Gasthouse This is a forum for the rapidly growing infamous Gasthouse in Oldtown, Poland. Gasthouse is OldTown's biggest & bestest tavern, no scorpions since 2116.

It's official: No OldTown this year 😶🫥😑

It's official: No OldTown this year 😶🫥😑

Drodzy Oldtownowicze, w 2023 roku OldTown niestety nie odbędzie się. Nie udało nam się znaleźć areny dla festiwalu. Duża impreza to duże wyzwanie, wymaga nie tylko wielu przygotowań, ale także umiejętnej koordynacji i sprawnego zarządzania. Nad tym musimy popracować, aby przygotować OldTown, który będzie nie tylko odpowiadał na Wasze potrzeby, ale także dostarczał przyjemności i motywacji do pracy organizatorom i wolontariuszom. W najbliższym czasie chętnie spotkamy się z Wami na żywo na Discordzie i opowiemy, co poszło nie tak, dlaczego tak wyszło i jakie kroki zamierzamy podjąć, aby w przyszłości każdy, kto ofiarowuje swój czas i wysiłek dla festiwalu, dostawał coś w zamian.

Dear Oldtowners, unfortunately OldTown will not take place in 2023. We were unable to find an arena for the festival. A big event is a big challenge, it requires not only a lot of preparation, but also skillful coordination and efficient management. We need to improve these aspects to prepare an OldTown which will not only meet your needs, but also be a source of joy and motivation for the organizers and volunteers. We will be happy to arrange a Discord meeting with you and tell you what went wrong, what were the causes and what are our plans so that in the future everyone who gives their time and effort to the festival will get something in return.



na górze róże
wszyscy zdziwieni
znowu w połowie lipca
najważniejszy konwent jesieni

To samo miejsce, podobny termin, ten sam harmonogram - larp od czwartku do soboty.

Wejściówki - będą zmiany. Będzie pierwsza i druga tura, warto nabyć wcześniej, bo taniej plus wraca limit uczestników. Więcej info wkrótce, ruszymy z rejestracją po nowym roku.



Tworząc OldTown, wspólnie kreujemy swoje wyobrażenie świata zniszczonego globalnym konfliktem atomowym. Nasze uniwersum to jednak czysta fikcja, nijak nie przystająca do realiów wojny. Rzeczywistość jest okrucieństwem jednego tyrana, tragedią i cierpieniem zwykłych ludzi, rozbitymi życiorysami, a dla wielu bolesną śmiercią.

Jako OTCrew jednogłośnie zdecydowaliśmy się wesprzeć w tej dramatycznej sytuacji Ukrainę, Ukrainki i Ukraińców. Dostępnych zrzutek i akcji, w które można się zaangażować, jest mnóstwo. Wybraliśmy spośród nich kilka, na które szczególnie chcemy zwrócić Waszą uwagę:

🔹 WPŁATY: MIĘDZYNARODOWO. Oficjalna zrzutka Narodowego Banku Ukrainy na rzecz Ukraińskich Sił Zbrojnych. Wpłat dokonuje się bezpośrednio na konto, bez pośredników. Płatność kartą z Google Pay pozwala wybrać pomiędzy euro, dolarem amerykańskim i hrywną, na stronie znajdziecie szczegółowe informacje jak dokonać przelewu bankowego również z innych kont walutowych:

🔹 WPŁATY: W POLSCE. Zbiórka Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH), skupiająca się na pomocy humanitarnej ludności cywilnej, osobom poszkodowanym i dzieciom. Wpłacać można bezpośrednio na stronie PAH:

🔹 POMOC LOGISTYCZNA/MIESZKANIOWA/TRANSPORTOWA. Pomoc dla Ukrainy🇺🇦 Допомога Україні: mieszkanie oraz inna pomoc obywatel - Ogólnopolska grupa, na której osoby chętne do osobistego zaangażowania mogą kontaktować się z konkretnymi osobami w potrzebie. Znajdziecie tu ogłoszenia osób, potrzebujących miejsca tymczasowego pobytu, pomocy w podróży, wsparcia materialnego. Należą do niej również organizatorzy różnych lokalnych zbiórek i dzielą się informacjami, co w danej chwili jest najbardziej potrzebne.

🔹 AUKCJE CHARYTATYWNE. Drużyna Wiewióry (Fandomowa Grupa Wsparcia) to grupa wsparcia związana z polskim fandomem, powstała w 2018 roku. Jest głównym miejscem, w którym nerdy wszelkiej maści wystawiają swoje dobra na cele charytatywne. W tej chwili trwają tam licytacje ponad 650 wyjątkowych przedmiotów, na łączną kwotę ponad 100 000zł! Gorąco zachęcamy Was, by dołączyć do Drużyny Wiewióry, wystawić coś od siebie i oczywiście uczestniczyć w aukcjach. Wszystko, co mniej lub bardziej wiąże się z postapo, możecie śmiało udostępniać na wszystkich naszych grupach: OldTown - dyskusje, OldTown International, a także na Post-apocalyptic Crafting.

