Aqua Art Firma Aqua Art powstała na fundamencie ponad dwudziestopięcioletniego doświadczenia i wiedzy zał

W ten sposób znalazł się on w ścisłej czołówce światowej osób zajmujących się aquascapeingiem - sztuką tworzenia podwodnych krajobrazów. Firma Aqua Art prowadzi działalność w dwóch głównych kierunkach:

produkcji i dystrybucji produktów dla szeroko rozumianej akwarystyki roślinnej, holenderskiej i naturalistycznej
usług w zakresie projektowania, budowy i serwisowania podwodnych ogrodów w biurach,

domach, restauracjach itp.; zapewniamy kompleksową obsługę, doradztwo, projektowanie, wykonywanie i serwis akwariów; szczegóły w dziale Usługi

Aqua Art Company was established on a foundation of over twenty-five year experience and knowledge of the founder and owner, Bartholomew Lipczyńskiego. His work has gained recognition, as evidenced by awards at international competitions. In this way, he found himself at the forefront of the world of dealing with aquascapeingiem - the art of creating underwater landscapes. Aqua Art Company operates in two main directions:

production and distribution of products for the wider aquarium plant, Dutch and naturalistic
services for the design, construction and maintenance of underwater gardens in offices, homes, restaurants, etc., we provide comprehensive services, consulting, design, construction and maintenance of aquariums

"Blooming Vivo Verde Plants! Woow! You absolutely need to have them!"                     #

"Blooming Vivo Verde Plants! Woow! You absolutely need to have them!"



W niedzielę 12 stycznia 2025 o godzinie 18:00 odbyły się w Trzmielu pilotażowe warsztaty z zakładania mikroterrariów w oparciu o produkty i rośliny z oferty firmy Aqua Art. Wzięło w nich udział około 20 osób – 7 rodzin z dziećmi. Całość poprowadził Michał w asyście Magdy, Marek ...

Drosera prolifera – beauty and predation captured in delicate drops of dew. 🌿💧

Drosera prolifera – beauty and predation captured in delicate drops of dew. 🌿💧

Give your loved ones a piece of nature! 🌿 The new VivoVerde MicroTerrarium product line includes everything you need to ...

Give your loved ones a piece of nature! 🌿 The new VivoVerde MicroTerrarium product line includes everything you need to create your own micro garden:

MicroTerrarium – an elegant and functional base for growing plants,

Specialized Substrate – perfectly suited to carnivorous plant needs,

Unique Plants – carefully selected carnivorous plant species,

Tropical Rain – a hydration spray that supports plant growth and health.

Stylish, practical, and full of nature – create your own green oasis at home or in the office!


NOVELTY! 🌱 VivoVerde Substrate - perfect for lovers of insectivorous plants 🪰🌿. Created with the specific needs of these...

NOVELTY! 🌱 VivoVerde Substrate - perfect for lovers of insectivorous plants 🪰🌿. Created with the specific needs of these unique plants in mind, it provides them with ideal conditions for growth and health!

✨ Why is it worth it?
✔ Created especially for insectivorous plants.
✔ Excellent quality and natural composition.

📦 Available now - you will find them at our best distributors! 🌸

🌸 Pinguicula 'Florian' - a jewel in the world of plants 🌸 Pinguicula "Florian" delights with rosette applications with a...

🌸 Pinguicula 'Florian' - a jewel in the world of plants 🌸

Pinguicula "Florian" delights with rosette applications with a unique texture that attract the attention of every lover of exotic flora. Ten available treasure troves for collectors.

📷 The photo comes from the colors and brilliance that bloom in specific clinical conditions. Perfect plant for MicroTerrarium

🔎 Why is it worth having it?

Unique look, little gems ✨

Easy to grow and perfect for a basic plant

A perfect decoration for any home

🌿 Care tips:

🌞 Lots of diffused light for bar behavior

💧 moderate effect of the substrate

Enjoy the beautiful Pinguicula 'Florian' and add the exotic expansion to your collection! 🌟

What do you think about this botanical glue? Share your opinion in the comments! ⬇️

Have you dreamed of a decoration that not only attracts attention, but is also a living work of art? Create your own tro...

Have you dreamed of a decoration that not only attracts attention, but is also a living work of art?

Create your own tropical world with family VivoVerde.

Perfectly selected insectivorous plants, specialized substrate and accessories will allow you to create an extraordinary MicroTerrarium. Now it's simple, easy and fun!

🔸 Why will you love these little gardens?

✅ Exotic and elegant - perfect for the office, living room or bedroom.
✅ Creative satisfaction - with Vivo Verde products you will create something that will delight everyone.
✅ Easy to care for - perfect even for beginner plant lovers. ✅ Natural harmony - introduce a green accent that calms and inspires.

