The Palestinian struggle started in 1948, not in 2023. Let us not forget this, especially today. Also, In the US, we are all complicit in genocide of Palestinians through our taxes that go towards military aid to IsraHell. On September 26, the Congress passed a bill to gift this entity 8 billion dollars.
Also, an article by Michael Woolf in The Christian Citizen: https://christiancitizen.us/revenge-is-killing-us/ "In today’s world, revenge is killing us. It is killing some much more quickly than others. It kills us, thousands of miles away from a conflict spiritually, making us unwilling collaborators in a genocidal scheme that robs children of their parents, their lives, and a future."
In today’s world, revenge is killing us. It is killing some much more quickly than others. It kills us, thousands of miles away from a conflict spiritually, making us unwilling collaborators in a genocidal scheme that robs children of their parents, their lives, and a future.