Puerto Rican Boa~La Boa Puertorriqueña 🙌🏽🐍💚
Que regalo de la Pachamama Atabey traernos en contacto con este ser mágico que es nativo de la isla de Borikén, con el cual llevamos conviviendo pacíficamente desde los tiempos de los Táinos y antes… Una especié considerada aún en peligro de extinción, es una gran alegría verla recuperar su población tras nuestra deforestación de la isla para la economía y cultivo de caña a principios de siglo XX. La Boa es esencial para nuestro ecosistema y para nosotros porque controla la población de ratas, ratones y otros roedores. Es totalmente inofensiva para los humanos y nos tiene más miedo a nosotros que nosotros a ella y con mucha razón porque los seres humanos llevamos matando nuestras culebras por pura ignorancia y por lo que dicen los libros (la Biblia y otros textos religiosos) escritos mayormente por hombres europeos que no entendían nada de cómo funciona la naturaleza, el verdadero reflejo de Dios. Si ven una Boa Puertorriqueña bendícela, agradécele y déjala tranquila sin tratar de tocarla ni acercarte demasiado. La boa puertorriqueña es un tesoro de Puerto Rico. Protegerla es proteger nuestra isla 🇵🇷
#boapuertorriqueña #PuertoRicanBoa #snakelover #snake #culebra #welcometothejungle #puertorico #rainforest #blessed #atabey
Wild Turkey Tail Medicinal Mushrooms harvested in the Rainforests of Puerto Rico! Also known as ~Trametes VersiColor~ Turkey Tail grows on dead hardwood trees throughout the world. The Japanese call it “Kawaritake” (Cloud Mushroom) due to its resemblance to swirling clouds. In many Asian cultures, turkey tail symbolizes Longevity and health, Spiritual atunement and Infinity. It has been used for centuries by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), known as Tun Zhi in Chinese culture. One of the most researched of all functional mushrooms, Turkey Tail contains the bio active component Polysaccharides (PSP & PSK), which contain Prebiotic Fiber that promotes a healthy Gut microbiome, supporting the immunological barrier that helps the immune system protect against disease
Hongos medicinales de cola de pavo salvaje cosechados en las selvas tropicales de Puerto Rico! También conocida como ~Trametes VersiColor~, la cola de pavo crece en árboles de madera dura muerta en todo el mundo. Los japoneses lo llaman "Kawaritake" (hongo de la nube) debido a su parecido con las nubes arremolinadas. En muchas culturas asiáticas, la cola de pavo simboliza la longevidad y la salud, la sintonía espiritual y el infinito. Ha sido utilizado durante siglos por los practicantes de la Medicina Tradicional China (MTC), conocida como Tun Zhi en la cultura china. Uno de los hongos funcionales más investigados, la cola de pavo contiene el componente bioactivo polisacáridos (PSP y PSK), que contienen fibra prebiótica que promueve un microbioma intestinal saludable, apoyando la barrera inmunológica que ayuda al sistema inmunitario a protegerse contra las enfermedades.
#foraging #wildharvest #medicine #wildmushrooms #kawaritake
#turkeytail #puertorico #rainforest #offthebeatenpath #hongosmedicinales #Chinesemedicine #TCM #Guthealth #health #f**kcancer #blessed #trametesversicolor #biology #life #sacredfungi #fungi #decomposit
400 MILLION YEARS AGO, before Trees existed on Earth… Before dinosaurs roamed the planet, SHARKS patrolled the Ocean and ate the weak and sick fish to keep the the ocean healthy. Today in 2021, we kill thousands of sharks every minute around the world bringing them to the brink of possible extinction 400 Million years later… endangering not just the sharks, but our ocean’s health and in turn our Planet, and with it human health, as over 50% of Earth’s oxygen levels are produced in the ocean by oceanic plankton. I had the Blessing of being eyeball to eyeball under the sea with these prehistoric beings 🦈 who have quietly played their role in keeping our ocean and Planet Healthy since before trees & mankind existed. It was a pilgrimage to catch the Great White Shark in the wild as they were on their migration route from California to Hawaii, stopping by Isla Guadalupe in the Pacific to eat some Elephant Seals 🦭 to fuel their remaining journey… 🌊
for me it was 11 hours by plane ✈️ from Puerto Rico, 3 hours by bus 🚌 and over 20 hours at sea 🛳 … and Back!!! But the encounter transformed me, I was blessed eye to eye by the ocean’s apex predator and balancer. I knew right away I needed to do something about it, to somehow give back and become a voice for Shark conservation. I want future generations to have this opportunity of learning, swimming and diving with Sharks. It truly is one of earth’s most inspiring gifts
#SaveOurSharks #CancelSharkFinSoup #GreatWhiteShark #SharkConservation #SaveOurSeas #ApexPredatornotmonster #GuadalupeIsland #Migration #diving #sharkdive #Blessed #Savetheocean #helpsavesharks #sharklover
Nothing but infinite Gratitude for the Crew who made this Dream possible and shared the love of Great White Sharks~🤙🏽