... 60........ 57.
4 persons.... 80......... 60........... 55........ 52.
5 persons.... 80......... 55........... 52........ 49.
6 persons.... 80......... 53........... 49.........47.
7 persons.... 80......... 50........... 47........ 45. Price for one night, without extra costs. The prices presented above are not subject to law and may be changed

• Free INTERNET connection WiFi
• Children under 4 – cost 50%
• Children under 7 – cost 70%
• For stays of min. 21 days in summer, pass on a guarded parking - FREE
• Important for parents: we have also a baby cot, baby bathing tub and a baby chair for feeding
• For stays of min. 15 days in the summer, Free parking pass for reserved parking
• Prices include all taxes
• Additional person, more than 6 persons, cost per night of 25 PLN/night (Polish currency)
• 15 nights an more: possible free charge of bed linen, towels and free cleaning – to be agreed
• Attention! All bookings in advance
• Bookings prioritized according to the date of deposit made to the indicated account number. The deposit equals 20% up to 30 %, not less than the cost of one night
• Night an arrival day 5 pm, 3 pm an departure day, possible to negotiate and adjust individually
• It is possible to change the arrival and departure date after earlier agreement
• In case of resignation the deposit is not returned
• Early departure does not entitle you to get the money back for the unused nights of stay
• From the train station Gdańsk Oliwa reception and transfer to your apartment - FREE

Wojciech Jenczyk
Site owner MieszkanieNaSpanie
Mob.: +48 501-148-202
Ph.: +48 (58) 738-03-17
Skype: mieszkanienaspanie
GG: 31328376
e-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.mieszkanienaspanie.pl
Join Us on Facebook: MieszkanieNaSpanie

Attractive apartment in Gdansk, available all year round!

Hi, it is last free term in July 12-18.07 apartment Słoneczny Blask www.mieszkanienaspanie.pl Best Regards Joanna & Wojc...

Hi, it is last free term in July 12-18.07 apartment Słoneczny Blask www.mieszkanienaspanie.pl Best Regards Joanna & Wojciech


Obrońców Wybrzeza 4A




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