Stowarzyszenie OldTown przekazuje na cele charytatywne OSTATNIĄ beczkę uwarzonego w 2019 roku przez Browar Stargard piwa rzemieślniczego OLDTOWN. Piwo powstało specjalnie z okazji naszego festiwalu, który był też inspiracją dla jego smaku. Lekka, 3,5% pszenica z domieszką trawy cytrynowej, okazała się prawdziwym hitem na środku spalonego słońcem pustkowia - i została wypita praktycznie do cna… oprócz tej jednej, ostatniej na świecie beczki!

🍺 Serdecznie zapraszamy do licytacji. Składanie ofert odbywa się wyłącznie w komentarzach pod postem w linku poniżej:

By creating OldTown, we gather together to imagine a world destroyed by a global nuclear conflict. Our universe, however, is pure fiction, and in no way reflects the reality of war. Its true nature is the cruelty of one tyrant, the tragedy and suffering of ordinary people, shattered existences, and for many - a painful death.

As OTCrew, we unanimously decided to support Ukraine and Ukrainians in this dramatic situation. There are tons of projects and actions anyone can get involved in. We have selected a few of them to which we especially want to draw your attention:

🔹 DONATIONS: INTERNATIONAL. The official fundraising of the National Bank of Ukraine for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Payments are made directly to the account, without intermediaries. Payment by card with Google Pay allows you to choose between euro, US dollar and hryvnia, and on the website you will find detailed information on how to make a bank transfer also from bank accounts of other currencies:

🔹 DONATIONS: POLISH. The Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH), focusing on humanitarian aid for civilians, victims and children. You can pay directly on the PAH:

🔹 LOGISTIC/HOUSING/TRANSPORT ASSISTANCE. Pomoc dla Ukrainy🇺🇦 Допомога Україні: mieszkanie oraz inna pomoc obywatel is a nationwide Polish group where people willing to get involved personally can contact specific people in need. If you want to help in a similiar way, please check if these kinds of groups exist locally in your vicinity. You can share them in the comments!

🔹 CHARITY AUCTIONS. Drużyna Wiewióry (Fandomowa Grupa Wsparcia) is a support group associated with the Polish fandom, established in 2018. It is the main place where nerds of all kinds put their goods on charity and has completed many successful fundraisings. It is predominantly a Polish group, but we invite you to take a look at all the goods that are auctioned there!

The OldTown Association donates the LAST barrel of OLDTOWN craft beer brewed in 2019 by Browar Stargard. The beer was created especially for our festival, which was also an inspiration for its taste. The light wheat beer with a 3.5% strength and a tang of lemongrass turned out to be a real hit in the middle of the sunburned wasteland - and was drunk practically to the bottom... except for the one and last barrel in the world!

🍺 We cordially invite you to place your bids, but please keep in mind that due to legal reasons we won’t be able to ship it abroad, so it will only be available for pickup in Poland. The bidding only takes place under the following post:

Last year ended with visitors far far away..Let the cold & dark party now, we'll be back at spring!-Tui tui 😘https://www...

Last year ended with visitors far far away..
Let the cold & dark party now, we'll be back at spring!
-Tui tui 😘

End of the season blues at Gasthouse Ranch 2121. #2121

As nights are getting longer, Gasthouse is getting ready for the upcoming winter. The tavern is getting colder, not so m...

As nights are getting longer, Gasthouse is getting ready for the upcoming winter. The tavern is getting colder, not so much of visitors or wasteland travellers anymore. -Except our old friends Gadfly & Dragonfly, who paid a visit few days back!

We changed stories from last years and had a good long feast. Our cooks smoked a salmon and grilled some chicken, sausages & vegan pie. The bar served red & white wine, slumpagne, four types of beer and -of course- some miracle making blackcurrant juice. It was a very pleasant evening altogether and ended this season quite nicely.

We're closing the tavern soon, but just you wait for the next spring.. Our cellars will be full of miracles for next season, witch we start as soon as possible.

Take care wastelander and see you soon!

Once acain, we have moved to a brand new secret location. We had a small testdrive last weekend with local friends; had ...

Once acain, we have moved to a brand new secret location. We had a small testdrive last weekend with local friends; had jolly-good time indeed!

Need more of this 💪

Miss this so much.. 🥰🤩🥳

Miss this so much.. 🥰🤩🥳

Wet T-shirt event 2118

Gasthouse's "Missin-OT Streetfood Sessions"Hot Rakki-Dog, Natural Scrambled Eggs & Little Piglet. All of this goes down ...

