Discover Cracow

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The second most frequently serviced travel agency in Poland on Tripadvisor

The second most frequently serviced travel agency in Poland on Tripadvisor

Coming to Cracow next week? Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum when visiting is a must-see!Last spots available for 19th JulyUse ...

Coming to Cracow next week?
Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum when visiting is a must-see!
Last spots available for 19th July
Use code: DISCOVER10 for extra -10%!
Click the link below!

Serene moment by the Vistula River in Krakow! 🌊✨ The perfect blend of history and natural beauty makes this city truly m...

Serene moment by the Vistula River in Krakow! 🌊✨ The perfect blend of history and natural beauty makes this city truly magical.

Ostatni tydzień wiosny z najdłuższymi dniami i najkrótszymi nocami. Do tego słońce i temperatury, które zbliżą się do letnich. Takie będą najbliższe dni.
Miłego poniedziałku!

Coming to Cracow next week? Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum when visiting is a must-see!Last spots available for 2nd and 3rd o...

Coming to Cracow next week?
Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum when visiting is a must-see!
Last spots available for 2nd and 3rd of June
Use code: DISCOVER10 for extra -10%!

Red sunset over Krakow. Warmer days are coming, summer promises to be very interesting and exciting :)

Red sunset over Krakow. Warmer days are coming, summer promises to be very interesting and exciting :)

Last seats! We have LAST 7 seats for tomorrow Auschwitz Tour!Pick-up 14.05.2024 at 6:30, check out comment for link to b...

Last seats!
We have LAST 7 seats for tomorrow Auschwitz Tour!
Pick-up 14.05.2024 at 6:30, check out comment for link to buy a Tour 🙂

Storks on Krakow's Błonia 😍

Storks on Krakow's Błonia 😍

Kraków 😉
Fot. Anna Kaczmarz

Lovely 😍

Lovely 😍



11 grudnia 2015 roku 🗓️ naszą Kopalnię odwiedził jeden z najlepiej rozpoznawalnych i charakterystycznych aktorów Hollywood🎬 Jim Carrey🌟. Wybrał Trasę Turystyczną i, jak sam przyznał, bawił się świetnie😍. Swoje zauroczenie wyraził również wpisem do księgi pamiątkowej📖: „Wizyta w waszej pięknej kopalni pozostawia mnie bez tchu. Kocham was całkowicie. Zawsze”. Po zwiedzaniu wybrał się na zakupy do naszego sklepu z pamiątkami, gdzie kupił między innymi... okazałą solną lampę. Kto wie, może stoi teraz u niego na półce i dyskretnie oświetla dwie statuetki Złotych Globów, które zdobył swoimi świetnymi kreacjami aktorskimi.

Jedna z pierwszych i najbardziej popularnych atrakcji na liście UNESCO. Odkryj tajemnice Kopalni Soli "Wieliczka"!
Kup bilety ONLINE

Wow 🥰

Wow 🥰

📍Kraków, Poland 🇵🇱

📸: sierpowsky_ [IG]

Yesterday's storm over Krakow 😱🫣Check out comments for some info 👇👀

Yesterday's storm over Krakow 😱🫣

Check out comments for some info 👇👀

Krak's MoundLocated above the quarry from Schindler's List and close to the Schindler Museum itself. And what's inside? ...

Krak's Mound
Located above the quarry from Schindler's List and close to the Schindler Museum itself. And what's inside? 🤔

Poles 🇵🇱 asked themselves the same question before World War II! It was known that the mound was created in the 15th century, there were legends about it, but there was no official information about what was inside. The mound was dismantled and over 80% of the dirt inside was removed for research purposes. People hoped for a discovery like Troy… 🐴

Unfortunately, there was no tomb of the legendary king inside, no sleeping army or great riches...
Only a few small items were found, including a Czech coin from the end of the 10th century and elements of a belt. 🪙
Lower picture is from 30s and a drawing from XIX century with imagination of mound.

Maybe nothing was found in the mound, but it is certainly one of the most interesting places in Krakow with a beautiful panorama and legends that stimulate the imagination… 🤩

Kraków PL

Beautiful weather for the next few days! Here is Wawel Castle from above :)

Beautiful weather for the next few days! Here is Wawel Castle from above :)

Tickets for BUS to Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz are back!Due to high interest we have opened another ticket ava...

Tickets for BUS to Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz are back!
Due to high interest we have opened another ticket availability, you can already plan your trip for the next months, check the comment to find the link :)

Big city life...Rongo Grzegórzeckie in Kraków PL 🥰

Big city life...
Rongo Grzegórzeckie in Kraków PL 🥰

Who knows where is this place? 🤔I think this I think these white crystals near the chandeliers may be a clue… 🤗

Who knows where is this place? 🤔
I think this I think these white crystals near the chandeliers may be a clue… 🤗



Kopiec Kościuszki
Fot. Paweł Krzan /


Rogozińskiego 6

Godziny Otwarcia

Poniedziałek 06:00 - 19:00
Wtorek 06:00 - 19:00
Środa 06:00 - 19:00
Czwartek 06:00 - 19:00
Piątek 06:00 - 19:00
Sobota 06:00 - 19:00
Niedziela 06:00 - 19:00



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