📸 Tag us when your terrarium becomes a part of your interior: .pl

plants # interior design decoration # colorful

Szukacie prezentu na święta? 🎁🎄

Szukacie prezentu na święta? 🎁🎄

Dzisiaj przy okazji wizyty w Aqua Art hodowcy roślin akwariowych trafiła mi się u nich w oczy nowość dlatego postanowiłem się podzielić z wami co to takiego ...

"The beauty of details 🌿✨Macro photography reveals the magical world of nature, hidden from the naked eye. These tiny dr...

"The beauty of details 🌿✨

Macro photography reveals the magical world of nature, hidden from the naked eye. These tiny droplets adorn the leaves like jewels – who said plants can’t be artists? 💎

📸 #

🌿✨ Step into a world of nature's magic! ✨🌿These VivoVerde Micro Terrariums are living art, blending lush greenery and ex...

🌿✨ Step into a world of nature's magic! ✨🌿
These VivoVerde Micro Terrariums are living art, blending lush greenery and exotic plants into a mesmerizing display. Perfect for nature lovers or anyone craving a mini tropical paradise at home. 🌸🌵

🌈 Whether you're a plant parent, a decor enthusiast, or just in need of some zen vibes, these terrariums are the ultimate gift for yourself or someone special. 🎁💚

💡 Tag your plant-loving friends who'd adore this little piece of paradise! 🌍💫

🌿 The Magic of Carnivorous Plants 🌿Dive into the captivating world of carnivorous plants, where nature meets predation! ...

🌿 The Magic of Carnivorous Plants 🌿

Dive into the captivating world of carnivorous plants, where nature meets predation! 🌱✨ This lush arrangement is a true delight for exotic plant lovers—from stunning pitcher plants to fascinating sundews! 😍

🔍 Did you know these plants have evolved unique survival strategies, turning into real hunters? 🕷️ Instead of waiting for a miracle, they catch their own food!

🌏 Nature never ceases to amaze us! Do you already have a carnivorous companion at home? Let us know in the comments! 🌱

Meet  stunning Pinguicula on a rock! 🌿💚 These carnivorous plants are true wonders of nature, with their delicate leaves ...

Meet stunning Pinguicula on a rock! 🌿💚 These carnivorous plants are true wonders of nature, with their delicate leaves beautifully contrasting against the moss and rocky substrate. They attract not only insects but also the attention of anyone who sees them. Do any of you grow these fascinating plants too? 😍


Punguicula from our offer. Did You already try it? You can see it in   shop in Wroclaw

Punguicula from our offer. Did You already try it? You can see it in shop in Wroclaw

Check out our new chapter in Aqua Art. Future is now! For b2b please check our panel                     ...

Check out our new chapter in Aqua Art. Future is now! For b2b please check our panel

Future is now. Lets meet at Interzoo next week

Future is now. Lets meet at Interzoo next week


Przyrzecze 18

Godziny Otwarcia

Poniedziałek 09:00 - 17:00
Wtorek 09:00 - 17:00
Środa 09:00 - 17:00
Czwartek 09:00 - 17:00
Piątek 09:00 - 17:00



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Our Story

Firma Aqua Art powstała na fundamencie ponad dwudziestopięcioletniego doświadczenia i wiedzy założyciela oraz właściciela, Bartłomieja Lipczyńskiego. Jego prace zyskały uznanie, czego dowodem są nagrody na konkursach międzynarodowych.

W ten sposób znalazł się on w ścisłej czołówce światowej osób zajmujących się aquascapeingiem - sztuką tworzenia podwodnych krajobrazów. Firma Aqua Art prowadzi działalność w dwóch głównych kierunkach: produkcji i dystrybucji produktów dla szeroko rozumianej akwarystyki roślinnej, holenderskiej i naturalistycznej usług w zakresie projektowania, budowy i serwisowania podwodnych ogrodów w biurach, domach, restauracjach itp.; zapewniamy kompleksową obsługę, doradztwo, projektowanie, wykonywanie i serwis akwariów; szczegóły w dziale Usługi Aqua Art Company was established on a foundation of over twenty-five year experience and knowledge of the founder and owner, Bartholomew Lipczyńskiego. His work has gained recognition, as evidenced by awards at international competitions. In this way, he found himself at the forefront of the world of dealing with aquascapeingiem - the art of creating underwater landscapes. Aqua Art Company operates in two main directions: production and distribution of products for the wider aquarium plant, Dutch and naturalistic services for the design, construction and maintenance of underwater gardens in offices, homes, restaurants, etc., we provide comprehensive services, consulting, design, construction and maintenance of aquariums