Gasthouse's "Missin-OT Streetfood Sessions"
Hot Rakki-Dog, Natural Scrambled Eggs & Little Piglet. All of this goes down with bewerages from OT2119, thanks to Alcochemists, Iron Pack & Bunny Squad!

With sadness in our hearts, we have to cancel our caravan to OldTown this year. The global situation has decreased our n...

With sadness in our hearts, we have to cancel our caravan to OldTown this year. The global situation has decreased our numbers a lot and there's no telling when free and safe travelling is possible again. So, finally we give up. Perkele.

We hope that even some of our crew & friends will make to OT next summer. In addition, we try to organize smaller events or partys if the restrictions allows. Stay tuned and stay safe.

BR Kukko & Gasthouse Stuff is how we plan stuff back at 2117. Years go by n s**t, but we dont care....

This is how we plan stuff back at 2117.

Years go by n s**t, but we dont care. Gasthouse will always prevail n s**t. -See You at the civilised side

Gasthouse personnel & friends meets to make some plans for the OldTown's next Season of Arrivals.



As the Organizers of OldTown, when working on our event our main goal is to ​​create a comfortable and safe space for your unbridled self-expression. Freedom and security are our top values ​​- we invite you to express this freedom via the stories you tell, the characters you play and the creativity you add to the post-apocalyptic world we share. Today, in accordance with these ideas, as private persons we’d like to express our support for opposing the attempt to take this freedom away from us.

Poland’s ruling party is gradually imposing their will on the private life of citizens, deforming the media, judiciary, education and other spheres of public life. As the result of the judgment proclaimed by the Constitutional Tribunal of 22 October, the already restrictive right to legal abortion in our country will no longer apply in cases of lethal fetal abnormalities. It was that one straw that broke the camel’s back, launching waves of protests on an unprecedented scale. Despite fears of the pandemic hundreds of public demonstrations have been organized in over a hundred of cities and towns of Poland, gathering around half a million of outraged citizens. Residents of other countries of the world also showed their support by protesting along with us and sharing the news on social media. While the media coverage of the topic is declining, the public’s resistance remains unshakeable and the protests are still firing up.

Human rights are not debatable - they are fundamental values ​​that we will always stand for. We hope you too stand with us.

OldTown Organizers:
Arc, Dżej Dżej, Dyna, Eza, Fatum, Gyshka, Horacy, Iryt, Jagutka, Kaja, Kanister, Kowal, Łasica, Mozart, Paulinka, Piwek, Prezes, Radi, Raven, Szambor, Szynszyl, Świrex, Tenko, Waupszas, Wilku


We might be going to some party soon.. See what happens

F**k todayAim for tomorrow

F**k today
Aim for tomorrow

It’s been a long while, hasn’t it?
Do you still remember the taste of beer at HOME, in the middle of the sunburnt Airfield?

Luckily, it’s just 259 days until OldTown comes alive again! Thanks to you, too.

And know what? This edition’s gonna be special.

A few months back we kicked off with the preparations. The engine’s now running and is slowly pushing on the accelerator, steadily increasing the RPM. We know the Factions are starting their preparations as well. The projects and documents are multiplying, the Discord organizational channels are filling up with people… All this to prepare everything by the end of June, for the biggest post-apocalyptic LARP in Europe! This year: from 6 to 11 July 2021.

We’ll be waiting there for you. With the beer. At HOME, just like every year.
Are you coming?


DJ Kehveli in da Gasthouse; May the first be with you!

Goodtimes witn the Lemmings 🥰

Goodtimes witn the Lemmings 🥰


FinAlley 1
Stargard Szczecinski


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Skontaktuj Się Z Firmę

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F**k Yeah!

Gasthouse is the first and bestest tavern at OldTown. Its located at FinnTown, back at the city where the tavern building serves as their base. Gasthouse is founded by Kukko, who traveled to OldTown at 2015 from the far north with some tribal asses. The tavern started to form at autumn and at winter 2016 Kukko hired the first recruits, the core of Gasthouse's Stuff. Now Gasthouse has some tens of employers and about half of them comes from the far north, rest all over the old continent. At Gasthouse You can enjoy our great wine, good company or maybe even rent a lounge for small groups or Your own private room with a great view! We have a great lab for magic stuff and a small shop for chemical and medical trading. Our business includes all sorts of civilized pleasures and evenings there might be various entertainment, such as dancers, singers and other great stuff.

The whole Gasthouse is a highly hygienic and clean, there's no bugs or scorpions around. We respect most of civil and well behaving wastelanders and their caps; we could even hire some new talents. -Less you wear, more we pay!

Do not hesitate my friend, but spent your time and caps at Gasthouse!