If you know anything about me, you know I’m an open book, but I’m also a very mental health wired person. I’ve always been very aware of my mental health struggles and always try to help my friends when they are going through rough patches! Mental Health is, for me, a pivotal thing that all of us need to take care of, whether it’s talking to a friend or getting a therapist! You’ll always see me ramble on about how much I love my very Parisian and very chic therapist that I found when living in the city. Indeed, a match made in heaven!
August has always been a very difficult month for me: it’s the going back to school, going back to routines, and going to start work after a vacation, and I’ve always felt a slight sadness when August creeps around. I am thrilled that it is quite literally over!
Some of you may not know that I completely reshaped my life last August. I was about to move to a new city, do something I did not feel any passion for, and hugely risk my health. Two days before taking the plane, I finally said NO. I finally decided enough is enough, and I NEED to start taking proper care of my mental and physical health. It was a huge step, and my obsessive mind was thinking about what colossal mistake I was making. However, my heart and my gut said otherwise!
Just to show you how odd life is and how it works its way around you, I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer and had to have minor surgery to get that removed before it got worse. I also had to fix my trusty right hip, which has failed me so many times, and recently had surgery to remove two huge chunks of bone that were blocking my movement. Ladies and gentlemen, if I had moved to a new city, I would have never known I had to fix these things.
So, what’s my takeaway from this long, rambling post: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Be truthful to yourself, know when to stop, follow that gut instinct, and always speak up about needing help. You never know what happens in life; sometimes, taking a step back is the right choice. So F**K August, I cannot wait for it to end, and LET’S TAKE CARE OF OUR MIND AND BODY ALWAYS!